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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Night too dark ?

    Lol it wasn't this dark a week ago because the moon was much brighter and fuller. The game has moon cycles just like in real life. In fact it's so close to reality I can look outside when I see full moon in game and sure enough it is full moon outside too :) Nothing has changed, there are still dark, darker, pitch black, bright, brighter and holyfuckingcow I need ray bans bright servers :) If it's too dark now and you're patient wait for the full moon again :)
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Night too dark ?

    I did some systematic testing on servers running the same time, in the same location, moon in exact same spot etc and there are MASSIVE differences between servers, some are pitch black, some are sort of realistic being not totally pitch black, then others are just so bright you don't even need night vision goggles. I have read a lot of skepticism regarding this with some people saying servers cannot change brightness but that is clearly a false assumption or a myth perpetuated by a few. There are other things that are set server side like loot dropping in water, distance rendering etc etc, and again and again I read posts from people claiming this isnt true or people writing guides saying "set your view distance to this or that" when it makes no difference in the game/mod. So my advice is to test things yourself and never believe what anyone says. I mean why would you believe what I am saying when you can prove it for yourself? I urge everyone to prove/disprove these theories for themselves, but I assure you i have no reason to come on the forums and post stuff just for the hell of it, as I try to contribute to the community in any way I can, by passing on these discoveries and helping people with issues. I don't care if you give me beanz or not, it means nothing to me, I just want to be an active DayZ'er is all :) Cheers
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    Well theres a few different scenarios. One is stuck on loading, with the bar? The other stuck on black screen with loading. The one with the bar; restart game/rejoin server, it most likely wont ever load if it sticks there for more than 4-10 secs (roughly). When it sticks on loading, are you getting past "character create"? If so, just be patient, or try another server. If if sticks on character create too long it most likely wont load either, so rejoin or try another server. You really have to go through a lot of trial and error, but try to find a server which you know works for friends etc, or failing that, join a server which has just restarted or has few people in it (though low pop server could mean its not a good one too). The only other thing I can suggest is make sure you have your firewall set to allow arma2OA.exe, check your modem/router settings, restart your modem and all that usual stuff you do when net is running slow. If you're having no issues with other games, I don't know what else to suggest but the above, but perhaps someone else more knowledgable might help you too. Hope you get it to work! I know my first couple of days of DayZ were extremely frustrating, but it's worth the persistance as it is such an incredible mod! So don't give up!
  4. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    LOL sidechat is extinct anyway and is only used on servers for noobs. Any veteran or hardcore gamer/DayZ'er stays away from sidechat servers since it's a complete annoyance and waste of bandwidth; hence why you only find it on a few rare servers (thankfully!). So your point? I don't get because of the above. Sidechat is a function that we can all (and should) live without. We heard you the first time, and you were wrong then, so posting it again isn't going to make you right lmao
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Errrrrr you hardly need a (by today's standard) high spec pc to run Arma but you indeed need some knowledge of tweaking/optimisation and troubleshooting. My PC was the shizz bizz when I built it 5 yrs ago and it still runs most games on very high to max graphics, but only because I know how to get the most out of it and because I bought top notch hardware. But it is FAR from being a high end pc and arma 2 runs great on it. DayZ is a bit more tricky and performance varies but with tweaking, trial and error I have it running nice and smoothly 90% of the time :)
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    So you're posting on a forum from your PS3 then off to play some PC games on your console are you? No didn't think so. And btw you are completely fooling yourself if you think that every game on the PS3 or Xbox doesn't get hacked too.
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    Yes. Welcome to DayZ. :) It's not on your end, so don't stress.
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    IM A BIRD WTF!!!!!!!!!!?

    Happened to an entire server I was on once and everyone was like WTF?? Then some dude on the forum here, after reading a post I made about it, comes and accuses me of hacking or having an illegal copy. THat guy was a complete douchebag
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    errr I very much doubt that, and 720p is very low res for a PC and looks like poo once you're used to a PC. No way any console could run DayZ as it is now, no matter what res. 50 FPS? Pfffffffffft try 15 if you're lucky, and on lowest settings. Oh and it certainly would not handle a badly optimised engine like the one used for DayZ. Even people with monster rigs have massive slowdowns at time. Anyways point is moot, DayZ is the kind of game that should remain PC only thank you very much! :) Good way to get your forum account banned. Pro Tip for you: Never ever call anyone a nazi or use the terms you just did, it's nasty, makes you sound like the dickhead racist you probably are and makes people ignore everything else you say. You're the one who SHOULD be ashamed and of course you're going to come across like a dick when you make dickish remarks like that. Not to mention the fact you completely NULLIFY everything that might have had some credibility, by being such a wanker in the next phrase/paragraph. And now you just make yourself look like a complete idiot attempting to sound like you know something. That comment alone just blows everything else you said to smithereens due to the fact it is complete fabrication THere is NO game that NEVER lags or drops FPS....and no the graphics don't look amazing, so add to your resumé "extremely poor taste and no eye for visual quality".......seriously you have made a lot of people ROFLMAO with this last comment :D Thanks for the lulz bro
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    farewell :(

