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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Upcoming Patch

    +1 I really have no issue with the patch being late, but it would be nice to at least get some news saying "patch will be late, we are working on......."
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Stuck on Skalisty island...

    I missed it too! but i found out tonight when I swam to the same island with a few friends. Kept all our gear. Thanfully!
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    Well that's it. I tried to be nice even though I believe you are full of shit, but calling me a retard lol? If you know they are not related why post here about it? Also why post about getting banned for something that DOESNT EVER get you banned? Nice one on the insults though, but my IQ while sleeping is probably higher than yours on steroids. Peut-etre si je parle dans un autre langue ca te conviendra un peu plus? Retourne d'ou tu viens et arrete de me casser le couilles, DAK? mdr EDIT: I really love the report button. Looking to get banned from here too? Keep on going the way you're going and you will. Also using retard as an insult is really a nasty thing to use as there are actual retards out there. But then I always notice people throw insults around when they have no good nor intellligent answer. Post again if you like but I'm done with your crappy attitude.
  4. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    Well I can say for certain object detail DOES in fact affect viewable distance of players. Try it for yourself don't take my word for it, but I assure you I try my best NOT to post saying things I am certain of when I am not. You will note, view distance makes no difference in DayZ yes? Well, not only does objdetail render better textures at higher distances it is the only way to increase WHAT you see at distance. Trey it while overlooking a town and see for yourself, there will be stuff you cant see at lowest objdet, crank it up to normal and watch what happens. Also test with a friend, get him to run away from you somewhere with clear visibility. Watch how far you can see him before he dissapears, try lowest obj detail, note how far he got (use visual markers if you dont have a range finder) then do the same again at low and normal. I know for a fact you will confirm what I have said once you test this. Also about 3d res. Puttin it at lower res definitely makes a difference but for me it's a negative gain, and I'm not the only one reporting this. Of course again every PC is different and it will depend on what is bottlenecking your PC. Please don't tell people to ignore advice just because it doesnt work for you When I say higher 3d res is better, I mean set it to your native res, not above. Cranking it up to the max would just be silly and of course gives less FPS. Lower than my native res gives lower FPS too. I don't just post this shit for no reason and I am very meticulous when it comes to tweaking and testing. So if I say something works, even if it may not work for you, it does not mean EVERYONE should ignore it, because it's different for everyone. Sorry for the double posting, shall try to edit more lol
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Stuck on Skalisty island...

    Lol nah it's ok you can swim now without losing your gear. A lot of people go to that island now as a chopper often spawns there
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Buildings with doors you can't open...

    Aye. I don't use it any longer as I enjoy just exploring but here is the link to one of the loot maps http://dayzdb.com/map
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    aks gun Can i get banned?

    Ya, you did :) You don't get banned any longer for picking up hacked items Also whats all this talk of thunderdome? I have no idea what the hell you guys are referring to
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    cant run day z mod, need help

  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    if you are thunder domed you can keep all your gear if.....

    What are you talking about? I thought this was a post about people being forced into deatmatches with hatchets or something (as seen on youtube). Maybe Im just a noob to the term "thunderdomed" ? Please explain
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Directional Sound, that is all I want

    Hmmm I don't know as I don't use headphones. AFAIK unless you are using dolby digital live, you won't get surround using digital signals in games, at least with my sound card that's how it works. I always use analog for games, as my reciever/amp uses individual inputs. I use digital signals too of course (Dolby Digital, DTS), but not for games, but I have an old (but very good) sound card (audigy 2zs with the gold connectors). Hope you find the solution as I know that I would be lost without good directional sound
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Directional Sound, that is all I want

    Eh? Works really well for me and like I just mentioned I can even tell when someone is in another building etc due to the sound of the voice sounding muffled and more distant etc.
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Directional Sound, that is all I want

