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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy


    i think this is a good thread but they aren't really needed in game..just smoke a real one ,stopping your char online ,and it will be the same thing
  2. Bludy

    Pending Update: Build

    is this update out right now?
  3. Bludy

    UAZ loot

    if you mean fragmentation, the green ones they are not hacked
  4. Bludy

    Need help!

    there is a section in general discussion, survivor hq, need medical assistence. there you can take an appointment with trusty medics, giving your location by personal message or steam
  5. Bludy

    What do youy do if you see a player

    a lot of things to do, so few seconds..just observe and adapt to the situation trying to not kill like an animal.
  6. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    if it's hard to publish a heat map i don't want to see the comments to this...
  7. Bludy

    Pending Update: Build

    i can't wait this update comes out to see the shitspray it's going to flow through the forum :-)
  8. Bludy

    Is this a wrong thing to do?!

    dmr for close range kills sounds sooo nooby..and barbed wire isn't such a problem..pass away cursing the hopper/camper. the fire stations are like the biggest targets in cherno and elecktro, so you'll probably meet someone who can really use his dmr. and killing other noobs sitting on a hot spot doesn't seem to me the best way to play i read that it wasn't a fire house..sorry bro..it can be city hall roof, hospital, hotel or factories but my point remains
  9. Bludy

    Map question

    recruit servers show also on the crosshairs the name and distance of other players..pay attention on those servers..you are not the only to know your position
  10. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    okay, it's easy to guess hotspots with a loot map and that wouldn't make me a less paranoic player
  11. Bludy

    Pending Update: Build

    suicide option would cause the ban of the game from some countries
  12. honestly i like the actual inventory.. i'd like the dragging system the bag slot is a good idea with your system, the ''open bag'' thing would remain? because it's pretty cool for me i think this isn't properly a priority...but i'm sure it will kept under serious analisis nice picture
  13. someone stole your car? :-P i agree with booby trap but for everything you want, not just your stolen car. and gps traffic seems a loss of time and work to me..honestly
  14. Bludy

    I want beer

    i quote vodka, dehydrating painkiller, and shock should go away drinking soda cause sugar helps also in rl
  15. justified..that definitly wasn't a STOP
  16. Bludy

    Please For The Love of God.

    guys come on! once you know it just pay attention..if you ever had a lee enfield you should know that clicking around can be dangerous
  17. maybe a system where you can choose your skin would work..the initial humanity and changing skin system was too arcade and this we have now it's the more realistic as possible, because in rl you can't be sure of someone watching his clothes..i think that the possibility to choose your clothes could bring to know that some skins are bandit and other aren't..
  18. Bludy

    Very Frustrated

    what happens to you happened to everyone in the beginning. just play again and you'll learn. watch viedos on youtube, there are plenty of guides. and remember that some patch can always change everything you knew about this game. specially infected behaviour
  19. OP: if you see something like 6 bodies and one standing less than 100m away from them..why you didn't: 1) avoid him and sneak away 2) shot his ass ? you claimed your friendly presence just to become the 7th body
  20. Bludy

    Last night I killed a man.

    great story..i felt your feelings in that moment and yes sometimes kill another player can be hard, if you think the hours and work spent..but sometimes it's just surviving
  21. that guy yuou helped in OP was a bit retarded or just a big big noob..i had to play a lot to learn how to manage those limit situation..just help them but watching all the time..shoot who can't chat and in general avoid other players. when i spawn in big towns and think that as freshspawned i can risk a cornershop, sometimes i get shot ,but 80% it'a a noob..yeah i got sniped a couple of times but shit happens..and if i get killed with an empty inventory i don't care..
  22. Bludy

    DCing in a fire fight

    if you are weaker tactically or just less lucky of someone else, just die and start again..this game is about challenging the environment and other player, both can be hostile, but please don't dc..it's apussy move and i'm sure you wouldn't like someone you shoot at does this to you
  23. Bludy

    DayZ 'Hack Tool' Not a good idea.

    i'm with you, this thing is a mountain of shit and i hope no one will give this spammer the satisfaction to ruin this game