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About xbadcarmax@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. Our server has been up for about a week now, we've been adding scripts and such and getting it ready to bring in more players. We are looking to build a small population of players (Heros AND Bandits welcome) We are also looking for 1-2 more to join our group. Message [VDS] BadKarma in game if you are interested. Server Name: VDS | Auto-Refuel | SnapBuilding | Missions | DayZ Epoch Chernarus - ( - Hosted By HFBServers.com | HFBServers.com IP: Scripts are still being added and tweaked, all input is welcome. Hope to see you in-game!
  2. xbadcarmax@gmail.com

    Looking for Friends/Fellow n00bs

    I tried DayZ awhile back but couldnt get the game to work correctly, finnaly have it working and looking for a few others to play/learn with. Im 28, Not a tard and will not shoot you in the back. Not interested in being a bandit. Mountain Time Zone, US
  3. xbadcarmax@gmail.com

    LF a teammate right meow

    About to play, pretty fresh noob, looking to play right now. Please 18+ and have vent. Message me and ill send you my vent info.
  4. xbadcarmax@gmail.com

    Looking for players or group to join PST

    Ill join you, 27. have own vent server we can use. MST time zone.
  5. xbadcarmax@gmail.com

    LF New players for late night MST group

    Just starting out on DayZ looking for a few newbies around my time zone (Mountain Standard) to form a group and can play late nights. Also have my vent server I can provide.