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Everything posted by Oceanchief

  1. Oceanchief

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    I'm still suffering from this bug. Seems the only way around it is to keep a note of the servers that don't have you stuck on the loading screen and stick to them until a fix. In saying that one of the servers I had noted as working killed me as soon as i logged in and then when i respawned at the coast I had no gear apart from an axe. I had no backpack, no bandage.... just an axe. Weird.
  2. Once the issue with spawning at the coast after login is sorted out I'm considering starting up the [ASS] clan, or Anti-sniper Sniping Squad. The clan will be primarily charged with defending the larger towns/cities from snipers/bandits. I just wanted to see if there is much interest out there in an Anti-sniper Sniping Squad, as the more people assisting, the more effective the clan will be. In order to help you can either join up, or post here as to what you believe are hot spots for snipers (as in exact locations, 'North of Electro' is too vague!). You can also state where you believe would be a good place for [ASS] clan members to setup. I currently have an M107 sniper rifle with plenty of ammo, plus all the usual gear + gillie suit. Players with L85s would be quite handy for spotting and players able to cover the rearguard and zeds would be useful also. I should re-iterate that I'm just looking feedback at the moment, as the current patch has me spawning at the coast every log in so not great for meeting up with other players.
  3. Oceanchief

    Introducing the [ASS] Clan

    Tis a shame you are an ASS hater for I too like QOTSA and I too share yer hatred of banditry. We could have had something beautiful.....
  4. Oceanchief

    Introducing the [ASS] Clan

    Looks like this [ASS] Sniper is going solo....... :D
  5. Oceanchief

    Desperately in need of a sandbag :p

    I offer teabagging services ingame, not sandbags though.
  6. Oceanchief

    Introducing the [ASS] Clan

    Sgt.Asshat, you could be the leader with that username! lolz
  7. ..then where's me beans dammit! lol Kidding.... no I honestly do think it would make for a great video montage.
  8. Oceanchief

    This loading times..

    How long is too long? (Just out of interest)
  9. 4. Fisting (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/74826-why-is-there-no-fisting-in-the-game)
  10. Oceanchief

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    I'm not talking about fighting.... I'm talking about fisting.....
  11. Oceanchief

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    Both fists or just one at time?
  12. Oceanchief

    Everybody is a enemy

    Yer face is 'a enemy'.
  13. 99 Ways To Die..... (Even if it ain't 99 deaths you be showing, but you could use the Megadeth song as the background music!)
  14. Oceanchief

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    A million flies can't be wrong.
  15. Oceanchief

    Bullet registry = Zero close combat in DayZ

    'Alfa' lolz
  16. Oceanchief

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    I'm experiencing the same issue. Appears to only happen if I get stuck on loading screen when trying to enter a server. Only way to come out of loading screen is to use task manager to close Dayz, then when I load back in to another server I either get stuck on loading screen again or I'm back at the coast with all my gear. Makes meeting up with friends next to impossible. The perils of alpha I guess. Bah bumhug.
  17. I have one of these badboys: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/FN_FAL_AN/PVS-4 I have no real use for it so was wondering if anyone wanted to swap.
  18. Oceanchief

    (Trade) First Come, First Served

    Btw... I'm near Berezino and about to log on.
  19. Oceanchief

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    MEDIC!!!! I'm near the NW Airfield. Please help!
  20. Oceanchief

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, I'm stuck in Vybar with a broken leg - due to a zombie whacking me after walking through a wall behind me. Would really appreciate help if anyone near. You can have any of my gear I have on me. I dont have any high end gear, just the usual. Steam name is Oceanchief.
  21. I'm making a note of all the rage posts like this, just so i know which noobz to be shooting - armed or not. Well, done khalim, yer No. 1 on my list. ;)
  22. Oceanchief

    My Conversion From Bandit to Survivor

    Out of interest... if the friendly encounters that led to you giving up banditry had of went the other way, i.e. not-friendly, do you think that would have reaffirmed yer bandit status?
  23. Oceanchief

    Chernarus vs Ireland

    I apologise for the knee-jerk reaction, but being from the North we constantly have to deal with the skewed view the outside world has of our small country. You'd be surprised to find out how many people actually would believe all the statements you make in your post. I used to work for the tourist board and people actually still believe we are living in a war-zone still.