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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. sometimes, you feel the stress of having an old geared to the impossible character leaving you, and you can happily run in barns and then in cherno, happy when you find a map or a hunting knife|
  2. Bludy

    Chopper chase [Intense]

    nice video, the last kill smells a bit but i understand it was some how necessary..you couldn't risk the guy coming back with friends/big guns and make some damage
  3. Bludy

    Stupid Takistan Crowbar Fight! (Video)

    a lot of work with all these unofficial maps video!
  4. you are right..it gives something to do in an interesting way.. i got killed by player once at green mountain..that's all!
  5. Bludy

    How to salvage the Czeck Vest Pouch

    i used it once respawned on the coast without anything AND when going raiding from my camp. it's sufficient to carry your essentials while risking death
  6. Bludy

    Roaming zombie "hoards"

    did someone else notice that zombies seem to run better? less zigzaging and they don't stick near to your back after a second of chasing?
  7. Bludy

    20 dayz ideas

    thanks bro but i know how to find and manage a vehicle, and often there actually is fuel on cars, stocked in jerrycans. but i don't know how to take fuel from a car and put it in a jerrycan. for the ''fuel wars'' this should be implemented, because what do you do if you kill a group who has a car the same as yours and both have the same amount of fuel?
  8. Bludy

    Guns hiss?

    i think it was a bullet from a long shot..or a silenced one. they missed i guess so maybe a long sniper shot you couldn't hear the bang. it was just one ore more bullets? if more i'd say silenced
  9. Bludy

    My worst Day in Dayz ever.

    at least in your worst day there weren't hacks involved..rough but ''correct'' gameplay. panic shot=bullshit
  10. Bludy

    Inland or Coastal Isolation?

    i like the idea of the island and i was thinking of it just yesterday when respawned. it's not bad at all, but just like anyother camp, a part that there are 5-6 islands and a lot of mountains :-) i play a lot to find camps and often set up mine, so i can tell that it will be found, so just avoid the cold and swimming pains. then in the island i'd suggest the assault rifle. in the mountains you can need just the sniper..it depends on what you plan to do
  11. Bludy

    20 dayz ideas

    i like this but should be added a sistem to take fuel from cars
  12. Bludy

    To the -gay- team

    with the glitch of humanity increasing with time, if you live in the bushes or play in groups you won't kill so many people to have a realistic decreasing of humanity on your bad actions..
  13. Bludy

    To RI Clan..

    cool story! it seems they should have you with them, not against
  14. remember that a lot of player barely made the tutorial of arma 2..
  15. i have not a vehicle, but i'm curious.. you need to go to some camp up in the north don't you? three days are long, why don't you face the walk?
  16. the main issue with those weapons is the duping..if they'd be rare as supposed..then i'd like to see batteries implemented for all the electronic devices. i like the camo outfit much more than the ghillie suit. anyway i suggest you to bring the civilian clothing so you can switch
  17. Bludy

    Thanks Rocket!

    yeah it's awesome also with hackers and bugs!
  18. Bludy

    Increase zombie spawn radius

    now i fear it's impossible to have them all the time spawned..i think it works better for looters/close quarters than sniper..if he is camping a small town, he doesn't really need the infected to spot you..it's when you want to go deep inside a settlement than seeing the zombies warns you someone is there and covers your movements if you decide to go in. yes maybe someone will switch to his scoped rifle and wait for you, but this could happen also if he hears shooting or sees dead bodies..everyone makes mistakes..
  19. Bludy

    My Struggle

    how many pointless deaths in the night we will see, before people stop using those rifles like a dog does with his cock?
  20. Bludy

    [VIDEO] DayZ Live Action Short Film

    really really nice!
  21. Bludy

    funny crowbar takedown

    he had ammo for his ak? if yes he should be the most pacifist player in the world
  22. i used to play last week in 3 private hive servers..i like to start a new character. but now it's too much! none of the three seem to save my previous life and sometimes it loads an old character..but i see always the same people online, so we are all fans of new chars or theirs are saved? maybe it's a problem i have logging in.. then finding again side chat wasn't bad at all..it's like the other exploits of the mod..if you don't take advantage from them they can also stay..the problem is the responsibility of people..i used the chat to ask info about the server and had a nice general discussion with the others about dayz..it obviously useless to ask for friendly in cherno but it's nice to talk with people or just reading the bullshit everybody writes when you are running in the forest. thank for reading and have a good surviving!
  23. it could be worse..a lot of times i respwaned with nothing and you will know how important are the bandage and the backpack at the start. then THIS is a genuine ''being in alpha'' issue..don't bother too much..:-) no hate for you bro..sorry if i seem too bitter