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Everything posted by XAM

  1. XAM

    Scaring People - PART 2!

    Awesome video! :D May I ask what kind of computer you're using? I can't get close to those graphics with my i7 2600k + HD5870 :(
  2. I can't recommend any servers for you since I'm not from U.S. But I liked your channel, so I subscribed :)
  3. XAM

    LU70 Possible Admin Abuse?

    There's also a bug which is causing you to faint when joining a server, even though you weren't in shock.
  4. Has anyone tried if the issue is still there in the latest arma beta 94700?
  5. How do I update to 1.7.2 now when it's released? Atleast the server I'm playing on is running 1.7.2 now so I'm guessing it's released? Six Launcher just verifies my files, it doesn't update.
  6. 1.7.2 is on SIX. What are you talking about? Also this thread was made two days ago.
  7. XAM

    Banned from US 85

    The reason I didn't comment about the shoutbox was because it didn't break any DayZ rules. Glad to hear your willing to sort it out :)
  8. XAM

    Banned from US 85

    He is clearly stating it in this thread. That should be enough.
  9. XAM

    Banned from US 85

    I agree with PVP D/C being a huge problem and they are working on a solution and I'm not defending them. But what the guy in this topic experienced was not a PVP D/C. He didn't know if he was dead or not, and he did what anyone else would have done. Reconnected due to a glitch. I've done this as well without even knowing if I was still alive. This is an alpha version of a mod, there are bugs. People shouldn't get banned for something caused by a bug.
  10. XAM

    Banned from US 85

    How is that relevant to what I said about the debug monitor disappearing? I never said anything about bodies despawning. What I said was that you can't tell if you're dead or alive when you've been shoot if you're debug monitor has disappeared due to this bug. Here's why: You can't see how much blood you have. You wont see any hourglass if you're unconscious. If you really are dead, you wont see the death screen. The only thing you will see despite what happens is your body on the ground, nothing else. This bug was not new to either, it's been happening before it. Here's my bug report about the "DEBUG MONITOR DISAPPEARING" bug: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28722-debug-monitor-disappearing-randomly-while-playing/ And also this: - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. Source http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/
  11. I'm looking to rent a swedish dayz server. The thing is, I've been trying to find different companies to rent from but I've found none. Would be awesome if people could recommend different companies that are renting out dayz servers that are located in sweden. Thanks in advance!
  12. Do you know their pricing of a 50 slot server?
  13. Thanks! But they aren't hosting DayZ as far as I can see. Looks promising. I've played on some NO servers and they have all been good.
  14. Could it be that all bottom right icons stops working? I'll add the detection thingy until I can confirm if the others stop working as well.
  15. XAM

    Banned from US 85

    As GrokAntipath said in his original post his Debug Monitor had disappeared. I can verify that this happens to me all the time. And when that happens a lot of in-game features stops working as well. If you get shot when it's gone you can't tell if you're dead or just unconscious as you wont see the hourglass. Just your body laying on the ground. "If you want an unban to get back into the server you take it up with Streak on our website." No, just no. You should never have to register on another site just to appeal a ban. We have this board for it, use it. Not sure if there's any rule against it though.
  16. Well, the PVP is what makes DayZ fun. And if there was a real zombie apocalypse I wouldn't trust anyone either. Would you really welcome anyone with open arms? That's crazy talk.
  17. Since there's already a system in the game which allows zombies to infect you. That system could be worked on to allow players to "die", and an AI would take over that player body like a regular zombie. The only way to counter this would be to take antibiotics, which is how it's working at the moment. That would be much more interesting than the current "infected" status you can get.
  18. XAM

    Cheater killing from nowhere

    Not sure if this is relevant or not, but look at the debug monitor. It states that he has -51k blood. Not sure if there's any weapon capable of doing that much damage.
  19. That's weird. Cause I was able to play on it with, even though it gave me the wrong version thingy. I spawned as a new character though. Wouldn't a closed test have password protection?
  20. Same here, if you wait about 5 minutes you'll get in to the game. Yes, I'm serious.
  21. XAM

    steam question

    Yes, launch with six launcher.
  22. XAM


    Tried using Six Launcher? Here: http://dayzmod.com/su.php
  23. XAM


    Steam version? Either way there should be an entry in your registry you could manually check if you're cd-key is entered correctly. I'll get back to you on where to find it when I've found it.