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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. I have seen that on my mates laptop. He gets about 10 fps so I lowered his scene complexity to 50k (lower than is possible in the in-game settings) so if that's what you mean then I agree. I suppose there should be a limit to how far you can lower it. But if I set it to very-low in-game buildings still render as far away as I can see them, they just have less detail.
  2. As I said, changing it in config files (did you even read what i said?) does not work.
  3. It only really makes a difference if you set it lower than is possible in the menu. Ie go into your config and set scene complexity to something like 50k. Then I agree on that. But otherwise...it's not a big deal imo
  4. You can beg to differ but you're wrong. View distance is locked, it's a server side setting. The ONLY place you can change view distance is in the cfg files in your mydocs/DayZ Other profiles folder. And guess what? It makes no difference what you set it to, it's always the same as it is, and has always been a server side setting. The only difference between low and high object detail is the actual DETAIL (duh hence the name) on objects at a distance. It doesn't make any difference to how far players or zombies are rendered
  5. Wrong. I spent about $1k on my current rig, and play the game on medium high settings with decent frame rate. Towns are always an issue though but I can handle 25-30 in cherno since I never go there lol
  6. View distance is locked. You cannot change it.
  7. Alpha to detail? No such option dude. Perhaps you mean ATOC? No reason to remove them, they make no difference to PvP situations whatsoever. ATOC perhaps gives slightly less bushy foilage on trees but it's not a big difference Object detail has no effect on how you see other players. Therefore, not an issue. The only thing that should be removed is gamma and brightness
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Lol No. That would defeat the whole purpose of having tents. I hope this is not done. Oh and guys. Stop speculating when the patch will be out. It isn't even a sure thing. Read the notes.
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I agree. I was simply stating what I feel needs to be done. I think development will start to accelerate very soon. I believe in Dean and don't really care for all the hate he gets, As far as I'm concerned he has always had a vision for what the game should be and I have confidence that I am going to enjoy and love the game throughout the development process and beyond. I still think however, that some things could use some attention, like the sound glitches. Or even very small things like the you are dead screen. At least in the mod we had a nice picture. A small thing I know, but it's also something that would take literally 5 minutes to do.
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Dude I am using a high end surround system which can literally shake the windows and roof in my house. The guns are very very quiet no matter what. It has nothing to do with "what I am used to" which you don't have any insight into. I am used to Arma II and Arma III which have pretty damn amazing sounds, even without ACE (which makes things even better) and the gunshots will scare you on my sound system. Which is not just about volume btw, it is just extremely high quality audio. Fact is in the mod the guns sound like pea shooters and really don't scare me at all.
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    No, it doesn't. Nowhere is it said that there will be multiple types. You read one thing and added a whole idea that wasn't even mentioned. THis is why people start saying "why don't we have this and this and this" because they read too much into things. Nor does it say anywhere there will be good and bad ones. You read 1+1 and you concluded the answer had to be 954? You have jumped a huge leap in your conclusions.
  12. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A suggestion for ZombieShark!!!

    Flawed thinking or perhaps trolling/sarcastic? How would it fix it? It wouldn't. It would just mean ppl would be eaten by sharks when they get teleported. Which afaik doesn't happen in SA anyway.
  13. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A suggestion for ZombieShark!!!

    Dude, no one swims anyway since the swimming is sooo friggin slooooooooow.
  14. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Painted Mosin Picture

    Player count remains low? Ummmmm what game are you playing. Over a million people bought the game and at any time there are literally tens of thousands playing. Very easy to find a full server. I think you are not actually playing the game at all as your statement is so wrong. Features however I agree about, they are lacking but will come. I also think they need to fix some more important issues like the unresponsive controls (when equipping weapon, hitting vault and not vaulting etc) and the sound glitches......but I doubt they will be fixed for quite a while. and 3pv? I think you mean 3rd person or 3pp? No one says 3pv. It's not an exploit. It's part of the game and on 3pp servers it is the same for everyone. If you don't like it don't use it. No argument needed. There's a whole thread of people bitching about it pointlessly.
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    DayZ SA Performence issues

    I highly doubt a laptop with a 1ghz cpu would have a good graphics card. You do not own a gaming laptop, not even remotely. I am not sure how you came to own your laptop, but either you were conned or you bought it 10 years ago. You cannot play DayZ with that thing. Forget it.
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I have to sort of agree. Alpha it is, but they need to fix the sound glitching and more importantly fix the "tries to take weapon out....equips, unequips, take weapon out ffs...ten minutes later...." that is sooooo annoying. New features are great but some attention needs to be paid to some of these game-breaking bugs. Also...the gun sounds are absolutely terrible. They sound piss weak. I really hope this will get looked at.
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    You cannot retrieve your gear anyway right now as respawn doesn't work. You have to exit server and rejoin after dying. So it really makes no difference whatsoever
  18. Irenicus (DayZ)

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    This ^^ The only reason TO kill on sight, is actually two things. Deathmatch mentality, and lack of imagination. It's much more interesting to get captured, held up etc than just die from an invisible enemy.
  19. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Communicating Without Headset

    Incorrect. I use speakers, because I have a big expensive high quality surround system and I use a microphone just fine.
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Communicating Without Headset

    Then buy one. You can get one for $10
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I expect a pending update but nothing since this. I guess we have to wait for Dean to come back
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    Errrr except in SA falling more than a meter results in insta-death
  23. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Died to prone rolling bug.

    Do you even read people's posts or simply respond every time with "it's alpha hurr durrr". Stop being the epitome of a fanboy please. It's embarassing (for you).
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Died to prone rolling bug.

    It's got nothing to do with the fact it's alpha. It's simply the arma engine. I remember dying to a tree branch in the mod. I strongly doubt these random bugs will ever be 100% stamped out.