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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Wow I didn't know I could understand Russian. I must have some weird ability as I hear the woman speaking English! Also what the heck is Electrogorsk? A new town perhaps? or is this meant to signify Elektro AND Cherno? If so then Why not Chernozavodsk?
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Black ops 2? Why in hell.....no. Just no.
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    no more alphas for me

    Boo hoo. Cya
  4. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Please eliminate server restarts

    So difficult to explain to someone why server restarts are neccessary, even if zombie/loot was not spawning only on restart when he seems to have no grasp of this. Restarts will ALWAYS be there no matter what. Maybe they will be once twice a day at best, but every 4 hours isn't really an issue. However what we DO need, is warnings before restarts.
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    Seems like there are still some issues. Lost a character started AFTER issues were resolved, last night when I logged on.
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post Patch thoughts - i work 9 / 5 shifts.

    Nah there's no issue. Easy as heck to find a day server now especially since we can see the time of servers. No issue.
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Please eliminate server restarts

    Eliminate server restarts. Yeah while we are at it let's just eliminate players connecting to servers too huh?
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Recording Tip

    Bandicam works great for me. Don't lose too much FPS, Better than Fraps anyhow. What version drivers and Shadowplay are you guys using? I always had the icon with a cross showing it wasn't working with DayZ. Willing to try it again though
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Recording Tip

    That'd be great except for the fact shadow play doesn't work in DayZ for me and friends I have spoken too also.
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    sawed off shotgun not secondary?

    Holster is useless as well, since you can't wear it over the top of a vest.
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Does cooking or fire work yet?

  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

    No need. The music would probably be crap anyway, as is most so called "music" thesedays. Mind you Breaking Point has a nice background track, so if it was something like that, I wouldn't mind. Otherwise it's not needed, I can play my own music perfectly well while playing if I choose to do so :)
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Raining in DayZ?

    Rain/weather has been disabled for quite a while. Should get reimplemented eventually though. Yeah it was in at the very start, but has been disabled since. Dean said as much in his recent stream "weather is broken right now so it's turned off"
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    did Dean suggest intractable furniture last stream ?

    Don't forget being able to use said refrigerator as a protection device when a nuclear bomb hits.
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Strange popup notice

    Nothing strange really when you're used to arma and dayz mod. No biggie
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Caves and Bears

    Okay, so base-building is obviously a well known addition we will see eventually, but I have had this idea ever since the mod. I would really like to have caves scattered around the map. Then when we have animals etc there would be the possibility of encountering say a bear, or wolves when entering a cave. This is just a rough idea but you get the idea. Animals should eventually be possibly hostile, if you get too close for example. So I don't think it's a stretch.I'm really more interested in the caves though. They would be great places to hide and make camp fires etc. I really thing it would be very very cool. Dark damp caves becoming hideouts, camps, temporary shelters when it rains.....etc I've not read or heard anything about caves so if I have missed it I apologise. Thoughts? It'd be really great if Rocket would read this and comment :)
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    Vilayer servers are fine. In fact friends and I have had no issues today at all.
  18. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    No, they shouldn't. End of thread
  19. Nah they don't hit harder nor are they harder to hit. They are exactly the same as before. Just more of them
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    New update, loot spawns changed

    Server hopper detected
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    new update coming next week

    Guy with 38 posts....posts this Dude. We just got the update. Of course there will be another one, but no news on it yet. Ok i see it is in a twitch stream I still don't understand why Dean associates himself with Sacriel...very strange
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    where's the .357 speed loader?

    I've found a few in places. Two in the treasure room in the office building at the train station/bus depot
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I think you are confusing berries and BERETS. They're not in the game yet it seems
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    It's even better when someone comes here to post a rant about those posting a rant about KoS. Welcome to the internet.
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    I remap all my keys. Do you remember what the name of the actual binding is called?