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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Sick of being Killed for no reason

    Don't give up! It is a steep learning curve but it's worth sticking at it. I found it's worth running OA on it's own, and either load the editor and use that to test things, or my favourite, load the armory, choose weapon or vehicle etc, and test things out. You also get some cool challenges that can be very, ummm, challenging, lol Use the armory/editor to get used to keys (disable challenges if needed until you get into the swing of it) and explore the map a little, and you will soon find your feet! :)
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Oh ffs Really???

    A mate helped me figure it out, just keep moving slightly while right clicking to pitch and eventually it works. We now have some tents hidden under water lol Yeah it is kind of random eh? :) I found 3 so far, but didn't get to use them. Placed one at the entrance to some apartments in Berenzino, thinking I could pick it up on the way out and use it again. Unfortunately once placed you can only activate or deactivate and cannot pick it up and reuse it again :( Bummer.
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Playing regular ArmA

    No, this is not the place, since you're having problems with Arma 2, not dayZ So it would seem you misunderstood me, Arma 2 is what you're having an issue with, not DayZ. but the only issue with that is having the wrong launch parameters etc. It's really not too hard to find out how to get it to run correctly, just search on the web and you can find many guides.
  4. Sorry for being so damn picky. I hate it sometimes but it's just my character
  5. errrrrrrr HUH? You obivously miss the whole point of the mod then. Co oping is by far, way more fun than KOS'ing. Only those lacking imagination and used to playing deathmatch shooters (and cant get used to not killing others) play this way. Telling someone "you shouldn't have been playing with them" is really an empty sentence.
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Eh? Who bashes DevilDog with their vids? Not me, I like DevilDog, and also I only uploaded my very first youtube vids last night? It is probably a different Irenicus, and I wasn't whinging. Or maybe you were referring to someone else? Hard to tell as you didn't quote anyone.
  7. Okay thats fine, we all have to start somewhere. First make sure you've downloaded the Beta patch. Use the DayZ wiki ( http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ ) to install it correctly. Let us know how you go?
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    [Fix] Battleye not updating, kicked as a result

    Hmmm, did you install the Beta patch ? Download it and make sure to follow instructions here http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Directional Sound, that is all I want

    So glad you got it fixed! What did you change exactly? It could help others with the same issue, thanks :)
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket - PLEASE fix the bags!

    Yes It would seem this is the best way, and if you want to keep your backpack, as mine completely got eaten (went from alice to a coyote patrol pack) it's worth taking the time to drop your entire backpack, put on clothing then pick your pack up again
  11. Yeah I think it only affects player textures. I saw a post with comparison pics, will link it http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56838-private-military-company/#entry543294
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Night too dark ?

    So why do some servers have PITCH BLACK nights and others don't, regardless of the moon. Just the weather? I guess you could be right, excuse my being skeptical. PS Sorry my previous post sounded so harsh, I feel ashamed when I read it back to myself, must have been in a bad mood that day lol
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Upcoming Patch

    Ahhh I didn't know these facts. Wonder if he should consider perhaps allowing them to join his team as they seem to be doing good work, I mean it's not like they are hacking? You're totally right though, they didn't ask permission, they should have at least tried, not very respectful imo.
  14. Good to hear. What things from this thread did you change? It might help others, cheers
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    No more copying to your OA folder

    I never had to copy anything except for the beta exe from expansion/beta to the root folder of OA. Is there a reason some people have to do this but not others?
  16. I don't think you even need to do that. Just run both Arma 2 and OA once, then quit.
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Oh bugger :( That sucks. Hope you can get it sorted out. Let us know please? Your statement rings true. However In australia you can buy a game from a shop like EBGames, and return it within a certain period (not sure exactly how long). I have done this myself. For online only games with keys though, I believe you are correct, it wouldn't make sense to allow people to return games like that; UNLESS they check that you have not registered your key and therefore the game can be resold
  18. Irenicus (DayZ)

    aks gun Can i get banned?

    I get it now! Actually figured it out by myself later on when I was thinking about it. Hasn't happened to me yet, but I have seen several videos on this.
  19. Irenicus (DayZ)

    cant run day z mod, need help

    Please could you post even if it does work and let us know what you did to get it working? This can help others with similar problems. Cheers
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    Stop talking. Hacker=consequences. Enjoy not playing dayz :)
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Upcoming Patch

    Why would another map be seen as a threat? It can only add to the community, not detract from it? Or am I missing something
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Upcoming Patch

    You obviously didnt read? Who's not calm?
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    and btw it's my thread so I can make multiple posts if I so choose :) Deal with it. (only directed at Naka) Or am I in trouble now? :P
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    No, your key word was "ignore" telling people that I was basically talking shit.
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    Ahhh I see. Well It is hard to know what to believe sometimes? I'll have to find out more on this subject.