    LOL? You don't need steam to run the game (and yes I mean even the steam version).....so what's the issue, download arma2 free, install and play, enjoy. If you have issues getting it to work feel free to PM me and I'll help you get it working incorrect look harder, it's there.
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    DayZ without Zombies. Dumbest idea ever. What do you call it then. Day H? Day? DayLess? I prefer Day Zed (as it should be pronounced, not the silly american and incorrect pronounciation "DAISY" ).
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    DayZ PVP, FN FAL or M14

    Congratulations for the most irrelevant post of the day! Quick silent awesome and completely incapable of ranged kills. Fail.
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    I understand, consoles are easy and fun to use yes, but for hardcore simulation engines like ArmA 2 there's just no way a console could handle it without severely diluting it. So it's not a question of should consoles have DayZ but could they? Right now the answer is no. Unless you can imagine a PS3 handling this game? Maybe at 480p on lowest graphics? but what would that look like? Shit is the answer. So please don't get me wrong I'm not against consoles, but hardcore gamers and hardcore games have to be and can be only on PC imo
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    LOL? I think the question is moot. No console could handle the arma2 engine never mind arma3 with dayz.....no need to worry methinks :) And sooner or later you console guys will realise that PC gaming is where it's truly at, and where true hardcore gamers go to get their fill :) Consoles are great for plug, play, but don't come close to the power of a PC, flexibility or accuracy (kb/mouse) not to mention all the other stuff you can do on a PC besides gaming.. Every single console player I know and have heard of, who tries gaming on PC, never, EVER looks back. Better graphics, better flexibility, more games, mods etc etc. The only console gamer who thinks and says PCs are not the ultimate gaming machines, have not tried, or are die hard fanboys. Sorry but it's true. Argue all you like it changes nothing.
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Got Banned For Nothing!?!?!?

    Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Loosing everything while Swimming

    Feature, not a bug. It IS indeed a server setting which is optional so on some servers you lose your shit, on others you don't but it's not a bug and you can recuperate your gear. Check out the DayZ Mythbuster videos.
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Easy, Quiet, No Gun, Barn Zombie Extermination

    Minus the insulting dumbass comment, I agree there are ways to deal with zombies and it's preferable to avoid, for one simple reason : Don't give away your position unless absolutely necessary. However, there are times when you just throw caution to the wind and want to have a bit of Zombie killin fun! So please, don't be so bloody serious!
  18. Irenicus (DayZ)

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    (sorry I don't have the time or patience to read through countless pages to find out if this question has been asked or answers so please forgive me? ) Q: There are currently no female zombies in the game; is this something you would consider implementing at some point or are we to deduce that all females either died off or were immune to the infection?
  19. I have no issue with you demystifying the loot system. However I'm curious as to your statement about throwing server hoppers into debug forest. I don't see any way to do that without using some sort of hack. I might be missing something (on top of brain cells I mean) so please explain? I don't think that breaking down the loot system can be considered the same as server hopping , but I understand what you're saying. At the very least it is just an explanation of how the loot system works and as such could be considered an exploit. However you can't say it's the same as server hopping since that's a very obvious no no. If this is an exploit then so is using DayZDb maps and how many players use that? A great number I suspect. I've even used it myself but no longer do as I prefer immersion over utility. It might be putting myself at a disadvantage but tbh it's no fun knowing exactly where everything is, or possibly is (in the case of vehicles). My point is, if you don't want to know this sort of thing then don't read it. I only read enough to know what the OP was getting at, but I already had an idea about this anyway due to playing for so long now.
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Hack much?
  21. Doesn't look like it, pity as I was very interested in this endeavour.
  22. So pretty much everybody then. :)
  23. arghh forum being weird again sry for double post
  24. Six updater is a POS as are all these auto updaters. Manual install is way easier!
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    Kinda unrelated but browsing to my appdata folder reminded me of finding this a while back : Look in appdata\ArmA 2 OA\players and tell me what you see. I see files with player faces and sounds too?!!? They seem to be players I have come close to etc as I have noticed they are actual in game player names I have seen, some of them at least. Interesting....I must have had a few hackers near me as I see one folder with a jpg of a Halloween/Jason mask with blood all over it etc. WTF? :D EDIT : SO I deleted the folder, and have yet to see anything else appear in it, BUT I have not encountered any players for a few days. I'm keeping the folder open when I play now to see if indeed a folder is created for that person's skin etc when they get within proximity. No idea what distance that would be, but it makes sense. I won't use this as a cheat even though I'm tempted but once I verify this...hmmm maybe I'll just keep it to myself lol.