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About Darkane

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  1. Darkane

    Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

    If I'm not mistaken, I think the draw distance is always defaulted to 1600m so that people don't have an advantage over others. I believe every server must run it like this. Maybe you could lower it for yourself if you don't mind not being able to see as far as others, but I haven't tried that. I'm not 100% sure but I think this is how it works with Day Z.
  2. Darkane

    Flies but no dead bodies?

    I killed two guys from like 400 meters and then a third from like 30m while I was trying to loot the others. The 30m corpse wasn't there by the time I ran up to it and I only heard flies. Went to check on the other two and they were gone also. The ones from far away I wasn't too confused about, just assumed I took too long to get to them and they were cleaned up. But the guy at 30 meters which took me like 5 seconds after killing him to get to his corpse is a bit odd. Maybe some bugs with the clean up scripts.
  3. Darkane


    Has anyone else tried this out? Still debating whether it's worth giving a shot, in case it fucks up my settings.
  4. Darkane

    From an Eve-Online Player...

    You're also comparing a game that's been released for 9 years now and has a full development team behind it versus a mod in it's alpha stage. Not really worth the argument.
  5. Darkane

    From an Eve-Online Player...

    I was gonna reply to you Solace, but I decided to bite my tongue. This isn't the thread for an EVE vs Day Z argument. You can't really compare the two other than their sandbox elements anyways.
  6. Darkane

    From an Eve-Online Player...

    Don't you have insurance for your ship and shit in Eve?
  7. It should, you shouldn't have the ability to flip flop around. If you killed someone before this at least lets people know that you might kill them even if you just say you want to team up. Your actions have consequences and it should stay that way. This is coming from someone who plays the game for PvP mostly, so I probably have low humanity but, I'll team up if it benefits me somehow though. If having low humanity gets me in trouble later, oh well, I made the decision and I'm paying for it then.
  8. Darkane

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    It's not a hard decision. Let me quote rocket from the other thread: "Because your character reflects YOU. This isn't fucking WoW"
  9. Darkane

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Nice! I doubt you had a look at tents this patch, since it's not in the change log, but it can't hurt to ask?
  10. Darkane

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Please tell me that the repairable vehicle fix is in here and you just forgot to put it in the patch notes. :(
  11. Darkane

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Yeah I saw that, guess I'm just looking for a confirmation in the change log. Been waiting a while, camping a vehicle and getting it ready for the patch so that I can repair it. Just really hoping they're fixed this patch. =/
  12. Darkane

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Rocket, I remember you said you fixed vehicles not being able to be repaired. I didn't happen to see it in any of the change log notes though. I know they're not a full list yet, but I just want to make sure vehicles are fixed.
  13. Darkane

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Rocket's profile says "Last Visit: Yesterday 08:27 PM", which is in my time zone. So that's about 6 1/2 hours ago. I think he went to sleep and is sleeping. So I don't think it'll be anytime soon.
  14. Darkane

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    How have you been working around it?