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About Streicherov

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  1. Streicherov

    NPCs, Quests

    Yo Guys, just got the following idea - sry if there is a simmilar thread out there: ---> The implementation of NPC-survivors and quests! NPCs and Quests Why ? DayZ lacks content and possibilities. Those of you who enjoy killing noobs even for the 1000. time - well ... bring it haters! But for me the game lacks options ... either I find myself travelling threw the woods and seeing nothing but some animals or I´m near the cities or military camps for some PvP or gathering gear ... Quests as I will highlight here are -of course- not a ultimative solution, but every tiny piece of ( good! ) content will improve the game. NPC (Survivors) ---> ( they assign you with quests ) - My Idea is that NPCs are to find at some Savehouses all over the map - The may grouped up and some of them could be armed - You will get some minor loot for killing them In general those survivors are not the 08/15-gun-wielding-car-reparing-nurses as we are! So they rely on you to fullfill their tasks. It would be realistic since not everyone would run around wielding a gun after an zombie-apocalypse! ( call them cowards if you want ^^ ) Quests - The rewards are hidden somewhere until you fullfill the quest !!! - If the NPCs get killed - bad luck! You can´t fullfill the quest anymore !!! - If another player finishes the quest before you, you will only get a minor reward !!! - The NPCs will despawn and respawn after some hours --> Then another group may be there and the quest from before will be available somewhere else. Rewards Depending on how difficult the quest was the player may recieve supplies, ammo ... or even weapons or a car. Examples of Quests 1, Gather whatever kind of items. f.e. 20 steaks, car pieces, medicine ... whatever 2, Rescue a NPC who is surrounded by zeds somewhere near the savehouse 3, Kill the NPC-bandits that haunt us! ( some NPCs, armed, somewhere near the safehouse ) ... ------------------------------------------------- I hope some of you like the idea! Sry for bad english and the probably suboptimal design. :-) lg, Streicherov
  2. Streicherov

    together spawn

    in general no bad idea, but i think it could be "exploited"... a player who just died and lost everything could simply spawn with his friend again to get his loot back or evade the dangers in the early game ... would take away an important part of DayZ. @TE: Since i alsp play with my buddy frequently i know your problem very well ... best thing to do is to look up a map in the internet. then u respawn until u are close to each enough ... find remarkable locations in the game and use the map to find ur way! (a compass is great!)
  3. Streicherov

    Idea for making losing zed easier. DOORS!

    ... then you can wait in the building while the hord is massing at the door. finally you get ready to face them with the flashlight since they block the only exit!!! - your dead. ^^ No ... you die before since they simply glitch threw the walls! ^^ Joke. Of course the idea is good. should be "patched". but i think that the developer is aware of that.
  4. Streicherov

    Solo play + recovering blood

    + like the ideas!
  5. Streicherov

    Suggestion - Food/Water as of

    + !!! -- the water thing is great. so far i got lucky with waterbottles - but when i think about my future lifes ... -- i would "add" the following when its about meat: the player should be able to eat raw meat (better than to starfe) but only by taking the risk of an infection
  6. Streicherov

    Niemands "Cleaning a Village aka Settling down"

    YES!!! nice idea! i think smth like that would improve the game. more content. more motivation. more possibilities.
  7. Streicherov

    Post your favorite/best survival tip

    #21 nature is your friend
  8. 1, It´s not that there is a "massive penalty" for playing alone ... Its more a massive advantage for those who group up! (wich is NOT the same) 2, The lone wolf should have been aware of the danger and therefore avoiding it ... HIS fault if he made a mistake. HIMSELF is he to blame. 3, The people here give advices - so they are assholes?? If the TE is not able to survive alone (and its by far not that difficult) then probably the right (best) advice is to group up... @ TE, I dont know with witch Version i started but why does that matter? We talk about the here and now. And here and now the hits u can take and the blood-system in generall is o.k. imo. lg
  9. Streicherov

    More characters

    Guys ... its not that I wrote it >.< ... --- Abuse ??? Read my Post above. They can permitt an abuse somehow i´d be sure! --- Destroying a key element ??? No. Why? Ok ... it takes u - maybe - 2 days for a nicely equiped character? Then one mistake ... u die. Everything is lost. Now u guys say just switch to another character? Yes u can ... but he will only have the gear if u invested the time! It sounds as if u think that by having more characters all of them will be properly equipped automatically ... but thats not true! You would have to invest the same amount of time ... it would be THE SAME RISK (losing what u worked for for days in the blink of an eye <--- thats the essence. and thats NOT lost by playing multiple characters) hope u understand. its NOT like BF or something. death would mean the same ...
  10. Streicherov

    More characters

    YES ! I just wanted to create that thread by myself since its really important and deserves far more attention! I would wish one additional character so that I can play without my friend since we usually team up when we are both online and we actually can not play alone without taking the risk of loosing each other or messing up the great coop-experience by ... death. And I dont really see the danger or the problem for the game experience ... I think players would only benefit! - Exploit ??? No. They could implement a rule wich makes it impossible to logg in with the second charater on the same server within an hour (red that in another thread - good idea, man!) - Destroying the concept ??? No. You would still have to work long for a well equipped character and by death you would loose all of it! You would not have to work less and the loss would not be any inferior just because you have a second character.
  11. Yo guys, idk if theres a suggestion like that out there, but even if it is - this is worth another one^^ Sooo... I want more personalyzed character appearance. Why? If u roam around with comrads It´s hard to tell who hes ur friend or who is a stranger by sight. U have to aim down on him or ask him via skype what hes doing right now - well ... than it can be to late and the bandit u just took for your friend allready killed you! Or -what is worse- u mistake an ally for a bandit and kill him by mistake -.- ... My point is: Its simply not realistic. If you´d be running around with a friend in real life you could identify him by sight since u know his features, hight and clothing! Of course I dont want Skyrim-like character creation (thats stupid and just not needed) but if u could choose out of some options some clothes for your character it would be more realistic and more convienient when goind around in a group! lg, Streicherov
  12. Streicherov

    Bring back Markov at spawn

    I joined the mod when the makarov was allready taken away... And well - i dont really found it that difficult to find my first weapon (hatchet) and starting of with nothing! Actually I think that it gives u a far more intense experience since I felt so f*cking helpless in the beginning and was so scared without having seen my first zombie though!^^ ---- I was like: THATS how i expected DayZ !!!!!!!!!
  13. There is no broken mechanic, nor is it bad that it works that way!!! U know what?? You should be GLAD that u have 9000 blood as a buffer. Man, u can take MANY hits from 12.000 Blood to 9.000 Blood - probably more than enough!!! Don´t consider the fact that u have around 60% left but the number of hits u allready took!!! May u try seeing it that way???
  14. No offense man, i´d just share my experience (as a newbie!!!) so far: - i have not died once so far - i have around 75 zombie kills - i killed 2 players (and was spared by 1^^) - i had really intense encounters with a load of zombies and one time with "pro-players" aswell - i escourted a buddy who broke his leg in no-mans-land back to cherno and saved him I HAD F*CKING FUN SO FAR !!!^^ ... and yeah ... so i would consider it "unplayable" ... -