I think shooting first is very realistic. If you're even alive in a zombie filled world, with your families eaten alive, and your daughters/sons/babies trying to eat you alive... It means you've DECIDED and CHOSE to survive in a world mimicing HELL. - the fact you even decided to live at all, and the fact you are even surviving, means you've gone Insane, and are tough as nails. Those who would consider shooting 2nd, well, they'd have been extinct long ago, and probably commited suicide or been killed. I am not a bandit, and I always try to make peace & friends, but if we're talking REALISM, [which it's a game, btw]. then I fully believe realistically that people with guns, who exist, who HAVE survived, WHO DECIDED they would want to live in this world, than kill themselves, or take the easy way out, or let their wives eat them alive... WOULD shoot first.