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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. it's a long time i don't get cheated to death, but i play almost exclusively on private servers with live admins..playing on public always makes me feel like i'm waiting for an asteroid to fall on my ass anymoment
  2. Bludy

    Balota Bandit

    sure, but i think the problem aren't bandits: the problem are all those pussies afraid of bandits that start killing on sight even if they don't have theet and balls to do it properly, and you end dead by people who only need a bloodbag and a hug or they die because they shoot and then run away screaming friendly friendly..
  3. Bludy

    Balota Bandit

    this video shows all the filth of dayz, but these are the rules..
  4. Bludy

    Failed Robbery

    i'm not sure he wasn't hearing you..he seemed to look around searching for you, but maybe it was your footsteps. good approach, but next time the lee enfield is a powerful ally, berezino is not like major cities, you never meet too many players..
  5. Bludy

    DayZ Medic Adventures...i need a hero!!

    once i wanted to be a whitelisted medic but i was too noob for it. it seems a quite funny playstyle, thanks for the upload!
  6. if you play solo you must pay attention to your blood, carry a lot of cooked meat, hunt every animal you meet. then in my opinion and in my playstyle, if you have a decent rifle, like assault or sniper, you are good to go, just go to towns or military places to get ammo when you are low, visit the deerstands you can see on dazdb map, and watch your back for other players, don't fuck too much with them and shoot/expose only when you can handle the situation without too many risks
  7. Bludy

    DayZ 2017 Gameplay.

    this and 2017 means only modern weapons?
  8. Bludy

    Taviana - PVP Action

    nice footage! i liked music too. i'km going to subscribe..
  9. Bludy

    Remove Death Messages

    last days i've seen more servers with death messages detailed as fuck more than any message..
  10. Bludy

    #1 Reason I Hate DayZ

    there is always something to learn, next time in a castle you'll remember this and you'll reach the bugs orange alert level on that ladder
  11. Bludy

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    you cannot imagine how many times you have to kill or die to get a friendly encounter! you just don't have to get attached to your gear, the more you have the more others want. i suggest you to join teamspeak..there are strangers who team up everyday
  12. Bludy


    if we consider also that every player keeps good stuff and leaves the gear become useless on the ground i think that a lot of ''rare'' gear goes from player to player to player..a pair of nvg or a sniper rifle you find spawned can survive dozens of players..
  13. quite impressive theatre..i'd like to see what kind of locations there are..
  14. Bludy


    welcome! watch your beanz!
  15. Bludy

    Share your noob stories

    in my first spawn i was in komarovo(now i know it's not such a good spawn) and i ended with my leg broken , low blood and the night coming all over chernarus. then i decided to give up and i tryed to aggro some infected to kill me, but i suddenly learnt that they see really worse in the darkness and that they don't notice flashlights...lol
  16. Bludy

    Add Dust. How awesome would that be?

    this would be a shiny detail, a point scored for immersion..
  17. Bludy

    DayZ needs more guns

    i think we need more civilian than military weapons. when you go to the barracks you can find a huge variety of rifles, but when you enter a house you can find only 3 rifles and 3 pistols
  18. Bludy

    Talk about shaving it close ;P

    oops, a mountain in front of us
  19. Bludy

    Crossbow vs M107

    your posts guys make me remember the glorious day before the bohemia patch nerfing all the pistols.. :(
  20. Bludy

    Problem with my gear

    exactly, especially if you are alone in a forest or with zombies spawned for you, the only valuable reference point are other players and vehicles..
  21. Bludy

    My first Heli crash site

    don't throw smoke grenades when you have aggro, the animation will end when you are at half of your way towards cherno from kamenka in your next life.
  22. Bludy

    Need a blood transfution - I'm in Electro!

    this happened to me few days ago: crawl to the outskirts of the city and kill some animal. if you go to the cornershop before doing this, you can eat everything you find in there so you can go again above 3k blood and stop the passing out. this is my method while playing solo...anyway forum is full of nice players so you'll be ok i think.
  23. Bludy


    every building is classified as military, industrial, farm, residential. every kind has different loot. they all have lootpiles on the ground
  24. Bludy

    Problem with my gear

    if you are talking about public servers i think it's a problem of saving: gear is saved every 2-5 minutes so if you have bad ping it's possible that you are lagging like a bitch, so you won't get saved. this can be prooved by noticing if you are in the same position where you got the kick, if we are talking about private hives, try to log back to the same server. i'd suggest you to filter for ping on dayzcommander, or by region..
  25. Bludy

    Dont get too carried away

    1% better then mod= worth the money and priceless fun....yes, the forum will become a hell on earth...