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About Nodoc

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  1. Im always looking for a friendly soul. I have a mic with skype or can get ventrillo. ive been playing roughly a week now and i dont really go to any particular server. most the time though i tend to stick to texas servers. im located central standard US time.
  2. Nodoc

    Need a friend!

    HMU man i got skype, and steam
  3. Nodoc

    Looking for new players

    i got skype with mic and steam id if you want that, been playing for about a week now and im located smack dab in the middle of the USA
  4. Steam/Skype xGWIxShaDes add me man i got a full time job so i typically play in afternoon-evenings and on days i work ill play early in the morning seeing as how i work night shift. play on texas servers alot by the way im located in the middle of the USA
  5. Nodoc

    Looking for people to play with

    steam is xGWIxShaDes hit me up man
  6. xgwixshades hit me up man id love to have some company on this desolate wasteland.
  7. Nodoc

    Looking for party up

    hey bros add me xGWIxShaDes thats both my Steam and Skype ID
  8. Nodoc

    LF New players for late night MST group

    id be game man, im only available certain days of the week seeing as how i have a night shift job. lemme know if your interested.
  9. Nodoc

    Nevermind - dead! :P

    id like to help you friend but i dont have a map so i might have a hard time finding you, but if you want someone to team up with im game for sure.
  10. Nodoc

    Waiting for character to create?

    i get that error myself. i usually just end up restarting the program, then it works once i restart.