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About BrotherDoma

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    On the Coast
  1. BrotherDoma

    What do youy do if you see a player

    If they surprise me and havent shouted "friendly", I'll shoot them down in an instant. Been burned too many times by stumbling into someone, hesitating and just being shot. If you spot them from far away, avoid them. The only people you can trust are your friends, in my experience anyway ^^ Shouting "friendly" at them is more likely to alert them to your presence and encourage a flurry of bullets in your direction.
  2. From an economics student, well done! Totally agree with you that this model is appropriate and makes sense. Those people saying it does not apply are either retarded or do not understand the concept. Game theory relates to human behaviour REGARDLESS of what they are doing, it DOES apply to people playing computer games because, well, playing a computer game does not make you act any less human in regards to decision making. Risk and reward is not exclusive to real-world interactions. That being said, humans dont always act logically on this game. I utterly despise some DayZ bandits ^^ Not because of the ones who kill for gear, which I suppose makes sense, but the ones who kill when it is clearly not in their interests to do so. Yesterday I was playing with my friend and I heard him disclaim, "Oh my god, is that you or somone else?" I spun around to find a survivor standing next to my friend who shot me dead... Fair enough I get that he probably wanted my gear and beans. What I do not understand is why he walked up to my friend, looked at him, looked at me, then shot me. There is only ONE outcome to him approaching us and shooting one of us down. He gets killed by my friend the instant after shooting me. This means he dies, I die and my friend gets all his loot (he was loaded with supplies and a good weapon), and I can retrieve mine after I finally manage to slog my way back to where we were. Where is the logic? If he wanted to kill us both and take our stuff, he should have stayed away and picked us off with his rifle; he could see us easily from the tree line, we were in a clearing. But if he shot because he felt threatened by us, why did he not try to hail us or even approach us in the first place? Logic fail, he lost everything and all we lost was the 30 minutes it took me to get back. If anything, we won due to the stuff we got off him. WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Sorry, rant off. I dont understand why he did that ^^ It seems in some cases rational behaviour completely bypasses some people. As always there are exceptions to the rule.
  3. Troll alert Troll alert. You just proved you know little about them; one of them is rake thin, and so qualify to make no criticism as it would be based on ignorance.
  4. They may have said the developer is retarded or something, but it's clear they know little of the context behind the mod/game and I highly doubt they meant it maliciously. I doubt they've even heard of Rocket. Still a bit of a ill-tasted comment to make though.
  5. They arent playing it properly because, lets face it, the yogscast isnt about the game itself. It's about the improv comedy Simon and Lewis provide, a sandbox game like DayZ is perfect for them on top of the fact they were requested to play it. People butthurt about them not playing it properly, think about it. Would being killed repeatedly by randomers be an entertaining video? No, Simon and Lewis would be seperated repeatedly and the video would be pretty boring, as they are a duo who play together. So, they play privately, quite sensibly from their point of view. It isnt a "Lets Play" or a "WTF is?", it's the yogscast playing a game, however wrongly and entertaining their viewers. They are renowned for harmless cheating in games, it's all part of who they are. I am Dave! Yognaught, and I may or may not have the balls to play DayZ properly!
  6. Yes, because it's only a game. This means killing the sprite leads to no pain... because it doesnt exist. So, what would be the point of leaving it? Contrary to popular belief most vegetarians really arent that in-your-face about it enough to not kill digital animals on a computer game.