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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. choose spawn location= bring your ass away from the crime scene
  2. take your time cause this will become whine hell anyway
  3. Bludy

    Handcuff question?

    like irl you can always choose to be taken or die i guess, with some non lethal weapon added they could be worthy. anyway i'd prefere to get cuffed than left bleeding with broken bones in petrovka. and if you didn't get shot first you can hope to live and be released. roleplay a bit come on!
  4. mm that happened to me once but after some switching involving an hatchet i lose the capability to do that, or to repeat the glitch..it would be nice, but a penalty in movement should be implemented
  5. Bludy

    What's the deal with epoch.

    it's what i ask myself everyday since i see threads on threads on servers all epoch. maybe it fulfills the desire of hoarding of people..it has safes, so you can hoard something which is safe once you run back after you died. keys prevent people from steal your car. it has npcs..it has a lot of stuff i don't want in dayz..glad some people is spread where i will never meet them.
  6. Bludy

    cold blood murder of unarm guy

    great job! you were even in bad shape, low on blood and such..i appreciated your try to save him and i bet even the guy did..
  7. Bludy

    My first murder in DayZ

    i came out dead from too many situations with people on a suv..it's something a lot of people don't wanna loose and a lot of people wanna steal..
  8. Bludy

    Respawn Timer

    i wanna respawn that my body still has to fall on the ground!
  9. Bludy

    Auto abort

    try update BE files..
  10. you shouldn't be sniping over cherno or elektro..you shouldn't rush the elektro firestation to kill the bambi just gone it, you shouldn't betray a fellow survivor on the coast..there are a lot of things not to be done in this game.. but first post and i didn't know about heli crah bug so beans for you and welcome to the forum
  11. i'm happy it comes out, seems a good game, something unique. it's years i play videogames, i've been through a lot of beautiful and a lot of shit, so i'm just ready for it. even if i don't expect perfection at all, or kos going away, or bugs going away, or jerks and douches going away.
  12. Bludy

    Wiping wounds stops infection?

    yes they clean you from infections, while antibiotics works only in phase three of sepsis, when loosing 3 units per second.
  13. because they don't know how much work needs a game (unless they played wrzsurvive) and because they can hang in here talking a lot about SA, not like a famous brand game which cames out two days after lauch trailer goes on tv..
  14. Bludy

    gear for SA

    i dream of new boots everyday
  15. camp your position scouting the area..and be patient as they said above. and in some cases it's just luck
  16. Bludy

    Variable zombie speed?

    i think with the time we'll see that in SA, i've read we'll have zombies become weaker with time, so maybe run slower, in any case, they are infected people and they run pushed by insane instincts prevailing on their emotions, so they rush full speed to you, they aren't dead bodies rotting and making them slower. and it's balanced, just the ability comes before and in the first seconds of aggro, and splits people aggroing the fuck while cornered and people dealing with aggro in the right way. i know this now involves varous exploits, but just wait for SA and everything will be ok ( at least after some months of glitching around)
  17. Bludy

    Some good ol' Balota Sniping 800m+

    indeed! you seem at right your range
  18. Bludy

    Please help i just want to play dayz

    video drivers? BE client
  19. Bludy

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    bandages and hatchet
  20. Bludy

    sparing the gun

    he wasn't so friendly after all..did you have bandit skin?
  21. i'm enjoying a lot your stories ! just remember to post when you find someone worth your bandit experience! i miss the connection between catching an infection and camping 45' the NEAF..should you be at really low blood at that point or did you loot it before establish your sourveillance and found ABs?