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About K474N4

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Not Telling

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  • Bio
    Space Invaders, Galaxian, Xavious, Dune 2, Quake, AoE, RoN, MoH, Deus Ex, Op Flash, Max Payne, Ghost Recon, CoD, Stalker, Far Cry 2, CoH, BF3, DayZ,
  1. K474N4

    Bandannas as facemask

    Great Idea, my crew is looking for a way to distinguish ourselves from bandit scum, this could work.
  2. K474N4

    New player struggles ( gear, people, etc.)

    Be patient Bro, if your not enjoying it now, give it 12 months then come back and have another go. b well, K.
  3. K474N4

    Zeds falling from the sky?

    Yeah I had this the other day, shot in the back on the beach with nothing, respwned in Novy Sabor ! with Zeds falling out of the sky, ran into a Church, followed by another Player, I yelled Friendly and got shot in the face. Got Murdered again later, not a great day. b well, D.
  4. K474N4

    A question.

    Way to shoot yourself in the foot mate, now shoot the other one, DickHead.
  5. K474N4

    Hackers on US 853

    Yeah just had the ThunderDome BullShit on US 352 b well, D.
  6. K474N4

    Cant Join Any Server

    worked for me friend, thanks. b well, D.