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About punisher_1

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  1. If anyone has played Arma we know hacking is a constant. This is what ruined DayZ for me the first time around and why I stopped playing it. 15 hours in and I'm ready to hang it up again the only difference now is that this was paid for. Now Rocket has created this new version but it has not stopped the hackers. If you do not kill the hacks in this game it's not worth playing. Do you understand that Rocket I mean DO YOU REALLY FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT. i mean dude I brought this up a long time ago and it seems to have not sunk in yet. But let me explain, considering the fan boi's are mashing keys already ( and did not bother to read the rest ). You spend the better part of a day sneaking around and collecting your random shit and finding better shit, surviving, exploring, avoiding fights or winning them if you are lucky you avoid all the KOS dick-bags you can actually enjoy the game. But when you instantly loose EVERYTHING to a hacker it ruins the game. It's not like a fight gone bad it is an uncontrollable troll of all your efforts ruined in a second flat. The game is based on your efforts to obtain the tools of survival while it's interesting it gets old quick having to re-do your character not even enjoying the spoils of your labor. The Hack: You enter a server and you cannot see anything but you can hear sounds. Apparently you are killed and whomever is running this hack loots everything you got. I seen a rather bright flashy screen and left within a couple of seconds and still was killed. Of course you don't know this until you connect to another server and find out all your shit is gone and well, you died. Here is a video of a similar event that I happened to record it is not the exact one that I mentioned above. http://youtu.be/WXfQsYnIOrE
  2. punisher_1

    No new releases until the hacks are fixed

    Well posted this 4 and 1/2 months ago and it still a hopeless hackfest and well, that's not good for business. I would have hoped BIS would have stepped up and fixed the issue but if the myraids of you tube videos show the hackers are just getting more creative. So dissapointing a cool game is getting seriously fucked by douche bags. Oh for all those that are curious I contacted BIS and they deny that thier product is not hack-able, so they lie on top of the issue. Even of Dean makes a stand alone product it is still going to be shagged rotten by hackers which makes me sort sad cause he deserves to be paid for his efforts.</p>
  3. I'd say No. The whole thing seems like an act of stupidity. At no time should you take photo or video of a military base this is COMMON SENSE. If they really wanted photos then why not go to the commander of the base and request the oppertunity to do so? Probably because they would say No and rightly so. However this mess would have been avoided. Now the Greek Govt. has to do the right thing and investigate these two guys and make SURE they are not a threat, that takes time. While I hope this process is short and Greece is treating them well people have to understand this is a matter of security.
  4. punisher_1

    fire fight {video}

    That was painful to watch What is that a MP5 BB gun? Sure looks like it hits like a BB gun.
  5. punisher_1

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    yep you have issues
  6. punisher_1

    Guy gets robbed

    Meh what did you have to lose? You could have killed one or two of them ran around with the hatchet and trolled them up close.
  7. punisher_1

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    I'm not getting it? He's hacking because he found a UH-1 Huey? or that you guys have all DMR's and M107s and cannot shoot down a moving helo?
  8. punisher_1

    [Video] Direct Chat + Music = WIN AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Nice troll and face shot
  9. punisher_1

    [Video] Whoopsy DayZ

    Civies with sniper rifles and bad communication = Fail sauce in buckets. Entertaining
  10. punisher_1

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    I dont think the solution is limiting ammo because I would just kill you to get more. See I'm not a bad guy but you just made me one due to the fact I need ammo for my weapon. You are most likley not going to trade me or why can I trust you? It's just more simple to kill you and take it. Again it's not what I want to do but what I have to do. In a game where everything is free and respawns why kill anyone for anything .... oh ya thats right people are lazy and pulling trigger is too easy. That and they want to ruin your game.
  11. punisher_1

    The Pvp Problem.

    I get your point but this game will never support anything viable to detect a "bad guy" from range. It would be too complicated and I do not believe that the staff wants to invest the time to create a mechanic to offer up the "Tells" of a bad guy. Chances are by the time a player gets close enough for you to see if he's twisted it's too late. The Bandit skin was originally on the right track. I and others suggested a new skin where you look bloodied. So you may look like the other players but your charater has splashes of blood on their clothing, face and hands. This increases with each kill. It's simple and to the point can be seen at range and requires less coding / creation time than any other suggestion. However the final solution until then is: KILL EVERY M'FER YOU SEE UNLESS YOU KNOW THEM
  12. Oh another "I'm so awesome" because I found a superior weapon and hid in the woods and murdered people posts. You're a hero dude! Congrats on your 1337 skills of camping and shooting people for no other reason other than "I gots a rifles and a kanz shoots peepls I'm soo leets"
  13. Well I'm tried of the puppy and the little messes it leaves around. Untill then, there is alot of fleas and ticks that like to jump on the puppy those too can be removed but only if the owner takes steps to apply the right kind of flea/tick spray to do so. Like any good puppy it needs to be trained well and as it grows it will be a better dog. Right now the puppy has little training and it's initial cuteness wears off in a few weeks. Thus you are left with a messy flea infested puppy. But there is hope like any GOOD owner they will work to train the puppy if not then no one will want to be around the dog.
  14. The problems with this would be: They can still farm the spawn. They have all day to shoot you when you try to approach If you are lucky enough to find wire what they are going to do is log off, go to another server, log on, move 70 out of the building, log back in and shoot you in the back. See the major issue is how the game works and what sort of players it attracts. No mechanics to keep people in check therefore people will do what they want to do. I do however applaude your thought on trying to solve the issue.
  15. It's a simple solution If you play by yourself EVERYONE is a target! Or you play with people you know. You naturually would not murder everyone you seen in real life but this is not what the game mechanic intends you to do. Actually the game mechanic for communication or in game visual ques is removed or limited. Even then somone can lie. Short of the guy (s) you invited to play and know on TS or Vent thats all you can trust. In short this is a player versus everyone game.