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About andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

    Can't See/Hear What Others Say In Direct Communication Chat

    this happens to me to.
  2. andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

    Stuck on loading screen.

    this happens to me to.idk how to fix it.
  3. andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

    no message received

    so is there any way to fix this?
  4. andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

    no message received

  5. andy-roo-13@hotmail.com

    no message received

    i just got this game and i want to know what to do about this. When ever i join a server i will walk for like 1 min and it will say (no message received for X time). is that a error with the game or is it just my internet or pc. can someone plz help because i really want to play this game it looks so good.