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About iexus

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  1. We'd stolen a chopper and wanted to move it somewhere safe (the clan we'd stolen from were roaming the night) however with little fuel and a leaking tank I pushed it a little too far. Been a crazy week for dayZ for me and my little group.
  2. iexus

    Battle from the Ground against a Chopper!

    As promised, my view. Apologies for laugh, I get excited.
  3. iexus

    Battle from the Ground against a Chopper!

    DUMDUMDUM... It was a silenced m4 and nightvision :) and some tasty snacks.
  4. iexus

    Battle from the Ground against a Chopper!

    Was involved in this battle, will have my video of this from my view up sometime soon. For those wanting to raid their camp here's a video of me finding it before I got shot and all the admins banned us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nBnIdMM-4w&feature=youtu.be Helps give an idea of where it lies.
  5. I can confirm this. As the one who discovered the camp and the moment I began looting got shot it was a little distressing to then have them ban the rest of our members as we converged. These guys are the scum of the earth and deserve their camp to be burnt to the ground. I seriously hope they lose their server too. Morons.
  6. Unfortunately I only got screenshots afterwards, also wasn't recording sadly, however as soon as I had killed him 2 seconds later every member of the server was kicked off and only TLS players were on. I know you normally need proof of these things but just wanted to say. I know what you did, and hopefully your time will come. Also I killed you, hah.
  7. That's kind of what I was thinking, at the moment illness isn't really a big issue for most people and it might spice it up a little / make anti-biotics worth while.
  8. I'll edit it, I always thought the chance would have to be incredibly small for the very reasons you mention!
  9. Hello, I've had a search and couldn't see anyone else obviously suggesting something similar but apologies if they have. That said my idea was: Would it be possibly for players. once bitten / scratched by a zombie, to slowly "turn" into those they so despise.(Note: chance to become infected would be incredibly small, we already must be slightly resistant to have not been infected with everyone else right?). It wouldn't be instant and would take several hours to progress through stages (thinking similar to the infection you can get from being out in the rain / cold only not just a cough) and if possible the player themselves wouldn't be told via a HUD element they would have to work it out themselves. There might be a cure. This could perhaps tie into the end game content with players having to collect several elements and combine them somehow (research lab in the hospital anyone?). Symptoms that you had been bitten would be pretty innocuous to begin with: - You find yourself becoming out of breath quicker for all physical activity - Your temperature drops slightly despite being in sunshine / warmth - Your vision slowly turns grey (similar to blood effect .. perhaps more subtle?) These would be the first minor signs, things that some players wouldn't even notice to begin with. As the infection spreads however: - Your ability to aim is impaired and when iron sighted you turn slowly and ungainly - You wheeze and cough a lot (perhaps same noise as cold .. less obvious) - When out of breath you begin to moan - When "excited" or rather scared you might emit a growl or snarl - Odd walking animation, looks "stiff", "shuffling" These are my favourite ideas: - When looking at another player your hunger increases (*drool* braaaaains) - Increased sensitivity to loud noises / footsteps Eventually you find yourself here (and this is the stage where you cannot be cured): - Cannot run, only shuffle whilst stood up, pain in joints,can crouch and move faster - Unable to handle basic instruments / weapons - Insatiable hunger for all food - Vision completely altered - Every noise is a pounding bang From here I was unsure, I'd love you to fully become a zombie and have players kill you but whether or not you would be in control or simply get a "you are dead" message I don't know. I would love to have this in the game though, I can't help but think it would make interesting moments in group play where you suddenly have to ask everyone "did anyone get bit?". The complexity of it might be a bit too much but I just love the idea of suddenly realising whilst you're walking in a building with your friends and going.... Oh god .... it's me .... I'm the zombie ... and crying as your now uncontrollable body runs at your friends snarling.
  10. I've updated to the most recent beta, and I cannot play on any server. It seems this beta patch is either not backwards compatible or arma is doing something funny at the moment.
  11. There's a whole host of these equipment missing posts but I'll add another one. Date / Time: 23/06/12 - 00:01 What happened: DMR vanished from player character after joining a server (had just disconnected from very bugged server) Location ingame: North east airfield on a hill What you were doing: Loading. I joined a server (believe it was EU 25 or near that) and saw that there were about 20 zombies all stood around in front of me but frozen in position in the animation of having their guns out. I tried firing at one with my DMR and nothing happened, a spurt of blood appeared on the hit but the zombie did not move or die. I thought, sod this! And joined a new server UK 99 I believe. As soon as I loaded my character did the animation of getting his pistol out, stood up and suddenly no DMR. It had simply vanished from my character. Nothing else was missing and all the ammo remained. Very weird and slightly annoying. Unsure if it was due to the bugged server or the one that I then joined. Oh well, time to look for a new DMR! Version: (using beta patch 93965)
  12. iexus

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    Does no-one else play as a group of bandits? Me and my friends work together, we don't trust anyone else so we're all pretty much bandits a lot of the time however we heal and provide help to our group so we are also co-operative. We flicker between being survivor skin and bandit skin all the time. We don't kill people for fun but we do kill anyone we see who looks like they have actual gear on them (Or beans, god the beans). You don't seem to have catered for this option. You're either running around hand in hand with other survivors or alone.
  13. iexus

    Why does the master server save

    You are eventually going to have to recycle keys though right? You will run out keys again eventually ... although not sure how large a number you can represent in Arma, you might be OK for a fair while. I remember at a place I used to work though that there was a weekly database run that would essentially defrag all the keytables so that there were no longer any gaps and allowing all those wasted keys to be reused.
  14. We just had an experience where we were kicked from a server by an admin because we killed him and a friend. EU17. He made a thread about it but it might have been been more relevant here. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6053 Also the server seemed broken whenever we loaded it was sunny and daytime whilst others who'd been on a couple of hours were in night time.
  15. Hello! I am iexus who was travelling with Mycaelis on this. The strangest thing about this was that the moment we killed one of them the 2 of our party who were possibly visible (with context over names..) were instantly kicked. I was sat back sniping with a DMR and it was only after I had pointed out this was suspicious that "Isomery" instantly defended himself saying that simply because he willed it we would be unable to play. I do not mind servers having reserve slots or possibly making room for people but this is flagrant abuse of admin powers and does not help gameplay in any way for those involved. Sorry the screenshot is not great we were busy tea bagging their faces as we looted another DMR off them. However if you join the EU17 server now you will notice that there is something wrong with the time. Whenever we joined it seemed to be daytime again. Very odd.