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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. this is simply awesome, but some of those diseases actually kill you in years(some in 24h!) so we should expect some permanent symptoms like coughing if you get tuberculosis(if it gets your lungs)? and some can be survived simply keeping dehidratation under control..so will we have a different impact if we catch fever for dissenteria or for something worst or fever will be fever and so on? sorry if i'm not clear..
  2. you are right, but making the char walk with the as50 in hands or not being able to move while scoping with a thermal weapon wouldn't break anything..
  3. immersion would be great with first only..but is good to change a bit sometimes
  4. chernarus panthera namalsk lingor one of the best thing is the toughness of namalsk environment
  5. more damage with pistols!
  6. Bludy

    More in game action...

    play with other people, join a clan, go on the coast and give away everything
  7. i have to say that the ingame camera is more infra-red than thermal..thermal has more colors and a scale i think..
  8. i don't have a link for you, but should be funny have a map to explore without peeping a loot map..
  9. you are totally right, also about running with an as50 no i don't know thermal but nvgs for sure are standard equipment no if this means i'm doing drugs i have to say..no it's clear you know what are you talking about, but my real life point was more about wounds and there i know what i'm talking about too. then i wrote that thermals are op i think..so we are almost on the same side..
  10. false positives happen, but if you use the support they unban you, this happened to me more than once...not with arma2, but it's sure that coming here pretending stuff won't get you unbanned.. p.s. this was a tutorial going straight to the point of the question. the ''wrong way'' should be a general rule of this forum...
  11. Bludy

    Murdering bean warriors in Stary

    nice played, they were fools..
  12. Bludy

    Cholera and Typhoid fever.

    Beans + mountain dew + cholera + hazmat suit = respawn button enabled
  13. an as50 or saw bullet would rip off your arm and even small bullets do break your bones, but i'm switching to real life and this is a game so i think they can't implement a lot of wounds...just there aren't fire arms wounds which aren't serious..and not all the hits in the legs broke your bones ingame, anyway we will have some changes in the mdical part with standalone so let's see i guess..
  14. military flashlight..a little better than the average flashlight, but not so good as a nvg
  15. Bludy

    DayZ - Question #4‏

    when i play solo, i leave the vehicle for others, in the middle of the road or near a town with some traffic..i care more about tents than vehicles, and when i find them i search only in a close range to them for parts..
  16. the system is balanced to me..if you are in good shape with maximum blood you won't die without an as50 shot..and a lot of weapons actually put you down alive but knocked out..(all 8000 to 4500 damage weapons, like enfield, m14, whinchester and shotguns at medium with shells or with slugs,dmr,m24)you can survive a couple of 5.56 rounds and a good number of pistol bullets, a couple of axe hits..and you still won't move too far without bandaging yourself.
  17. there was the season of topics against nvg and thermals some months ago...they are OP but the augmented number of them is because the duping,farming,hacking are main issues of the mod. in any case, if you play at night and you don't have those devices it's normal to suffer if you meet someone who has nvgs or a l85..and this would happen also in real life situations.. now think about the chernarus situation: there is an infection and the number of people decreased dramatically...there are some military bases around..you are out there, what do you do? you go there, and this is exactly how we play. so if we imagine that nwa for example would have had a personnel of i don't know..we say a company, so 150 people with a rifle we say..there would be at least 4-5 l85 and even more nvgs since nowadays they are standard infantry equipment...and with an active population of 25 to 75 (server slots..) your 1 in 5 l85 and an higher nvg rate is realistic.
  18. Bludy

    Too Late to Start?

    no, you can learn a lot and start with an edge in the standalone, remember to play the tutorial of arma2 to get used to the weird mechanics and controls this game has. i suggest you to find someone who wants to play with you because it's more enjoiable if you have company and you won't panic as fast as solo. use some attempt to aknowledge the infected behavior and bugs and the environment (bugs, types of buildings and loot you can find inside them) pass some time in the big towns to learn to shoot people and then you'll be ready! remember that a lot of people are traitors and bastards but you can always find someone ready to play with you, learn to meet people without getting shot, a lot of them kill you if you don't pay enough attention, but could joion you if they understand you can handle it.
  19. i don't know how bad you'll be hit..but if for some reason you should spawn in the air, when you log in, you have to log out after you fell a bit, log back in, fall another couple of seconds, log out, and so. if you have a good timing, fast fingers and a bit of luck, you should log in the last time and be 1-2 meters from the ground and survive.
  20. Bludy

    Ain't like that now.

    try to run a clinic in a major town, shout ''free blood, free blood''in direct and run towards gun shots to rescue people. i suggest you also firestations, a lot of people go there underestimating risks and dangers hoping to find good weapons and often they harm themself with zombies or bullets
  21. you cannot say it, but i think that the evaluation of risks and gain is the best way...it's a rule good also for relations with other players: if you are low blood it can be worth the risk to approach someone..or if you find a tent it can be good to go away from a big town even if you don't have big guns or all the basic equipment, then if you play on official servers your character is saved and will come back at same conditions and same location of your log off, there are also a lot of private hives where you have a char only in that server
  22. Bludy

    Private hive or not?

    if you put a filter in your research you can see that servers different for the number x(2) x(3), but with the same name and sometimes it's same crew, same people, different server time or settings
  23. someone found your tent? seriously..i read something about digging or going underground iin some way in SA..but i think that tents and a 24 slots backpack and a car full of stuff is already a good way to create a cache
  24. Bludy

    Simple idea to fix mindless deathmatching

    and there is the fucking double tapping ''ctrl'' to put down that rifle
  25. if you team up when unarmed, watch close your mate when you both start finding weapons...