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Everything posted by XAM

  1. XAM


    About that. Me and my buddy killed a guy with a cayote backpack on the north firestation roof in elektro. His body somehow went into wall and we couldn't reach him. When we were about to head out, a coyote backpack spawned under our feet.
  2. XAM

    I think I have an infection

    Yes, you are infected and it can be cured by taking antibiotics. You can't die from it. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects
  3. XAM

    Game Tweaks?

    You could start by adding these two too your launch parameters: -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 After you've done that, head over to "C:\Users\<Your user>\Documents\ArmA 2" and open Arma2OA.cfg. Change/add the following: postFX=0; AToC=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; Try adding/changing the first two, if you're still having trouble. Try adding/changing the last one as well.
  4. XAM

    Admin Abuse US 465

    What you should do is to try contacting his server provider and report him there. So instead of just blacklisting the server he could get in trouble there as well for possibly breaking their agreement on DayZ servers.
  5. XAM

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Of course you can. But what OP is talking about are the people expecting the game to be polished already then whining on the forums about how broken the game is. There's a difference.
  6. Six Launcher should auto detect your paths if not entered. It did it for me at least.
  7. XAM

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    You're not forced to update :)
  8. XAM

    How to Update.

    Download and install this: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_94876.zip It's taken from: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  9. XAM

    How to update to

    I thought I read that was official now. So SIX should be updating to it. But here's how you do it manually: Reminder: If Six wasn't updating it to it will most likely downgrade it to 1.7.2 if your launching with it.
  10. XAM

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Well, they aren't finished with the mod. And new updates could break it easly. We are the ones to figure out if it did and what got broken. That's the whole point of us playing it. If you don't like that, you could always wait for the finished product.
  11. Awesome! Glad I could help :)
  12. I'm there. Try connecting now.
  13. Still cheaper here for the exact same version: https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version
  14. I can't join that one to check if there's any ingame message, sorry. You'll have to select a one running 94876 if you want me to check :)
  15. Which server are you trying to connect to? I can try joining it and see if there's some message ingame when you get kicked. US89? Oh, US89 TX isn't running & 94876.
  16. No, it shouldn't be a problem.
  17. What versions are you running now of arma and dayz?
  18. XAM

    Is stable?

  19. XAM

    Is stable?

    Weird :S I was sneaking around elektro yesterday without aggroing too much. By sneaking I mean crouching+shift. I just kept an eye on my visibility counter.
  20. XAM

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Like the people stating that Rocket should test his patches before releasing them. Well, that's what we are here for. We are the ones testing them for him. But as always, people ignore the words ALPHA & BETA. Doesn't matter how many times you throw it in their faces, they want to have a perfect game during those phases.
  21. Also, did you get any other information when you got kicked? Or did it just say "Kicked."?
  22. Six launcher should do the work for you. So you should just have to install Arma 2 & Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, then run Six.
  23. XAM

    Webserver 2008 R2

    Everything you need to know can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7876-server-hosting-quick-faq/
  24. Tried reinstalling the game from scratch?
  25. XAM

    Is stable?

    I've been playing since the first test version and I've not had any issues with it. The new aggro range was intentional I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.