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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    i'd like to work a sort of market values for goods in dayz. if someone who runs a clan/group who makes transations, or if someone traded something privately it would be nice to post it, maybe in a new thread would be better, and see where this brings..
  2. Bludy

    Suggestion for the Zombies.

    they stopped and died exactly like in dayz.
  3. Bludy

    Suggestion for the Zombies.

    it's an old mod for arma 2 called ''the undead''. it just adds zombies to the map. no surviving, no repairing, nothing but zeds. yeah they are a better model i think, there are also women..i don't know if rocket says ours are ''infected'' ,because they act crappy or because he actually wants they run like hell and die with body shots, but maybe with senses and glitches fixed they aren't so bad. the slow ones in the footage wouldn't give other players position and wouldn't be such a challenge, just a waste of ammo.
  4. Bludy

    [tradeing] FN FAL AN/PVS-4

    why? do you prefere camp sniping or it's for your role in a group? i admit that fal is loud, but also those rifles you want, and the ammo are rare too..anyway i haven't what you want, unless a bandit kill :-)
  5. Bludy

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New!

    that guy was so noob, or stupid...or maybe it's the female skin
  6. Bludy

    How fun is this game solo?

    solo was great to learn to survive, but when you think you won't kill your buddy with some bad mistake just find someone on the forum, i made it and my fun increased so much
  7. i agree with you for the fixesto zeds and for melee, but i have to say that i never been so proud of all my headshots and that when i'm cornered: 1) i don't mind closing doors 2) i watch the wall in my back more than the door :D
  8. Bludy

    Ghillie suit

    it's safe, it resets your kills count but when you log back in, is fixed
  9. i hope the direct comm was pumping this music in the fire station guy's ears i read it was, fantastic
  10. it takes away the ignition lock
  11. Bludy

    Upcoming Patch

    do you think that the hero/bandit system will fit with our actual humanity level or we will start from the same point? and i prefere to see locked threads instead of the mess i've seen for the
  12. i really don't trust guillie guys so much. but i'm okay with the bandit skin. anyway the majority of players won't be changed in bandit because of lack of kills, even if their behaviour it's stricly bandit
  13. Bludy

    Great info for starting

    wise words, fit for this mod
  14. being hacked doesn't seem a good motivation to download hacks. it sounds like bullshit. you stuck underground: stay online until you starve to death...half an hour? we all died by hackers, just play in less crappy servers, and come on, you can have all the gear in less than 5 hours. AND IT WILL BE FIXED. we all have to expect a lot of changes before this gets to beta or standalone or whatever, a lot of people will whine and give up for every change to the mod. you can do what you want, but you can't judge a thing bigger than you and out of your responsibility, nowadays you are only a tester between thousands, NOT A CUSTOMER
  15. Bludy

    Join the same server as my friend

    just some servers tell their ''name'' with messages when connected, i don't know other ways. i don't know how to filter with sixlauncher, but i experienced the same thing with my buddy. with the interface of arma 2 multiplayer i can filter better and see the names of players connected to a server
  16. rocket with machinima streaming on youtube, i heard this stuff early this evening. kinda cool, also spoke about vehicles and dogs
  17. Bludy

    Guns, guns and more guns...

    i like remington but it's useless in the north, akm is great and with plenty of ammo. i had a as50 in a crashsite but it disappeared from backpack. m14 is really cool, but the svd has the best optics with the curve to adjust distance to mildots..
  18. you are a great shooter nice firefights love the control shots
  19. Bludy


    love that gun but usually spend time in barns untill i can find one..
  20. anyway, taking away respawn button and the deaths in the firsts 5 minutes from stats increased the average. and i think that a single server wiped doesn't increase so much the number of deaths in all the servers running
  21. Bludy

    Fixed spawn points.

    out of the towns you can find barns which provide the same weapons of residential buildings, so towns have just a bigger concentration of loot spots, hospitals and shop, which is better for the chance of matches and bigger backpacks, and the fire stations...outside you loose some more time but it's really less dangerous, and find military stuff in airports or barracks isn't less deathly with an enfield or an akm..so sometimes it's better just run to the north..
  22. Bludy

    Forest Fire?

    is this possible if you keep your fireplace on? i always ask myself what happens if you leave it on fire
  23. Bludy

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    how about when helicopters were in..in a couple of hours you can fly a lot..having the fuel
  24. Bludy

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    i'll follow this topic and spread it in other threads about kacking. i think that the forum will always be a place where share frustration so whining posts won't disappear..