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About SiBi

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    I'm that kind of persons that see somebody and if their intent is friendly i try to help them, especially if the person is a beginner. If so i give him some food and drink and a weapon (i have always three weapons with me, don't know why).

    And please excuse me for my bad english skills, It is some years ago when i talking to somebody in english.
  1. No, I have to put the GPU in the oven to star the Laptop.
  2. Oh. thx. Then I should wait that the Scriptkiddies stop to DDoS the Servers. Why should somebody do this shit? In my mind a DDoS attack is a Internet Demonstration, but why they demonstrate?
  3. Oh thx :D But why I can join some servers, but spawn there without anything. And anytime I spawn on Server (I dont have a home server) I start without anything. Are this not the offiziel server. Shouldnt I join them? Thx that you read my horrible Thread, I should really train my writing skills.
  4. Yes I get the message "Waiting for Character to create" and sometimes I have a Livewallpaper. Is this a good sign? How could I see with a Retail Version of the game if Iam banned. Is there a text or anything else?
  5. I don't know what is it, but i got banned from most of the Servers. On the few Servers i can connect I start on the coast but i didn't die. The only thing I found in the forum is this Thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23905 I wrote the guys that it wasn't me there. Is it possibly to know where you logged in or out in the log files? I don#t have connecting issues on this day and my notebook running on this day very smooth too. On Sunday I had some problems with my notebook because my GPU is defect, sometimes I have to put my GPU in the oven to start my notebook. Would you give your child away if it has a broken leg? I was playing on a server, fighting a horde of Z's on the NE Airfield and after I win my game freezes. I reconnect some minutes later I stick on the "Receiving" screen. I hear shots but i can't see anything because I was on the Receiving Screen. So I stay on the server because I am already dead and couldnt even reconnect because the game freezes a second time and I go to take a Cigarette. Its not that worst that I was killed, because thats the life in DayZ. You spawn, scavenge and sometimes you die. I am dying a lot. I die because of Z's Players and bugs. I am not scared to die in DayZ. After the Cigarrete I had to abourt the game via Task Manager because it was still freezing. I reconnect and I was still alive, insured but still alive. I scavenge there and travel to the next place. I logged of for this day in the woods because my Notebook (Acer Aspire 5920) needs some minutes to get the game stable so I always disconnect in the woods, if I wouldn't did it I would die every second time I connect because of the Receiving screen. I don't know exactly if i am banned, i don't have the invalid key screen how Rocket called it in another thread and I can connect to some servers, but not to the ones that I play often. Please could somebody help me. I installed yesterday the newest Beta-patch, maybe it is because of the patch? Forgive me my bad English skills. It is some years ago that I had to write in English. Sincerely Your SiBi aka Diton