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Everything posted by Koori

  1. English is not my primary language and I don't really understand what that point in patch notes mean. It sounds like Rocket introduced some kind of probability that you will get spotted by a zombie even when you are far away from it. Can anyone explain what it means?
  2. Koori

    Hearing flies and a scream.

    To use crowbar as a weapon open your inventory (defaul G). Right clickyour crowbar and select "Remove from toolbelt" This will equip the crowbar as a primary weapon. And for the bodies - They sometimes disapear and the flies sound stays.
  3. Koori

    a newbies to-do list

    Quite good to-do list. I'd also add that while winchester is great weapon because of big clip and one shoting infected it also has large audible range, so it's not really a good idea to use it in town. Someone also wrote that if your drink meter is low your food meter is running faster. I cannot confirm it yet.
  4. Koori

    A couples 25 minutes of madness.

    Great story. Keep 'em comming. I have to make my wife play with me :P Too bad she is scared shitless just by watching me play.
  5. Koori

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    It's really saddening that shooting on sight has became a standard behaviour. Most people play dayz not as simulator but just another shooter. They don't connect their usual morality with game world. I think that the main reason people are shooting each other so eagerly is that this is the main thrill of this game. Zombies can be easily dealt with even solo. You are only "afraid" of them just after respawn when you have no means of defending yourself and healing your wounds. I've been thinking alot about what can be done prevent this KOS way of thinking and only thinigs I can think of are: Making zombies A LOT harder. So hard that it's very unlikely that you will survive the encounter (after you aggroed them) when playing solo. The other thing is making simple wounds more of a concern. Not something that you can heal in seconds. As you can see both changes mentioned above would make the game as a whole a lot harder to the point that playing solo would be pretty much impossible. While it would force people to stop shooting each other and start working together it would also make many players (me, as a soloer, included) "lives" very hard. Rocket said that its anti-game. Who knows then :-)
  6. Koori

    Bear Traps

    I'm all for bear traps if they can be disabled like any real life bear traps (i.e. with any kind of stick or rock). If we need another kind of specialized equipment like toolkits it's going to be another case of wirefencing going crazy. Zombies running in buildings - yeah... if they stop moving in this strange zig-zag-teleport-glitch-through-anything manner.
  7. If you have enough space in your backpack (8 slots if I remember correctly) you can do this: Open your backpack Move primary weapon to backpack Equip other weapon/hatchet from backpack or main inventory. This has never failed for me, but it takes time.
  8. Koori

    Day 2 - How?

    Don't quote me on that, but I think you don't need to play for 24h. If you log in during the day even for few minutes day counter will show +1 the next day. Days lasts standard 24h in DayZ.
  9. Koori

    played for first time tonight

    Good to hear you liked it. As you mentioned there are some problems with how the game works, but it's still exciting as hell. I was waiting for this kind of gameplay for a long time. It's great that you've found a goodhearted survivor. Friends in this game are way more scarce than good weapons.
  10. Don't give up on your "no shooting players" choice. There are way to many trigger happy bandits out there. I agree that after you get any weapon zombies become less of a problem. Outrunning zombies is not a trivial matter in some situations When you have a choice of running or just fighting you stop having most of the problems you had when just spawned.
  11. Koori

    Looting doghouses

    Almost every online map of Chernarus is featuring lootable "buildings" in a form of doghouses. I've tried getting any loot from those structures but so far - no luck. From time to time I see some flares and empty tin cans floating above those doghouses but I have no idea how to loot those items. Is this a bug? Is there a way to loot those floating objects?
  12. Koori

    The Ultimate Realism

    I hope this is troll :]
  13. Koori

    Looting doghouses

    Sorry for bumping my own thread, but I'd really love to get the answer.
  14. Koori

    Let them live or not ?

    In every "sandbox" game I tend to play "me". My chracter won't do things that I would not do. It's saddens me to see DayZ community to go into shoot on sight pattern. While I do not belive that most people do what I do (play "me") It's still pretty sad to know that alot of people are accepting this as state of the game. You wont get shot by me if you don't show aggressive intentions. I like to get immersed into games. And "winning" by all means necesary is not the thing I do. I guess I wont survive long in real zombie apocalypse :P (Sorry for my english - it's not my primary language)
  15. Koori

    Shot on site >:/

    All the so are "public" now, so anyone can join and there are no rules. You will meet all kinds of players. Unfortunately large portion of them will shoot on sight :(