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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    Immersive Roleplay

    ''whatever'' in stew recipe = beanz
  2. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    it happened to me to spawn there, and yes, sometimes i noticed signs of people, like a tent or like i said before, vehicles. but i never found barbed wire or tank bullshit of farmes and hoppers..
  3. Bludy

    Lol the geared chicken syndrome

    like you'd have noticed it wasn't so hard to find all that stuff was it? so if you die you can take it back quite easily in 1 or 2 hours.
  4. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    i've been in berezino twice and it's really less populated. i experienced though that the way to it from elektro can be really deathly and the open spaces there, near tents and hospital can be dangerous runs for the lack of cover. and i noticed that it's often looted by guys coming from deep north inland in need for medic supplies, so probably in a SoS mood from hours and maybe days of playing( i can tell this because in both my two trips there i found vehicles with plenty of gear inside)
  5. i had a char armed with just an axe and i agree with you for the noise point. sometimes it can cost you too much blood if you aggro a lot of infected or if you get cornered..showing myself unarmed or just with the axe in the north didn't save me from a bandit kill. it's always the same point in this game: how do you risk for need or just fun? i mean: if you have a military weapon you'll have to loot dangerous places to get the ammo but if you just stay in the woods i'm not sure you will enjoy the full experience of this game..wasn't fun that interaction you had with the guy you wounded and patched up later?
  6. Bludy

    Here come's the clone's :)

    it seems good...glad to see that someone is learning from this mod..it's clear that zombie apocalypse game are what people want
  7. Bludy

    Want to know WHY I SoS?

    i hate dcing people too, don't give a fuck about sos..just return fire and if it goes wrong i die and start from the coast..the best part of game is taking stuff, not having stuff. if i can interact with other players i do, and not just kill..i always go for a : friendly with my ak in their face..and i'm really friendly, ready to help
  8. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    why life expectancy is increasing so fast? less pvp? less infected deaths? less broken legs forcing people to repawn?
  9. Bludy

    The Final Shot

    it would be cool, but i have to confess that sometimes i didn't want to se my sure and unavoidable death and i hit respawn and felt like my char eating his gun...
  10. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    i found a mountain dew and after i was almost killed by another player i drank it...mmm so tasty :-) i found it in polana supermarket..i usally carry bottles of water and meat, i killed a zombie with tins while unarmed fresh spawned...
  11. Bludy

    Give us your beans!

    i thought you'd shot. at first, watching you camping that roof near so many loot spots i said: what a bad bandit, sniping poor noobs ,but it seems you aren't heartless or just you were bored to death?
  12. when the goal is surviving, with so called ''endgame gear'' it should be easier fill your canteen, shoot your cows and also get some beans looting a city if you want some variations to your menù :-) and don't forget that if you keep playing you'll need some medical supplies or ammo, and maybe you'll have to defend yourself by bandits. in a zombie apocalypse like this put in play, you can keep survive or kill yourself. help people, hunt bandits..you'll die and start again from flashlight and painkillers on the coast
  13. Bludy

    Heli crash site madness.

    once i got this re-spawn thing in a common house(the dark wooden with only one door)..just shot the two following me inside and they never stopped to come at me until i finished the ammo and died after i killed moreless 80 of them :-(
  14. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    but you don't have to say the name of server and it should be done taking the data from more than one server. i think it won't increase the number of raids they undergo
  15. i skipped, but you can try to daownload a new version of sixupdater as itself suggests
  16. Bludy

    Battleye initialization failed

    i suggest to wait, it isn't working for me anything above here
  17. Bludy

    download beta problem :D

    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ i always download here but today i had to click 100 times to start the download..
  18. i'd like to understand why we always update the beta version..i don't know.. i'm still playing with .876 and a friend of mine has a newer version and cannot play for now..but we have both dayz how new betas fit for the same version of the mod? what does change? i'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this thread
  19. yes, i always do that and i didn't experience any issue...just i was wondering why a game like arma needs so many patches and it's more less always the same
  20. Bludy

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    imagine if your murder watched you, sitting in a bush, all your hard work and then...bam, thanks for the car
  21. Bludy

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    radio system would be a nice improvement to chat..it was funny reading the conversations but kind of exploiting asking for someone somewhere..still useful i admit
  22. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    you could show a heat map but based on old data, like google earth does, so you'll respect player privacy and also show an interesting piece of info..maybe monthly and see what changes..i think that these areas won't be the same because if you get killed in a place that you thought it was safe, next time you'll avoid it