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About EQandcivfanatic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. EQandcivfanatic

    DayZ Stories

    Just read through the past few pages, hoping to find an answer to a mystery. Two nights ago, I was suited up with all the gear I needed to survive with in the wilderness, matches, hatchet, and about 5 canteens. I also had a big ole backpack and a bunch of various medical supplies. I came to this barn north of the Dam, and I as I make my approach, I see a survivor in the doorway. They didn't see me, so I came up and said over Direct Comms, "I see you." Well, despite that initial shaky contact, no one shot each other immediately, even though I was fairly outgunned. They both had assault rifles (AKMs I think) and all I had was my trusty crossbow and a M1911 with two clips. We chatted for a while, and eventualyl agreed to work together for a bit. Well, as we were getting ready to move out, there were three zombies right outside the door, so I agreed to take care of them silently with my crossbow. Well, somehow the zombies aggroed and charged toward me and one of the peopel opened up with his assault rifle on full automatic. I died. I still don't know if they killed me intentionally or by accident. If the former, they certainly played the role of survivor fairly well for a bandit. If the latter, ah well, mistakes happen, and I hope they got good use out of my supplies (took me only a couple hours of play to replace, and surpass my old stockpile). Reggie and Peter, whoever you are, I hope you see this and can tell me whether you were killing me intentionally or if you really did mean to work together.
  2. Personally, I've found the crossbow to be by fair the superior option between the two, as you really only need 4 bolts tops. They can be recovered, and there's no better weapon for infiltrating towns. My current life has 201 zombie kills, all from the crossbow and my numerous incursions into multiple towns. Furthermore, the crossbow is wonderful at incapacitating bandits, without them ever knowing what hit them. It may not kill them, but it'll REALLY confuse and disorient them.
  3. EQandcivfanatic

    Player Journals

    Just felt like saying, awesome idea, hope it's implemented some day.
  4. EQandcivfanatic

    DayZ Stories

    Not the same couple, read that story too and thought "Damn, that could have been us!"
  5. EQandcivfanatic

    DayZ Stories

    A quick introduction: My wife and I found this mod three days ago, and we both bought ARMA 2 just to play it. Now we're both incurably hooked. We typically have an epic-story worthy, movie rights pending, adventure just trying to meet up each time one or both of us die. This story though is perhaps one of the most strangely intensely emotional manipulations which has ever been perpetrated upon me in a video game since I lost Lydia in Blackreach. Anyhoo, I recently discovered the bountiful joys of wielding a crossbow. Screw firearms, I'm sticking with the 13th Century! As we had only found one Compound Crossbow to date, my wife was using a hatchet, in order to finish up any I couldn't get while reloading. Our system was that I'd clear a route into an inland town (as we stay out of the big cities) and she'd clear the buildings' interiors, if need be. It was a good system, we had more than enough food, and FOUR water bottles. Our main weakness was medical supplies, so we were working our way northeast to hit up Berezino. Well, we camped out in the forest just north of Dolina, and I was the first to log back in, and started hunting zombies surrounding our campsite. It was good fun, though I only had one crossbow bolt left. I brought down at least a half dozen zombies and I saw one more to take out, despite my wife's protestations that we focus on our usual strategy. Instead, I fired at this last zombie, and to my horror, missed, leaving my crossbow empty. Well, the zombie spotted me, and my wife moved in with her hatchet. She only took one hit before killing the walker, but that was enough to start her bleeding. We had run out of bandages earlier in the day during a fight in Mogilevka, and with no more ammo for the crossbow, and no way to get through the zombie horde around Dolina, all we could do is transfer her stuff to me and wait for her to die. It took her a good minute to bleed out, and that was that, I stayed until the end, at which point I hightailed it out through the mountains, with zombies just barely behind me, losing them in a pursuit. Still had plenty of supplies, but no one to share them with...