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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. it's one of the stronget themes of the game i think. sincerely i didn't see any differences when there were no skins at all..personally i rely more on voice than any other factor, i shoot who's not responding unless he leaves immediatly and i leave who i don't think is sincere saying he's friendly..that doesn't mean i'll trust you completely or i won't keep you under an eye when you find a weapon.. i only hope that SA, being different from a pure FPS like arma2 is, will bring us a deeper level of interaction between players. but in the end the game will become like now it is: you and your TS/skype group/clan vs. the rest of the world.
  2. Bludy


    didn't see any issue with skype..obviously i use it when i play with just another person..but a lot of whitelisted servers offer a TS channel also so...
  3. yeah..same for me..fuck the hospitals(they spawn worse shit than in the past) i found meds several times now in industrial buildings, i think they enter in the 6.49% of military loot displayed by dayzdb map..that's why you must enter every shack searching for ABs
  4. Bludy

    Questions about Tents

    if i remember correctly and according to the current changelog it should be: one week live from the last movement of objects inside/outside two weeks if saved when you die i'm not sure but it should be 24-48h, i don't think it disappears on server restart. i know that in dayzero when you die it disappears, but i'm not sure since it went from to 1.0 yesterday and i still have to find a changelog of the current version
  5. Bludy

    The Bandit Ep1/2 and Ep. 3 Operation Morphine

    cool footage.. minute 27 in episode two is quite full of action! i think i had already watched the first two back when you uploaded them.. anyway i subscribed to your channel on yt..
  6. Bludy

    The Bandit Ep1/2 and Ep. 3 Operation Morphine

    where? nice videos (i watched just the third :-P) searching for this mentioned kill now
  7. Bludy

    Just saw Rocket again.

  8. i think we would see this result even if the poll was: would you play dayz SA if you'd know it causes cancer? at this point i'd play SA no matter what.. point of view is secondary factor.. a lot of people go in 3rd person servers because there is more action, more players online and once you're in, it's stupid to not use the exploits..if they go away from SA, there's no harm in 3rd person. a lot of players had experiences in different FPS i'm sure, where you cannot always toggle POV, so that's why such a percentage of the community will play even with 1st only.
  9. sure i would, but i don't mind 1st or 3rd really..not so much changes in terms of immersion or gameplay, i enjoy both..i'd like to see the exploits of 3rd go away though
  10. Bludy

    Day Night and an Ecosystem.

    i like it the way it is..there are already servers with a different daytime if you want to play night in the morning..and bosses and stuff are not for this mod i think..the viral zombies have already 12k blood and are enough i think
  11. Bludy


    you can filter by ''hide unofficial'' but somehow there are private hives even with that filter
  12. this is a good compromise indeed, like that taser in idk what mod, but a winchester or an enfield are enough to ask the bandit to drop his stuff..you must not be polite at all and more important, as he moves you fuck him..that's how 99.9% of the times i had to shoot..S.W.A.T. 4 taught me a lot about FPS :'-)
  13. yesterday i've been friendly to a guy in elektro..we looted the town together and split after a while, i found a mp5sd and he got a pistol after a bit.. this doesn't mean that i did trust him for more than 0 seconds and that my heart didn't race for a moment after he came back armed..there's friendly and friendly
  14. about SA, i thought that there,this would have been : how to screw a lot of gear, aiming at the backpack the idea is good, but i espected something like finding, just spawned, a body fully geared or an helo crashing or: first drop hatchet, and 5m away a player fully geared looking at bunch of tin cans..
  15. let's take this from weight of a player's balls point of view: shooting on sight is level 1, you don't really need balls, just a little thinking on the risks , maybe, and just if you are not there to only kos(sorry kos pal :-P) or take some pvp action; talking in direct chat, aiming at someone's head is level 2, especially if you are dealing with a geared player who could be: a) experienced; b)attached to his gear a lot; i think that if you are at level 2, it's not level 3 making him drop a weapon and make him turn away from you or walk away from his gear. to support your idea i can tell that in 99.9% of cases i tried that (hey buddy drop that rifle) i had to shoot, so disarming an unwilling guy or even throw him prone could be a good feature for this game..it could be a mess in the already caotic makarov vs. hatchet slaughter though (hey that hatchet is mine, drop it! i've seen it first! etc. etc.)
  16. Bludy

    Banned for nothing from private server

    and it's private server they do what they want i think.
  17. Bludy

    Trade Outposts

    once i tried to sell cooked meat outside cherno...it didn't go well
  18. we are talking about places which are so useless that i had to watch tha map to find them...
  19. Bludy

    What happened to the servers?

    sorry if this might be offtopic..is it true that infections are removed from dayzero? because that would be a huge difference between vanilla and zero.. i suggest to OP to try it definetly, it's really really good
  20. Bludy

    Dropping Garbage After Healing

    i'd like to see also a blood path..like if you cross a road or go inside a bush while bleeding you leave red juice everywhere..i think the remainings of medical treatment are a MUST in the SA at least..really welcome in the mod, i appreciated a lot leaving tin cans
  21. mmm both, but mainly 3rd now, a lot of hives i had a char on are offline and i go where there is life
  22. Bludy

    What happened to the servers?

    hide unofficial on dayzcommander..main hive seems to have less hackers imo, or whitelist you somewhere
  23. Bludy

    Dont know what to do.

    the story does not have an end, did you die both? did you go there after death? maybe you all lagged and died..
  24. mm i found there a lot of military ammo and often grenades..useful, when you are a lonewolf you cannot go everyday at nwaf
  25. Bludy

    New DayZ Community

    sorry, i don't like donor perks..i'm enough shot down without playing in a clan serverbase :-D