    Your sound settings must be all wrong. I have a high end sound system (home theatre with 720watts RMS) and can hear exactly where everything is coming from. I can tell when its coming from behind (surround speakers etc) , front left etc, I can even guestimate the distance of shots due to the different sounds depending on distance! Hell, even Direct Chat is directional and you can even tell exactly where it's coming from, and when it's being occluded by walls etc. It's awesome. I will say though, that sound levels do need some tweaking as footsteps are WAAAY too loud.
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    Wait a sec. So you got banned for a false-positive yet you're not going to try and get unbanned? hmmmmm that's suss.... Dug your own hole there mate. You did not just warn, you specifically said that YOU got banned, THEN you warned others..... I'm curious as to what your excuse will be now....careful not to get lost in your lies and contradict yourself :)
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    I have no idea what the hell you are on about. I don't come from either of those countries. I have travelled the world and speak 2 languages fluently. Also I am the furthest thing from racist and nothing in my text implied that. You're the one saying "stfu" instead of using intelligence. You imply I am racist by saying "you probobly only know 2 collors "BLACK" and "WHITE" " ; which is actually more xenophobic and a terrible generalisation (especially when dealing with people you know nothing about) and more racist than anything I would ever say. Hypocrit! Again, you're crying to the wrong person. Don't hack=don't get banned. IF there were false-positives, and that's a big IF (in the case of overlays at least) then there would be MASSIVE outrage and revolt on these forums. Do you ever check out a little site called YOUTUBE? See how many people are using FRAPS and Bandicam with no issues whatsoever? You know why? THat's right, it's because you DON'T get banned for using FRAPS, TS3 Overlay or Bandicam or any combination of those. Stop tryin to come across like some hard done by mistreated refugee, when you are a hacker. No one buys it. If you are the one false positive that gets UNBANNED then I will sincerely offer my most humble apologies. The fact is though, this is the wrong place to ask for bans to be removed, so contact battleye and when you get unbanned come back and show us the proof. Goodaye citizen of the earth
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    No can do so that's a Negative. Cheers. Also, learn to spell? Your "fake" warning people is only so you can justify being a nice guy, to then say you didn't hack and got banned for no reason. You hackers really need to get smarter :) You didn't just warn people, or did you already forget what you wrote? Here you go, since it seems hard for you to scroll up. "today i went in with both of them turned on and when i tryed to join server it says global ban" So you got banned for hacking. Welcome to the world of being a lamearse hacker ;)
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)


    need more info.
  17. Oh pleaaaaase. "very high end" NOT. AA makes no difference to performance at low or normal settings for me, and I have FAR from a high end pc. Please don't say stuff when you don't have the knowledge. Also PPAA(FXAA or SMAA) gives an added smoothness to edges with no performance loss for me. If you don't believe me I can show you my settings, post my specs and then show you my in game FPS to prove what I am saying
  18. Yeah kind of, though it doesn't look that great when you look closely. Also, ATOC=0 better visibility :)
  19. AA and PPAA (FXAA or SMAA) will get rid of this as well as increasing your 3d res to match your monitor's native res
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Operation Arrowhead Erros (First time launching)

    Sorry (sincerely I mean that), I can't help poking fun at people who don't check what they write. I'm so mean! :P Anyway, I have no idea what that error is, but post your specs and I'm sure someone will try to help you. Are you trying to run OA with DayZ? If so, first launch Arma II and OA by themselves at least once (this is to create profiles I think), then try launching with DayZ. Also make sure you've rebooted at least once since you installed.
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Operation Arrowhead Erros (First time launching)

    Well I guess we don't know what to say since we don't have Operation Arrowhead Erros. Never heard of that version. Hint: Edit is your friend. As is spell check :)
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    *cough* bullshit! * cough
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    No one gets global bans for using Fraps. You hacked and you know it. Stop using lamearse excuses that no one believes. We non-hackers using fraps etc all know full well you do not get banned for using these overlays. Go back to COD or stop hacking.
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    Nah don't worry. It's just a regular excuse that hackers make when they get banned. People are using overlays every day with no issues, myself included (fraps, bandicam).