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About ProfessorHugedix

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ProfessorHugedix

    Bought Arma specifically for this mod...

    I've seen the axe in the stump before too, you can't interact with them. All usable axes have a red axe blade and spawn on the floor
  2. ProfessorHugedix

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    Great concept, nice video. If I had been one of those slaves, I would be pissing myself laughing while simultaneously planning my escape to keep with the theme. Good work
  3. ProfessorHugedix

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    RMG Just fixed up my broken legs and left me with spare supplied to help my friends. These dudes are quick, efficient and total bros, many thanks to those dudes
  4. ProfessorHugedix

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any medics willing to trek to vybor to help me and a couple of my mates? All three of us broke our legs last night and we're all out of morphine. Add me on steam if you can help, ID: Professorhugedix
  5. ProfessorHugedix

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    A friend and I both broke our legs and we're currently holed up on top of the school in vybor. Is anyone available now/will anyone be available in 8-10 hours when I wake up to morphine us?
  6. Joined up with siggy and his mate today, they are total bros. They gave me an uzi after I just started out, I highly recommend getting in contact if you'd like to play with a small group and aren't a tosser