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About kyle4921

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  1. kyle4921

    Can't run DayZ?

    When I try to play dayz it just lags. I get between 3-5 FPS but I beat all the recommended requirements for arma 2 by a fair bit.This only started happening today and I don't know why its happening :( I run normal arma fine
  2. kyle4921

    Dayz wont install!

    When I try to install dayz it doesnt let me do anything it just gets 0 bytes per second and I dont have bad internet or anything and I have reinstalled dayz alot before so why is it doing this now? Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.
  3. kyle4921

    Trading for a SVD camo

    Ye no is swapping you an svd camo for a gun that takes 7 shots to kill a zombie at close range
  4. Do you have any friends that play the game? If you so you could ask them to give you a blood transfusion. If you not your best bet is go down to the coast and kill yourself in the forest and then run back to your body.
  5. kyle4921


    OK thanks guys i put them on a zombie body and hid it so it im safe now thanks for the help :D
  6. kyle4921


    Ok so I was at the northeast airfield before and I began walking back to my camp but on the way back I noticed a tractor parked in the field so I jumped in it and drove back to camp. When I got to camp I opened its inventory and it had 5 g36c SD mags in it but no gun. So im wondering if the g36c is in the game or have these items been hacked in? Thanks.
  7. kyle4921

    Stay positive!

    When people die a stupid death they tend to quit the game forever or just for awhile. That isn't the way to go! I will share a story with you guys now. About 40minutes ago me and a buddy where about 4 km north of the NW airfield when a hacker teleported to us and killed us with a full auto 50cal sniper. We had been alive for 23 days and I had a bizon pp19 SD and a m14 AIM so this was very annoying to us we got over it quickly. The game is only in alpha so expect hackers and mods and glitches and stupid deaths.
  8. OK so I found a heli crash site before and after killing all the zombies an I was getting a lot of loot icons underneath the tail of it. I look at the loot and what do I find? 1 pile has an pp19 SD another has an m14 AIM and another the standard FN fal. I put the pp 19 in my bag and take the m14 aswell leaving my m24 at the crash site with the FN FAL. Did I choose the right guns? Thanks.
  9. kyle4921

    First Life

    Yep no matter how careful you are you always die. Always.
  10. Im having the same problem.... I have tried all the steps and when I go player customization his eyes are just strait line.
  11. kyle4921

    free kills in electro!

    no they didnt kill me actualy I almost killed them and they ran off into hospital
  12. if you are after free kills there are 2 people in the hospital in electro on us 52!
  13. kyle4921

    How to survive solo!

    Ye thats just across the street from the school house but if you avoiding areas with players and zombies you shouldnt need morphine
  14. kyle4921

    How to survive solo!

    You can find matches in supermarkets and residential buildings Use this map as a loot finder: http://dayzmap.info/
  15. kyle4921

    How to survive solo!

    OH right sorry not spawned for awhile so not got good memory of being down there