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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    2 Questions about the Hero skin

    not working with the ghillie, i say that cause i run at the same speed of a non-hero buddy. and makarov, g17,m9,and mp5 i think aren't weapons someone will fire to a man's body
  2. Bludy

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    it's already been suggested..to me, the best solution is the 30'' timer and you can't move or take damage in that time.
  3. try to play with someone, you will learn the fastest possible, then play without caring about your life until you get used to the game, where loot is, which buildings are good which not, a bit of tactics and firefights, weapons use..then you can enjoy the game for real! godd luck and welcome buddy
  4. know it will be found, just choose a place you like and good for water and food, not too far from the locations of the tours you mean to do
  5. Bludy

    Friendly??? Really????

    it was a bad death that you had...but next time i suggest you to 1)keep your gun 2)don't turn your back to unknown people (this is for real also) 3)you can play friendly but when you have to shoot, shoot
  6. Bludy

    So, private hives

    i like 'em, i suggest you to find one with similar features to original version, last i joined i spawned with a makarov and 2 mountain dews..
  7. that's a lot of friendlies in a short time..if i was in your place....3 firefights, and i consider myself friendly too. i'd change behaviour from now and i will search for human contact more. i have to say that seems weird to me that you didn't find anything to drink...
  8. Bludy


    that's the first of many many deaths...watch out trees and doors buddy
  9. yeah i love when those senseless killer with axes get some bullets in their asses
  10. Bludy

    Bandit skin

    something more accurate would be better, and i don't like the relation between bad guy= face covered. it should be given with more kills and give you some advantage like the hero skin
  11. i'd love climate intervention..and having it creating trouble when trying to survive, i want to be forced to stay under a shelter fearing to froze
  12. Bludy

    The Food/Drink doesn't go down

    debug on default to see hunger going down. civilian buildings are for chzeck vest pouch (6 slots), chzeck backpack (16) , alice pack (20) military buildings are for assault pack (10-12 don't remember!) and coyote backpack (24)
  13. Bludy

    Average life expectancy

    i like when i spawn in kamenka and i can loot suiciders bodies..now i have so many bandages and pain killers that i need only a hatchet and a can of beans and i'm ready to go everywhere
  14. the zeroing of a rifle goes to shit if you put it back careless in his bag.... you're right and i hope they put this into standalone..i'd love to clean my rifle near the fire before some hunting
  15. it's sure that the mechanic : aggro----run until you find a two exits building,or a tree, or a hill----- has to be changed. then it's a really good idea to improve the difficulties of surviving, so you can have something to keep you involved when fully geared and deep in the forest
  16. Bludy

    LF SVD Camo

    i'm already trading mine in the weekend. if my current transaction gets screwed for some reason i'll let you know
  17. Bludy

    Can somebody please explain...

    it's a lot easier with the run'n'loot strategy adopted by a lot of players. and if you get killed after a really careful approach to the city you'll probably get shot even if in possession of the most complete arsenal. i never get into the city without a weapon, i search everytime all the damn barns until i have something to defend myself, then i go to the big arena. but going in cherno unarmed is kind of hazardous (unless you spawn already inside.
  18. Bludy


    stuff remains in your tent after you die. when you pitch it you can pack it (placing the content in a loot pile on the ground) until you die. if you don't save the tent, it's wiped after 2 days, if you save it ,it lasts 7 days after the last object put in or taken away..it's enough time anyway. who can't find a tent is just unlucky..even if they haven't a high spawn rate, when you are in a complex with a lot of civilian buildings you should find one. backpacks with stuff inside placed in a tent loose that stuff after the server restarts
  19. Bludy


    i was sick only once..i died near cherno hospital and from that day i always carry a heatpack and if i have to i light a fire...or just wait in a shack that it stops raining
  20. Bludy

    DayZ Truths

    don't care about npcs but i like the more vehicles idea and i feel the same..when playing solo once i'm geared i don't know what to do..i have simple needs..an assault rifle makes me happy and i use fearlessly flares and chemlights in the night...navigation is one of my favourite things and i like making sniping ranges with the map too..so i don't need nvgs, rangefinder or gps. i don't need an as50. i wonder around in barns and corner shops aiming to find a tent or a czz and that's all.
  21. Bludy

    How to hide a camp?

    i'd avoid the borders cause i search them all in every server i play..i have a couple of amazing spots but can't tell..you know
  22. Bludy


    the only lootplace where the spawn chance of tents is augmented is the cornershop...0.28% i think...
  23. it's almost useless hiding stuff..as a camp raider i can tell that who plays like me(main objective find camps) doesn't give up easily. i never destroy others camps, just steal a tent and a couple of weapons or meds. i come back everytime i need something. at the moment i'm searching the entire map's borders in two private hives, the only chance is to hide in the middle of the map, but it's not garantee that some random player would not spot your camp. and if there are helicopters (always run by groups) they'll find your cars and tents in half an hour. as a suggestion i found out that if you put only some essentials in the tent you won't be robbed so hard and you won't feel the pain of loosing too precious weapons.