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Everything posted by KrebbeL

  1. some hacker on DE 55 :@ they have spawned one big heli and one normal heli behind kamenka they destroyed the big heli we shoot one too get the name it was a clan [MD]stalProm <----- he got the headshot :P [MD]Denis_Russia [MD]Ampersand [MD]Mr.Sillent [MD]disrog 8.7.2012 5pm mez pls bann the guys i dont know if you can do this :huh: more of them Hackers: [MD]Reny [MD]Privedenie
  2. KrebbeL

    Spawning in open fields

    Verify your A2 & OA game installation and the mod files as well as your beta installation of ARMA 2. I'd suggest deleting everything in the /expansion/beta folder and in the @dayZ folder' date=' redownloading and reinstalling the files. For me it worked to get me out of the fields. [/quote'] and you still have your items???