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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. maybe it was a hotspot? it's the first time i hear this..and hackers could see you directly, no real need to see waypoints i guess
  2. Bludy

    The 'Hide Body' System

    you can carry and drag wounded players..but here i've seen a lot of good ideas!
  3. Bludy

    Terror has arrived

    nice to have you there! i've seen on your footage that you are a tough player!
  4. bored people playing are a bit boring also to watch! nothing more than a lot of good gear lost in the next restart. i'm sorry OP, i liked your previous uploads but this saddened me so bad :-(
  5. Bludy

    First close encounter

    it's the first time i hear about a bushes encounter, paths to common locations are well known to be dangerous, but sometimes i think, and if i see someone now?
  6. Bludy

    Kinda scared of this game

    another helpful thing about arma2 is the bots saying ''rifleman, 200m south'' so you can learn how an enemy shape appears at a lot of different distances, and in consequence, how zeroing your weapon..
  7. Bludy

    DayZ PVP Episodes Added!

    nice videos
  8. i do the same thing with my backpack when i know i will die..always mess ammo in towns, if you already have a weapon there is no need to leave there that winchester with 30 or 45 bullets..and i found useful to turn around towards doors while looting. hiding bodies comes useful in town too, but if someone wants to do all the route from cherno to berezino to get his g17 back it's not my problem..and server restarts do the rest of the job
  9. Bludy

    Kinda scared of this game

    you can also play arma2 singleplayer, so you can play as a badass soldier, and then come back to dayz and be a badass survivor. when you play for a bit, you'll stop being scared by zombies and it's a big step forward, other players will be always the biggest threat you can find, but if you are not worried by zombies you can think better..
  10. Bludy

    Need pickup at Cherno.

    because i ate so much shit in this game, and i never had the privilege to be in a safe position like yours, where if you even die, you cannot be looted by who takes you down, i prefere to let you come to us by yourself. so..good jump! or you can wait for your friend :-)
  11. Bludy

    Best mod map

    one of the two you see (dayztaviana and dayzland.eu) has the new skins for survivors and less military equipment (or more?) just try both..it should be dayztaviana..
  12. Bludy

    How to get the bandit skin

    and if you kill a hero you'll get the bandit skin for a longer time
  13. adding something is needed, you can now simply turn auto-hoover on when you are in trouble...and you can still see people having difficulties to handle choppers. i've never had a chopper in dayz, but spent a lot of times flying over chernarus on the arma2 armory ao i have my practice with choppers ingame. then the kos issue..if you make flying more difficult, maybe, a lot of people won't just shoot someone trying to fix a heli, but help him to have a safe ride because they won't be able to do that
  14. Bludy

    Be guid?

    this topic was actually helpful also for me, i waited in a lobby until i saw the guid the second time, after a lot of server's bullshit...
  15. Bludy

    Teleport Hacked

    the combat icon starts flashing without any sound of gunshots, maybe it was someone using the hatchet or a silenced weapon, but in any case this is terrible, i'm really sorry that this happened to you, but you are not alone, i can assure this. try to moove to private hives, there is a huge session in the forum about that..
  16. Bludy

    A video of revenge

    in fact the first guy took a ton of bullets..
  17. Bludy

    Killing without killing...

    and when they die? if they are smart, they keep their most important gear in their main inventory, which is, with the toolbelt, not accessible to other players unless you are dead.so if you don't shoot them they probably will survive a robbery :-) told this, every playstyle is good as any other, and this sounds to me pretty legit and entertaining, surely better than killing on sight for manner or for fear.
  18. i agree with op and this quote, but SA will be covered with poo so you could afford the coconut milk..
  19. yeah, heli needs a group of people..at least two..there is a lot of competition to get them and parts are a pain to carry! i had a couple of motorbikes and a car, but never a heli,. and i played hours and hours. the camping site is really funny, you should try to set up one!
  20. Bludy

    Very noob Question but.....

    mm it sounds like a glitch..there are particular conditions when you get the damage? i had weird things with infected damaging me when i'm in small rooms, sometimes glitching out of the building pushed by the infected and almost dying, sometimes crawling continously until i die ... remember that you could pass out because you are under 3k blood, and you couldn't bandage properly because of lag(this shouldn't because you said 6-7 online). i'd try to repeart the conditions to recreate the bug, unless it happens everytime you get damage
  21. Bludy

    What do i do !!!!!!

    so did you play normally and you don't need more help?
  22. Bludy

    Rushed by a guy with an axe

    these are among the best kills you can have in this game.
  23. Bludy

    Cooked beans

    and it would be really satisfying
  24. there are a lot: cheaters
  25. Bludy

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    he had a nice backpack, and the bandit didn't have one at all..