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Everything posted by jacobson

  1. jacobson

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you very much Kyle, really great job here :)
  2. jacobson

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Unfortunately I was unable to enter yesterday, still need help in Vybor I can provide you with a blood bag, epipen and / or banages.
  3. jacobson

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in Vybor, I have broken leg - need morphine. I can give you blood bag/s + epipen for your help. I'm unarmed (no ammo). I would appreciate your help.
  4. jacobson

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello, anyone is mabe somewhere near Vybor with a single morphine ? I would appreciate your help (crawling is annoying:P) I have blood bags / epipen but no morphine.
  5. jacobson

    Game is unplayable

    yup - very good mod in Alpha which is more playable then other fully-developed games.
  6. I was wandering why zombies are so stupid in pathfinding. Mod is really great so I was wandering... why so bad algorithm... it's not very hard to write the working one with obstacle avoidance etc.
  7. Yup I was wandering too because I'm ready to buy this game but if there is a discount tomorrow, i'll just buy it tomorrow ;p
  8. Hey guys, sorry if my question is stupid ;p but ... Can you tell me whether I need to buy Arma2 and Arma2: CO separately. Or just CO is enough because I couldn't find any information about that. Thx for responding