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Irenicus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Irenicus (DayZ)

  1. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A badly needed attachment

    That's not correct actually. A suppresor is indeed to supress the sound but also of course hides the muzzle flash, so it's a dual purpose attachement. There is nothing called a silencer which is different to a suppressor, it is simply another name for it.
  2. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A badly needed attachment

    No, it's not.
  3. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Nope unless it downloaded while I wasn't looking. No new update
  4. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    You're lucky. I don't even see the servers. Experimental in filter/host right?
  5. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    If you say so. I find it quite interesting. Just saying it's not a very big town, don't expect much
  6. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    ermm no. Why would they put elektro up there? We already have Elektro. I really don't understand your logic (or lack thereof).
  7. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Wrong place mate. the town is a little further inland
  8. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    It's not really that interesting a town. It already existed. Perhaps they have added more buildings but I don't think it will be that exciting
  9. Irenicus (DayZ)

    M4 in your hands and Mosin on your back, or visa versa?

    btw the idea in your sig for hackers will not work. Nothing deters hackers.
  10. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Funnily enough, not everyone lives in the same timezone. It's 8pm here
  11. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Ok then. I was sure leaving the server despawned your body so I ended up never trying to get back to it.
  12. Yeah ATOC is broken right now, as soon as you turn it on, even just for grass, its ON, it's on or off it would seem. I like how things look with it on but it kills frames a fair bit when there's a lot of trees around and does make it easier to see somewhat.
  13. No I don't have a clue, only been playing since the mod came out, way before it was even popular. Just because your experience differs from mine or because I may be wrong about something doesn't mean I don't have a clue. There is no reason, except for FPS reasons to lower your view distance. It puts you at a disadvantage not an advantage. So it would seem it is you who doesn't have a clue? Anyway, I admitted I could be wrong, no need for the personal attacks
  14. Weird, I have tried changing it and it made no difference. Appears I am wrong then, I can admit when I am :) But does it still work if not set to read only? That's the only thing I haven't done.
  15. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Incorrect. The experimental build as of now, is the same as stable. The release mentioned in the first post of this topic has yet to be released to experimental. So you do realise you are completely wrong, right? Learn to read: " Branch: ExperimentalETA: Monday 20 January 2014, AMWhen will this be in stable?We expect stable to be updated before the end of that week (by Friday 24 January 2014)."
  16. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Not wrong at all. Respawn doesn't work for anyone. Lying about something does not make you right.
  17. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A guide for people with FPS issues

    No it doesn't It relates to the detail at distance. The objects will still render, just with less detail. Doesn't affect distance. UNLESS you set it to lower than 100000 in your cfg file (scene complexity) Also, personally shadows off and shadows on very high for me makes no difference to FPS at all. Not even 1 fps. Using a Gtx660 "Texture Detail: Up to the user. Texture Filtering: Should be the same as Texture." Errr no, Texture filtering is the same as Anisotropic filtering so there is no reason it should be the same as texture detail. Some other things: Bloom only works with PP on low or higher. Rotational blur is the same. When turning PP to normal you will turn on Ambient Occlusion so turn it off (even if it shows off it turns itself on) after changing PP settings.
  18. Irenicus (DayZ)

    A guide for people with FPS issues

    Nice except one thing. Terrain detail does nothing whatsoever in-game. The only place it makes a difference is in the menu screen. Also. max frames on 0 is not a good idea. Especially for AMD GPU users. Better to set it to 1.
  19. Irenicus (DayZ)


    Lol @ That vid. How some people can play with such a stretched (and IMO wrong) FOV is beyond me.
  20. Irenicus (DayZ)

    when will update be realesed what time?

    Probably about five minutes after five minutes before it's released :D
  21. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    You can't run back to your corpse anyway, so it's moot point people. Right now respawn does not work, you have to exit and re-enter server, which means your body will be gone anyhoo
  22. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Unarmed fighting needs to be severely nerfed

    Here in Australia, on New Years eve, a guy was punched once, knocked out, remained in a coma for a week then died. No nerfing needed
  23. Incorrect. There is a bug right now where you suddenly warp miles away from your current position, instantly and cannot even hit escape to exit. Sounds like a big, not a hacker
  24. Irenicus (DayZ)

    End game?

    Welcome to dayz. There is no end-game, How many new players come to this game expecting there to be an end-game? They are going to be sorely disappointed. There is and has never been an end-game in dayz
  25. Irenicus (DayZ)

    Vehicle overhaul in DayZ compared to ArmA

    Vehicle overhaul? Dude, there ARE NO VEHICLES in dayz right now. So why do you think that is hmm? Because they are doing them from scratch. Moot post.