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About TheTrueOgre

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheTrueOgre

    NL69 cheater, Teleporting and item spawn

    not at the moment i think we are on an other server at the moment but thanks you try to do somthing how lucky we have good server admins
  2. TheTrueOgre

    DayZ Hack ??

    Helicopter sind im moment deaktiviert also sollte es eigentlich auch keine geben.
  3. TheTrueOgre

    NL69 cheater, Teleporting and item spawn

    pls dont post useless comments and be quiet if you dont have to say something usefull. how will you proof something if a guy spawns in front of you and kills you? no one has fraps or something running all the time because it could happend that you get killed by a cheater.
  4. Today on NL69 12:50 PM UTC+01:00 was a guy his name is 4len s ushami he was teleporting over the map and killed 3 friends of me in differend places on the map in under 3 mins. he killed them after there respawn again in differend places. so after this he teleports to one of them and spawns in front of him a car and some items and a SD sniper rifle + some more items. my friend asks him how he does it and he told him in direct communication its magic. pls ban this guy and sry for my poor english
  5. TheTrueOgre

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    not really some of my friends log in and and all there gear is gone!
  6. TheTrueOgre

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    that happend only if you join a server with wrong server version. and to topic a friend of me logs in with and he spawns on the coast without his gear.
  7. TheTrueOgre

    Deny saving tents/vehicles outside of map.

    +1 but let they place there stuff outside of the map and after one our that stuff disappeart.
  8. Why do you throw it on the ground??? if you throw all the stuff out of the tends you have to wait around 5min. then new stuff is spawning in the tends and you get other loot. so you can loot until you get what you wand or get killed like us. XD hope that helps
  9. hmm the Apache is strange thats true. all this loot in Stary Sobor is from some friends and me. we throw all the stuff out of the tends and that for about one hour until we got killed. XD so all the loot is normal and maybe some other people throw more stuff to this place after us.