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About 7daniel7

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  1. 7daniel7

    "Mosin" and "M4" accuracy test

    I did a test of my own on what affects the m4 accuracy. I picked up different buttstocks , attachments, different mags, handguards. (everything that I could find, that also involved server hopping for science). I tested from 3 different positions(prone,crouch,standing) again around 200 meters from my target (this time being that giant grey antenna like the one you see in stary). I also tried testing different conditioned Item (One of my MP buttstock was badly damaged the other was pristine) so tl:dr Tested different scopes (all 5) Tested different mags (all 5) Tested different attachments, with or without(all except bayonet) Tested different handguards Tested different buttstocks Tested how the bi-pod affects accuracy The results: -The only thing that changed the accuracy drastically was the buttstock. -The deployed bi-pod doesn't reduce the accuracy of your weapon when you are in a standing or a crouched position. it does however greatly increases accuracy when prone, even with the CQB buttstock you get every shot on target. -Having a damaged buttstock doesn't affect your weapons accuracy (haven't tested other things so can't say about every item) Basically the buttstock you get with the M4 with is inaccurate(the OE), the CQB showed the same results, maybe slightly more inaccurate. The MP buttstock is much more accurate for some reason. On a side note the scopes were hard to test, the 2 Iron sights that you can get seems to be less accurate than the ACOG, M2, RDS scopes. (but it might be false) P.S: Yes I was zeroed in, Yes I was holding my breathe, Yes I can measure distances by eye sight.
  2. 7daniel7

    I Did Some Testing Regarding the M4 Accuracy

    What's so funny? we are testing the game aren't we?
  3. Hello, I had the idea to test the M4 after I saw how Sacriel was testing his in his stream. Later I saw a guy running about 250 meters infront of me on an open field, I had my M4, and I wanted to test it, I was amazed how innacurate it is. I was shooting from a crouched position and most shots were way of target (after leading of course). So I wanted to test it out. I picked up different buttstocks , attachments, different mags, handguards. (everything that I could find, that also involved server hopping for science). I tested from 3 different positions(prone,crouch,standing) again around 200 meters from my target (this time being that giant grey antenna like the one you see in stary). I also tried testing different conditioned Item (One of my MP buttstock was badly damaged the other was pristine) so tl:dr Tested different scopes (all 5) Tested different mags (all 5) Tested different attachments, with or without(all except bayonet) Tested different handguards Tested different buttstocks Tested how the bi-pod affects accuracy The results: -The only thing that changed the accuracy drastically was the buttstock. -The deployed bi-pod doesn't reduce the accuracy of your weapon when you are in a standing or a crouched position. it does however greatly increases accuracy when prone, even with the CQB buttstock you get every shot on target. -Having a damaged buttstock doesn't affect your weapons accuracy (haven't tested other things so can't say about every item) Basically the buttstock you get with the M4 with is inaccurate(the OE), the CQB showed the same results, maybe slightly more inaccurate. The MP buttstock is much more accurate for some reason. On a side note the scopes were hard to test, the 2 Iron sights that you can get seems to be less accurate than the ACOG, M2, RDS scopes. (but it might be false) P.S: Yes I was zeroed in, Yes I was holding my breathe, Yes I can measure distances by eye sight.
  4. Same problem for me. I log out and lose everyrthing, started with the new patch.
  5. 7daniel7

    Items keep rerolling

    Can the devs acknowledge this problem?
  6. I have the same exact problem, and I understand a few other people have that problem as well.
  7. 7daniel7

    Losing items when logging out

    Yeap I have the exact same problem >.> I wish a dev , or someone who understands will tell us with a soothing voice, "Don't worry we will fix it".
  8. 7daniel7


    I have the same problem as you OP for the past 3-4 days
  9. 7daniel7

    Gun and inventory not saving

    Have the same exact problem :< I hope they release a new update soon
  10. 7daniel7

    Dead Bodies

    Could be up to 30min - 1 hour speaking from past experience
  11. 7daniel7

    Items keep rerolling

    The thing is ... I tried many different servers and I still get the same items over and over again, and the same weapon. I always start with m1911 equipped when I should have the m4a3cco or the m107. and the m107 is always in my backpack.
  12. I logged in after the new update , and I keep having the same items no matter what I do. I played for 3 hours and got some new weapons and gear. When I logged back in my old ones remained the same , I can eat drink and move around the map but there is something wrong with the server recording my items I guess. . I tried a few different servers and the problem seems to persist. any fixes?
  13. Ok here's a thought, I don't actually know if it can work. You know that communication tower on the green mountain? Why not make it a broadcast tower, it will be something like the global chat, only it will stream to people with a radio(I know there is such an item in the game). they can choose to turn it off or on. you could broadcast music and all of that good stuff (just like in fallout 3). And now for the downside - if the tower gets taken down by children or just immature people who will just yell it would be annoying, of course you can just turn it off. - It also of course reveales your position to bandits making it another hot spot as soon as someone with a radio hears you talk. so this is just a thought, what do you guys think?
  14. Since I have the same exact problem, yes (page up and page down) Also I know what weapons have zeroing. I am using arma 2 operation arrow head and arma 2 free. I run the game through "_runA2CO_beta.cmd", which appears to run arma 2 free (the background is green). it might have to do the way I installed the game because the launcher and normal installs didn't work for me. I had to copy all of the addons in arma 2 free and place them in they dayz folder , only then it would work.