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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    Where are NV Goggles?

    camps at map's borders are the best place..you'll end going away with a vehicle in most cases..then h sites or endgame players are funny ways to search for nvgs..
  2. really really nice! and to the most skeptics: consider that most of the time you search for bloodbags you are in a hospital where there is plenty of them..so just pick up your type..after having discovered your type with a kit! then improving the behaviour of animals is a good idea and i hope it will be done in standalone..
  3. Bludy

    Gun parts

    it's really nice but adding small components could just transorm looting in something too complicated..you could pass a lot of time without finding a working weapon or keep finding just military components..
  4. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun and a lot of looting!
  5. Bludy

    doing some thing wrong?

    and it worked or still loading?
  6. Bludy


    when pronne the backpack is like a flag..not showing=good i guess
  7. Bludy

    Afraid to die - are you?

    sometimes i get bored of all that stuff and a fresh start on the coast is really funnier than gutting boars and be paranoid in hellholes small towns..and when you hear gunshots how can you avoid to go to see what's happening???
  8. Bludy

    No wonder I ca NEVER find a vehicle :-/

    you should search in the north or west, near the debug line for the camps and vehicles farmed by the admins. 99% of servers have those places where you can gear up like a bitch..watch out for the restarts! some of them do that too
  9. antimaterial rifles feel wrong to me too, but i think it's right that you die from a single shot with a big gun
  10. Bludy

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    you can already use military flashlight on the shoulder...and nvg is amazing. i agree with thermal, it should be removed
  11. there is something similar almost on every server..it's a nice way to get your high end gear, instead of looting all those dangerous military areas :-) love this game!
  12. Bludy

    DayZ dont shoot me bro

    trust abuse..you should have given him a bit of his medicine
  13. no, you are right..it's the most exciting game ever
  14. Bludy

    Should I just shoot everyone?

    no, just who represents a danger for you,,and if you don't know you can take your risks and try an approach..maybe surprising them with you gun or just watch and leave them go. then if you need their loot or you are starving(i think if you starve it's all your falut and you should die instead of kill someone else) you can also rob them or kill them..but shoot everyone is pointless and stupid
  15. Bludy

    Desperate for Food

    he gives his steam id and from the number of posts he's new to the game, i think it's not a trap, but anyway the food is one of the basics and not a critical problem, just scravenge fast and with less precautions and you'll find what you need before you die.
  16. Bludy

    Question on humanity

    for sure! plus it raises a little bit every moment..but falls a lot when you kill some survivor
  17. Bludy

    session lost after shooting...

    some people think that if they have payed the rent for the server they can do what they want, lock it and take all the vehicles, restart when they get killed. the only think they should fo is kick hackers and restart sometimes..
  18. Bludy

    My lucky day!

    nice camp, it's the best i've ever seen, and i found a lot of them!
  19. this is good, but you forget that zombies despawn once you leave an area..
  20. Bludy

    Noob with a Ghillie Suit

    a little bit yes i think
  21. Bludy

    Noob with a Ghillie Suit

    when you have it on they can't loot it..and if you are in the north you'll be shot almost for sure..and players are perfectly visible with any clothes on a street...take your advantage in the bushes and loot quickly the towns..scope for infected when approaching and listen to others' steps..when i find military clothes i put them on so they can't take'em
  22. and then they disappear when you log out and never come back? i'm right? i once had a moto but never logged back on that server to see what happened to her because it had been restarted..
  23. Bludy

    Broken leg!

    a lot of 'em won't come in elektro but you can try http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/