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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. shakhovka for me is the worthless place..once i met there a friend and it was really horrible..i just found matches under a porch, but really a hellhole and somehow i agree with Box, if you are solo, daytime, in a full server you really risk a lot of items and life to find barracks already looted
  2. Bludy

    Carta A Boemia y la comunidad de DayZ

    don't like this idea(figured out by the comments since i don't understand spanish, sorry) at all
  3. try reinstall via dayzcommander, then install and fix beta (by going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta folder and copying the launcher to main arma2 OA folder
  4. :thumbsup: :beans: ty a lot, amazing post
  5. Bludy

    brand new player

    i suggest you dayzcommander, it provides you updates (beta verion and mod's version) you just have to swtich the expansion beta folder launcher to main arma 2 OA folder (i think, at least i do this)
  6. Bludy

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    should add ducks at the mod's fauna..
  7. Bludy

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    why can i light a fire in a barrel without matches?
  8. if you stay logged in, probably someone will find and kill you to loot your body..just chill on the forum while it happens :-P
  9. i hit the guy in the rock i swear!...crack interesting glitch
  10. Bludy

    my favourite building

    lol yes, but another advantage is that you can scan the other side and decide to avoid going there..useful with zombie train behind or high trafic areas..about this last they are not so good to clear..
  11. Bludy

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    in that case it was better to pick up the gun from the ground to the backpack and then switch it out..
  12. it's enough if the exploits are gone..camera going closer to the player/not rotating near walls and such this stuff
  13. oh that's an old video but often brought in this kind of discussion.. i think the slow ones would be just ignored by players pvping around..also today you can fire-move-fire-move minimizing aggro problems, i feel that the game's atmosphere should go in the: ''you-fire-you-get-hammered-by-rushing-infected'' direction more than the ''mmm-zombies-slowly-coming-let's-forget'em-for-a-minute-while-i-put-down-this-guy'' one
  14. i agree with this. without this quote i'd have said alone: smoke nades and pistol while getting close and taking out the pilots friends: guy going in with anything and a LMG guy watching
  15. king of the hill watching how you move, you must have seen a lot of action there! the barrack is a good interest point, in vanilla (don't know now, but when the loot spawn was single) it keeps the hatchet vs makarov thing going..here it seems you find people logging and farming the place..(and camping wtf)
  16. in 28 days later they HAVE some issues in loosing aggro...you'll just have to run trying to hide and maybe the help of another player..that's bring us to: hoping that SA will be so difficult to not leave room for kos and douching (personally i don't think so) but maybe remembering how bad was being unarmed and chased will make people fire the zombies and not the player
  17. Bludy

    my favourite building

    true, but you also make a lot of noise, both for infected and humans...as everything in dayz it's always matter of risk/luck
  18. Bludy

    Coastal crabs..

    despite of the infection rate i prefere to starve to death ,cause of the blurry vision, and even leave without morphine, but i'll always follow the call of the wild.. i understand your feeling and i played also like you, because i didn't find what i wanted or pulled by some action going on..not having so much time to play i'm ok with some animal hunts and short deerstands runs..
  19. maybe they thought you were the one people were complaining about..
  20. mm i don't think so..not all by yourself..obviously someone can come and steal aggro someway(shooting, going closer..running i guess) i've noticed they tend to eat people on the ground before attacking someone else.. you cannot decrease their damage output, but if you fire them in the legs they sometimes go prone and crawl..
  21. Bludy

    Kidnapping & Battle w/ BTR

    damn, barracks in the middle of our usually peaceful paradise elektro!
  22. Bludy

    zombie types?

    i don't like the idea of juggernauts or skinny guys going faster..it's different from the background i see devs are aiming for..i'd like to see BPvests on some military infected and the idea of zombies going from healthy and fast to slow and weak is so hot
  23. Bludy

    My Channel (DayZ Videos)

    nice videos, too bad your experience exposes the issues of the mod nowadays(and forever) discussed: kos and 3rd person view.. beans anyway
  24. barracks at kamyhellhole= not a server for me..glad you had a nice time palying..