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Everything posted by Bludy

  1. Bludy

    Magazines, Ammunition, and Weapon Relevence

    these decisions will give to the game a lot of depth and adding factor that influence your inventory managment sounds good to me..i think that when you'll go to the barracks there will be more mags than boxes..so it won't be such a mess with those boxes..
  2. Bludy

    My experience with Frankie.

    i had the same experience with sidney poitiers
  3. Bludy

    adrenaline rush

    i was thinking about how tough are some firefights and how intense are certain situations ingame..so much that we have an adrenaline rush even if we are sitting on a chair at home. in ancient warfare you had just to use a stick or a sword on the enemy's head to get the job done, and lay down and die if they were better somehow, while in modern warfare you have to make fine and complex actions, like aiming steady, perform medical treatments, maneuvering if you are in a squad..all with even more than 140-150 beats per minute and pissing yourself, with your hands shaking. i thought that this ingame could become a status, like the old ''shock''..it's true that you can become deaf and that could become back imo, and i thought to add a feature: when you use your inventory under adrenaline rush there's a chance you loose the object, and there's a chance you cannot see the object on the ground for a while..all working like passing out system, to not be too much heavy on the gameplay.. so: you get shot/wounded, you get the rush, you take an epi-pen or something from your inventory to the backpack or viceversa, and later you find you don't have it anymore..''fuck i thought i put it here!'' or it happens immediatly ''fuck! where is it?''
  4. Bludy

    adrenaline rush

    eheh you are right..but i'd take back shock status anyway..it felt correct for me.
  5. Bludy

    SA idea: Decomposition!

    nice! i like it! and also if you wear badly infected clothings you have a debuff on aggro since you smell like a corpse and less like a lunch
  6. they must be really sofisticated players..i convinced my friends by letting them watch me play the mod(some joined from there) and saying: look...SA will be so fucking better you'll loose your job and girlfriend and family and you'll be probably able to take a shit ingame.
  7. Bludy

    ways to collect and use empty bullet casings

    i feel it could work if we'd have hand made guns aswell...or they could fuck your gun with a given %..the more complex is the tracking system the more i'll be happy
  8. Bludy

    I'm one happy bunny.

    camp raids, always worth the long walk. from drops..mmm i think a rifle when you need one, materialistically the FAL with nvg scope and an as50..both at crash sites.
  9. Bludy

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    shotguns are a good starter and the flashlight version is a piece of cake when you are at night time..some bandits seems to have issues understanding a flashlight that fires bullets.. intown i prefere pellets, and it's a military grade weapon easy to refill in ammo, combining all those you find in barns.. and i had one in my backpack for light gear looting when i had a camp, so i think i'm over average in shotgun use. ^ i think i clicked reply on a wrong thread :-P
  10. Bludy

    Brand new player

    it's a long time you don't spawn with a makarov..more than a year..it's not so bad finding one..and where's the fun if you have already everything to survive forever?
  11. Bludy

    Dayz Video Brand Spankin' New!

    at the beginning you were walking because you right clicked as you had a gun..there's no animation on the sights obviously but you walk..
  12. Bludy

    Best/Most Practical Way to Find M9SD Mags?

    i usually go industrial..more loot spawns, i had good luck with polana factory a few times
  13. i played there all this morning..:-) ty anyway
  14. Bludy

    Fix the Dang Zombie Damage and AI already

    that's a videogame..how could we save how damage did you take from a zombie? if we'd have extreme realism we'd die only cornered in a shak with a broken leg or grappled and kept on the ground and beaten and bitten to death. to simulate an internal trauma from a scratch, or a severe scratch that should bleed you for a given amount of blood over time(imo) we have bleeding status.. that's why we all learnt to run through buildings with two doors..deal with this like with pistol damage, like with starving in a couple of hours, like with a arms hit breaking your legs, like having a door/tree killing you, like jumping in the air on an atv, like spawning in the air, like coughing to death..i understand your rage and general feeling, but in dayz you can always have a worse day. peace
  15. Bludy

    Chop Foliage : Natural Camo

    i'd like to warm and hide under blankets or rugs..according with the color you find them
  16. Bludy

    More zombies

    i think when another player approaches a place it spawns another horde.. this for every zombie spawn a.k.a any loot spawn...so 2-3 for every spot for every player around 100m in town. i see hardly 200z in a castle..but it can happen if you fire a loud primary
  17. Bludy


    didi you have bandages on you? maybe he wanted those..i thin kyou had a pretty friendly experience there...you shouldn't have hang so long in elektro i think..playing with unknown people can be fun but dangerous aswell..you did really good, don't be upset for a betrayal in emergency situations..most of kills are consequence of panic shots i'm sure..you'll find yourself in these situations, in danger of death, in need for something to save your life that someone could carry..unless you get the bandit skin giving everyone the moral excuse to kill you on sight, you can play as you prefere as the situation requires..just think before acting time to time. being a hero is not a bloodless path and doesn't come in minutes..it takes a lot of work and a lot of deaths in elektro.
  18. Bludy

    Hunting and more guns.

    that reminds me a sort of fallout casual encounter style..could be interesting..i mean, we already have heli crash sites and car sites (dayzero at least)..seeing a live nature fits the game i think..more survival and less pvp is always good..we could need some dangerous animal aswell..bees, bears..more aggressive boars..maybe wolves
  19. Bludy

    Hunting and more guns.

    and i think they should avoid infected areas, so you should really go hunting, not just sitting waiting for them to be generated in the outskirts of town..
  20. lone wolfing, i avoid NWAF, stary, and green mountain, so when i see kamenka it's 50% 50% cherno or deerstands+ zeleno... not a bad loot run at all. the only issue of that supermarket is that even if you scout the area, when you'll actually reach the place there could be someone else basicly everywhere..it could be my approach route, but i feel too much exposed..obviously i don't care, also because when i hit that, at that point i'm happy if i already have a couple of cans and a weapon.. pushtoska also is good if you had bad luck at zeleno.. vybor well, i've been there a couple of times and i found only two alternatives: ghost town or like cherno but everyone is geared with heavy shit, i prefere having some friend if i go there (friends who always want to go to NWAF and die :-)) for sure i'm too much conservative, but i enjoy in surviving and throwing myself in tactical nightmares when you end at least running away from bullets it's not my way..it's different when you spawn, you don't care much, but if you are solo you need to loot a decend kit just to reach NWAF from the coast and finding a bigger rifle doesn't make such a difference.
  21. Bludy

    Chuck Norris Zed

    yeah they were implemented with some parkour skill..i see them flying everywhere..ATC towers, ladders, deerstands, hospital..even one was already on the roof of an apartment scaring me to death with his footsteps..nice combo on you for sure..he must have been a pro
  22. Bludy

    Hunting and more guns.

    when i do the gun upgrade looting military places, sometimes i keep a winchester or a enfield to hunt..i'm good with more animals too, but some should be rarer.. not casually generated
  23. Bludy

    Holstering Your Weapon

    i support this idea
  24. i don't lauch anything.. i recently installed it for a friend: downloaded arma2 and oa, downlaoded dayzcommander, downloaded dayz via DC, downloaded beta via DC, overwrittend the beta launcher as i previously wrote, join server via DC..profit