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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    i've read the thread about 1.000.000 unique players.. how many accounts just played something like 1-2 lives and then quitted?
  2. Bludy

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    how many accounts just played something like 1-2 lives and then quitted?
  3. if you headshot zombies it's still one shot kill, this nerf made me care more about the aim when shooting infected. with players i don't know..the aks make the job done fast and clear. and didn't quote the guy above, but 7.62 ammo of the ak has more stopping power than a 5.56 of m serie. headshot with gun, does kill a player in one shot? and last, don't forget than you don't always find a 12000blood player :-)
  4. Bludy

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    -Boss battles when entering certain landmarks------>you find a group/clan of bandits -Join Factions (medical, etc)....------>we have the medical team spontaneously born in the community -Zombie waves-------->fast respawn bug(?) -Servers can disable PvP-----------i agree, totally bullshit, but if they want.. -Trains pick you up and transport you (wtf)---------> friend of mine got a pick up by some guys with a bus -All survivors spawn in one area to make groups easier--->no complain and and run, if you play in a group they'll give you extra gear when you die and come back so how much do you want more? -Safe Zone of zombies--------->forests,fields, you have food and water so you can't pretend free military weapons or medicals -Skins upgrade when more zombie kills----------->sounds soooo WoW, don't like this :-( -Trade Market..-----------> i've seen both private transations between players and servers where merchants communities play
  5. Bludy

    Optional PVP

    this at least. then if you want a ''training'' server it's ok. for sure this won't help you when bleeding under fire, with just your makarov, and as50 and nvg in your pve account
  6. Bludy

    Steam sale broke this game.

    when the next cod comes out? it's a kind of hotfix for your hated little enemies
  7. Bludy

    Reduce Infected Speed To That Of Crouch Run ????

    crouch run speed isn't totally bad, because if you are chased by a monkey/crawler you don't miss him sooo easy. but even a large number of them would become much less a threat than they are now.
  8. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    heat map would be the most interesting info, but the sandbox idea could take damage..sure that we'd have snipers camping the freshly exposed hotspots..50% of the time in the most known(cherno elektro etc.) areas you take/hear fire
  9. i noticed something with them too, they seem to change every time a patch comes out
  10. Bludy

    45. less damage in sucks!

    nice idea, but i think that because the nerfing comes from arma 2 we'll get some fix
  11. i experienced the same thing in berezino: they seemed to come from wire fences and tank traps as we already know, but also from the zombie dead soldiers (those part of the scenario). before when you zoom, and then always when looking in the object direction; then i found a ghillie suit and it worked fine, just dissapeared something from backpack (canteen and painkillers); loot spawn was ok; i found the mod has somehow improved when joining; putting stuff on the floor still may cause it disappears; if you convert .45 clips from revolver to 1911 they come back full.
  12. i wanted a debate on weapons >:(
  13. Bludy

    Slendermans in DayZ?

    you know that those youtubers, you watch all they do, use to disconnect to avoid death? what has got to do with dayz that slendershit? and we are not in the suggestion section of the forum
  14. Bludy

    spawn with different gear

    it seems funny..not the worst thing i've read here..sometimes i spawn WITHOUT stuff, never with other..once without backpack :-)
  15. Bludy

    Sniper Squad

    do whatever you want, but i hope you don't disconnect to not loose those rangefinder and rifles and ghillies..
  16. Bludy

    A better alternative to respawning

    it's a good idea but sure we'll get a solution to the problem and more possibilities..anyway i'll just run to my friends, it's better than not playing and anyway what do you do when you play solo? run alone on the mountains. you can't survive without the stuff your guys give to you when you respawn? you need a babysitter in cherno? it will be fixed and i think everyone can face this little issue
  17. Bludy

    Operation: Wet Steak. [Video]

    for sure i'd shoot in the face someone spreading primitive religions :-)
  18. Bludy

    Operation: Wet Steak. [Video]

    i feel sorry for your death, but maybe you should try to help people who have a chance: far from deathzones or at least at the borders of towns, not between the church and the hospital in cherno!
  19. Bludy

    Kill Log? Why not?

    arma 2 feels like itself is still in beta version...an alpha mod for a beta v. game..i bet we have hackers. cosider that also the best developed games have hackers..so it's an issue that could be just partially/temporarly removed.
  20. Bludy

    First impressions

    it can be less inctuitive than more commercial games but practice makes perfect..every game you get better, and you have to learn a couple of tricks to afford that environment, zeds, players and bugs..
  21. Bludy

    The hatchet

    all the thing is a little bugged/glitched..so if you put a primary from slot to pack it may disappear, and the same if you put it down on the floor..it could actually go underground and unreachable, you can try before placing something else on the floor and see what happens. it's also common that if you take one of your primaies in the backpack it can be disappeared once you re-log in. and pay attention to the number of slots in your back pack and in inventory for ammo clips. a primary weapon takes ten slots and if you try to put it where tere isn't room, it could dissappear. so axe is a real choice if you want to continue with it
  22. Bludy

    95310 Beta -> No Servers listed anymore

    with sixlauncher i was able to see them simply refreshing the list
  23. 7 people on server, 2 were me and my buddy, the other five were a death squad we found in balota..yes it's weird but if you think you/we weren't in shakovka or gvodzno...
  24. Bludy

    Worst Game Experience ever

    no point to OP, you are just a noob. it was like that for everyone in his first attempts, find someone that teachs you or watch some video tutorial. and the map there is..just find it