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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Yeah that's a common issue when the mod is launched with incorrect paramaters or the mod is in the wrong place. Go here http://www.dayzwiki....stall_DayZ��and make sure you follow the instructions to a tee. I'm sure someone will help if you can't get it sorted after that. I may even be able to help, but I need to know : Steam or non steam? Folder structure -Is @Dayz in your Arma2 OA folder? Make sure @Dayz has a folder called "Addons" and the files are in there and not in the root @Dayz. Also post your launch paramaters and what beta version you are running. Remember you need to copy Arma2OA.exe from "expansion/beta" to your Arma2OA root folder and overwrite after installing latest Beta patch
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    CD key in use

    Incorrect. And actually you are the one who sounds jealous and angry. U mad bro?
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    CD key in use

    If you're a hacker or cheapskate maybe, I don't understand. Why would you buy the game anywhere else than reputable sites or through steam? IF you were truly duped I'm sorry for you but it doesn't take a genius to spot those kind of rip off sites.
  4. Irenicus (DayZ)

    CD key in use

    Bought it 3 times? Why? Do i sense a hacker ...hmmm
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Annoying Random FPS Freeze

    LOL so long those damn things. I posted mine in another thread and cringed when I saw the length of text. That's not an attack on you mate, just saying :) Anyway, I don't know what's causing it, but have you tried RAMDisk? I got improved FPS and less stutters (though I was only getting them now and again, rarely even) and overall smoother gameplay. Worth trying it, I mean it can't hurt unless you're extremely low on RAM, but I only have 2gb and RAMdisk works fine for me (you only need 400mb for dayz on ramdisk anyhow). Hope you get it sorted, I know how annoying this sort of thing can be.
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    battleye version not working

    Wow battleye jumped from 1.167 to lol
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    It has nothing to do with steam or non steam (they are the same, and you can even launch your game without steam ) or even your hardware. It's just poor coding optimisation. I don't know what they did but since monday it's back to normal for me, except for those damm artifacts which will be fixed later today with It certainly shouldn't be sounds affecting it if you have a half decent sound card. If onboard then it's possible I suppose but I stopped using on board sound after I built my first PC lol. I'm actually able to crank my settings higher than before so I have no idea what they did but it's working. I'm guessing hive clean up? Also, it's worth trying RAMDisk, gained a decent amount of performance from it and also a lot smoother (less stutters) Hope this will help at least some of you. cheers
  8. Nah, you really can't. Have fun being dissapointed when it comes back later on. All these fixes are TEMPORARY. Changing any or some video options fixes it for a while, but the only true fix will come later today in the form of
  9. Nope. It doesn't fix it, yes it works temporarily but it's a known issue and caused by whatever was changed in last patch ie If you read a little and used search you would know this.
  10. FFS. Create the 732rd thread on the subject, yes because that's going to help Why can't you people seem to use the search function? More importantly how could you miss this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49740-graphical-bugs/ since it's at the top of this bloody section?? Geez use your brains people and stop mutliple threading...it's not helping
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Worst graphical glitches I've ever seen.

    Nope...that only fixes it temporarily, in fact changing pretty much any video option gets rid of it (sometimes ) but only for a while. Anyway, it will be fixed later today. Btw next time perhaps use the forum search function eh? It's been a known issue ever since You guys posting in this thread managed to find your way here so how did you miss this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49740-graphical-bugs/ ??? It's not helping creating the umpteenth topic on the subject. Use your brains people
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Annoying Random FPS Freeze

    nah..its not Nvidia cards causing the issue. Not sure what would be causing this. I get the odd freeze but it's rare...sometimes it's like it's trying to load something and FPS drops to 1fps....thankfully it's rare. Must be something on your end, a process or really it could be anything. Post your system specs in detail and what you have running, and perhaps your dxdiag. Then maybe someone could help you get it sorted.
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    You have to hit a chicken.
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    [Fix] Battleye not updating, kicked as a result

    This has always worked for me. Sometimes battleye updates ok while connected to a server, other times not. The times when it doesn't work just download it manually and it should always work, unless you downloaded the wrong version or put it in the wrong folder. Have yet to see this method fail.
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket - PLEASE fix the bags!

    I just lost my entire backpack (alice at the time) when I put on some camo clothing I just found. It kept some items but I was back with a coyote patrol pack.....didn't realise till about 5 minutes later, went back to the heli where i found the camo, but no luck. Looks like my backpack got eaten when I changed clothes. :(
  16. OCing your gfx card is pretty pointless thesedays. It will gain you very little to no performance gain at all. All you are doing is risking Overheating it and shortening it's life span.
  17. mydocuments/ArmA2 and the other in mydocuments/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/ProfileName
  18. Unrelated lol setting frames ahead only affects the game, not any other program, thats kind of obvious I would have thought. Also, I didn't realise the default was 1000??? I mean geez no wonder some people have huge issues. Not only will that put a huge load on your CPU but it introduces mouse lag. Setting it to 1 or 2 works wonders. If I'd known people weren't aware of this I'd have posted this tip for people weeks ago!
  19. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Horrible FPS with my monster rig, Help me out?

    wow I didn't know they still made cards with such little memory! Lol just kidding, guess that was a typo. It's 512mb. High is 768mb anyway. Normal is 512Mb. Default will use all of your vid memory. I suggest not putting everything on max. Start at normal except maybe aniso, vid mem and AA, but put objects to normal (this one will help heaps), other than that, hard to say, but FPS has been awful recently. Until today that is, no idea why but I was getting like 9fps average, now its back to 35. Maybe it's just cos it's monday and servers and hive are under less load/stress than they were a few days ago? One last thing though. Why such a low resolution? I don't have a monster rig but I run 1680x1050 on both UI and 3D res. Setting it lower (3d res) actually gives lower FPS.
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I think that's the whole point. It's not MEANT to be EASY. Too many people say "zombies are way too easy to deal with" and now that they are getting harder due to nerfs and altered behaviour they are "too hard". *shrugs* Like a wise man once said "you can't please all of the people all of the time"
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket - PLEASE fix the bags!

    LOL. (@ Sticker's comment) Rocket hates the inventory system if I'm not mistaken (known to happen). I remember hearing him in an interview saying he wants to revamp/redesign the entire inventory system....just a case of time...give it time....
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Awesome Rocket. I knew you were on top of things but nice to get a post from you confirming this :) Looking forward to trying the new build out and praying it will be a keeper! Cheers!
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    Good idea. Thanks :) I added my OS and DxDiag info Didn't add server info as it seems to be pretty much the same across the board, however I play on ANZ 4 / 5 and ANZ 9 mostly. ANZ 9 (glovine) seems to give best performance for me, but not always. It seems to be dependant on how recently the server restarted as well as how many people are on the server.
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    Yup that;s what I meant. Lowering 3d res results in lower FPS. My monitor does all the scaling (set as such in NV control panel) Anyway for now my FPS is back to normalish :)
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    Ok well this is weird. Suddenly my FPS is back to normal, 20-35 ish at the moment. Nice and smooth too. This could be perhaps because it's monday and the servers/hive are under less of a stress load....will update here when I've tested some more. Maybe I just have to play when no one else is! Or maybe they fixed some of these issues? Also not getting any glitches so far, though I don't think I've come close to any static zombie corpses yet.....we shall see. To be continued....