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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Irenicus (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    How many times have I died (a lot) and how many players have I killed ( not many) ? I'd really like to have the leaderboards up with all these stats.
  2. errr wouldn't it be kind of hard for Bandits to do that unless a bunch of them constantly bandage and transfuse each other? Possible I suppose. And only noobs shout out "friendly?". True friendlies are much more cautious.
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Jesus UAZs are loud.

    Wow I didn't know they had Jesus UAZ's, is that a limited edition model that drives over water? :P
  4. Literally minutes after BE updated this morning, I was kicked from the server I was playing on for BE script restriction # 40. After rejoining and being kicked twice (because I hoped the hacker would have left or been banned) I was Global Banned. The only reason I rejoined was I had just died and was attempting to reach my corpse to recuperate my gear. I've written to BE support, but thought I'd post a heads up as well as ask for any advice which could help speed up this process? Damnit I never believed people got global banned for nothing but now I do! Obviously I am not appealing here, just posting for relevancy for others, and to maybe get BE to take notice, since it would seem a lot of people are currently being banned for false-positives.
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    My bro got me banned [BAN APPEAL]

    Yes and you gotta love how BE updated to 1.169 and GLOBALLY BANNED EVERYONE :) In case you didn't know, this isn't a story, it just happened today and now there's a message being displayed on all servers by BE apologising for the problem.
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    My bro got me banned [BAN APPEAL]

    If it's the false positive we all got today, ignore it, should be ok now. On the other hand - your brother hacked dayz, unfortunately tough shit. You should have made sure he could not use your PC or access your games, very easy to do and you should already have done it, if not do it now so this doesn't happen again. Also, If you're a hacker. Kindly find the nearest off button and have intercourse with it. Easy to say " my brother hacked" when in fact "I hacked but now I cant play waaaaaaaaaa" Lastly: Do you Speak and Read ENGLISH? Yes? Well then why can't you read "DO NOT POST YOUR GLOBAL BAN APPEALS HERE" ? huh? No? No excuse? Didn't think so. Global Banned? Email BE. ffs it's not hard to find this out. Use what little brain function you have, thanks. Otherwise. Carry on :)
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    globally banned then instantly unbanned?

    Thankfully it got sorted. Though Im still getting kicked occasionally for script rest # 40. BE is now displaying a message apologising for the error, rightly so! :)
  8. BE update fucked everyone up. There's a message now to the effect that "everyone got global banned" and "we are sorry for this unacceptable error". Btw is the forum really slow for you too? Since i noticed you double posted your topic, happens to me too. lol
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Fixed: Global Banned after BE update 1.169

    LOL reinstalling has nothing to do with it btw, unless you change CD keys it would make no difference whatsoever I got the BE restriction 40 just before the ban too Anyways, good news, BAN LIFTED. False positive run amok with latest update it would seem :)
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Goodbye DayZ, false positive banning.

    Triple post FTW lol Ban has now been removed. Told ya you'd eat those words Mr Smarty Pants Horrible_Sniper. Horrible full stop more like.
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Goodbye DayZ, false positive banning.

    Excuse me? You don't know that he wasn't unlawfully banned. I know I was. And by the looks of this forum right now, BE update 1.169 just GB'd a whole bunch of people, so next time think before you post, because you're not all knowing, and if you come back and say I wasn't banned for no reason too, you will eat those words. I expect to be unbanned very quickly since I can prove I don't nor have I ever, hacked. Also you have no clue if BE will be in standalone, that's pure conjecture on your part. Oh, looks like you're being proven wrong since its being reported that 1.169 did indeed false-positive a lot of people. I bet you go silent now. Tried to be a smart-ass and ended up looking like a dumb-ass. Serves you right. Next time refrain. Damn me for double posting, but hey how do you know this? I hope you're right. Off to test now.
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Goodbye DayZ, false positive banning.

    Yes, I understand your frustration fellow survivor. Never believed in Global Bans for nothing but since I know I don't hack and just got global banned (minutes after BE updated to 1.169) I do now! They better unban me, or I'm screwed. I cant afford to buy new CD keys I cant justify the money when its not my fault.
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    i got global Bannd

    Hey I saw just now you posted this and in a couple of these threads. Source? I hope you are right btw lol not looking forward to missing out on my DayLy DayZ :)
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    i got global Bannd

    Thats what i always thought, people dont get Global Banned for nothing but guess what, I just got Global Banned too! I hate hacking in all forms..this happened minutes after BE updated to 1.169 Not happy :(
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    Only problem i have with DayZ Commander (which i just started to try) is that most of the servers don't even show up. They show up fine in-game but the list I see for Aus servers in DayZ Cmdr is very short, less than 10servers, whereas in-game I have a list of a bout 30servers in Aus. Not sure why this is but it was the same with Six. I prefer manual update but thought some of the functionality in DaZ Cmdr would be worth it.
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Stuck on Loading

    double post. pls delete
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Stuck on Loading

    What about those of us who never use any auto-updater/launchers? I manually update always, and dayZ works, but only 1 or 2 times out of every 10attempts right now. I get stuck on loading text with the bar....cant find any pattern to it at all. So you're theory is incorrec sorry.
  18. Same here, works periodically but 8 times out of 10 i get stuck on loaiding with the bar above the text "loading" (as opposed to the bar with just dayz background), manual updated always here and using armaII launcher (which wouldnt affect it anyway)
  19. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Now he needs to disable the respawn button completely. SInce its not really disabled, you can still click "respawn" while on "character create" so nothings really changed.
  20. lol ppl stop posting its over. And guy at the top of the page: youre full of shit. Any mic around $10 is good enough, if you cant afford that you shouldnt be playing games.
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Someone deleted their comment "There safe...whats that got to do with creating hacks for games? nothing so stfu now and go apply for a credit card and find out for yaself." Yes well, of course they are safe. As is anyone who goes up against you in a spelling bee or IQ test.
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Errrrrrrr 15 seconds or 15 milliseconds....makes no difference. Detected, GUID and all that should be instantly grabbed by BE. There's no logical reason to it taking any more than the blink of an eye, but you'd know that if you understood the digital world a little better. I don't know what the problem with the system is, it's certainly not the above, it's obviously the amount of hackers, and the fact that their scripts may not be detectable, but they themselves, along with everyone ever on any server is checked through BE, so it's obviously the detection where the problem lies. I've been seeing the new messages popping up like "currently 11,000plyers have been globally banned" and "new additions " or something to that effect have been appearing on our screens, so that tells me they ARE trying their best to deal with the issue, but is their best good enough? I don't know, but right now it is true, you're more likely to be killed by a hack than a legitimate PvP kill
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Except alt-f4 doesn't work for everyone :). It doesn't work in my game. Maybe because I'm on XP? When a hacker teleports me etc I actually hit my reset button on my pc as its much faster lol
  24. You wouldn't since you're like 75% of players who KOS and have no imagination. I can't explain it to someone who lacks the capacity. Oh and nice QQ attempt
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Errrr nope he always pronounces it Day Zed since he's a kiwi and that's how its pronounced in this part of the world. Ive never heard him say Daisy once. But unless Im sorely mistaken and he has somehow been converted to this americanisation of the word, he will continue to call it DayZ since that's just the natural way to pronounce it here in Australasia, but please give me a link to a video where youve heard him say Daisy, lol, but Im going to be very surprised if you can back that claim up with solid proof. Anyways, wrong is wrong is wrong :) Daisy sounds like a game for kids (dont get me wrong I love kids games too as I have a little one myself) involving daisy the cow or something lol