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Everything posted by FBI

  1. are you in any way saying that ArmA 2 engine WORKED?? the game that runs at 30FPS on the best of PC's (not mine)(...And yes i am slightly blowing it out of proportion)
  2. FBI

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    just turn down red and blue colours on your monitor settings... bingo!
  3. FBI

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    What the hell is wrong with you guys!? Masks? seriously? There are Z's around every corner... your hungry, thirsty and got itchy arse cos your had a shit on poison ivy and you thinking "oh i want a mask"??
  4. FBI

    Balanced Defibrillator Idea

    I think you should come back as Zed! and attack your killer :D
  5. FBI

    Ideas for atmosphere.

    Ok, I was following the situation in Ukraine... and stumbled on some inspirational pictures. now imagine this in DayZ:
  6. FBI

    Getting naked

    haha if this happens... i want to see "health implications" like: - "I feel my palms getting hairier" - "I feel like I am going blind" - "My arm feels sore" **** come on, its only realistic xD
  7. FBI

    End Spawn Suicide

    Well, its all good and fun... but what will you do if you spawn on top of the house with no way of getting down apart from jumping and breaking your legs or killing yourself... OR spawning (like some people did) inside the houses with no doors or windows... OR falling through the textures... and then what? I had to drink a full bottle of antiseptics just so i get sick and die... took me 30+ minutes! of staring into no-where. What do you do in those cases?
  8. Hi, I was thinking... The additional mods for DayZ are inevitable! there will be Namalsk and Takistan... or whatever new maps gonna be called... SO... I thought why not just have transitions from one map to another? So for example if you have Utes as DLC. then instead of going out of the game you get a halicopter and fly out into the sea... after you got to border of the map you get a window asking you if you wonna leave? if you say yes it takes you to a dedicated Utes servers you select one and carry on with your character but now on the Utes. To avoid chopper duping. the chopper could be crashed when you start playing... that could be one spawn point, another one could be with a damaged boat... and one few normal once... if you chose to start your game (from scratch) at the Utes. + This way the problem that was with storing items in tents outside the map would also be solved... because there will be no outside the map. you will be either on one map or the other... + Also if there are northern maps where temperature is a lot colder you can take your character which already has warm jacket and good boots... rather than starting in -40 with T-shirt. + There could be a variation on the Items as well... for example if someone makes European map... then the guns such as G36's and SA80's would be far more common than AK's **** BUT i think that Dev's should give map templates to the developing community... as least land mass outline. So it has logical progression... for example so you dont move north to Takistan! So the coast line carries on from Cherno to the next map... Like I said, extra maps, DLC's and mods will happen, so why not make them high quality?
  9. DayZ came out in the middle of December. in less than 1 month we are at 1,000,000 player!!! Great going Rocket, Thank you for amazing game!! keep it coming! :)) *** I wander, did the 1,000,000-th person got the "You are millionth buyer... here are some extra beans for you" ???? ***
  10. FBI

    How to make the map more engaging.

    Hmmm, Malls and Wal-marts... not sure, I came from a ex-Soviet country and can tell you that its just not what would happen. BUT... how about simple village markets: http://vernoye-almaty.kz/a-z/z2-2.jpg - What I would love to see are different environment areas. for example... in Namalsk Mod for DayZ Mod it was winter... you had snow... you could freeze to death.. here you don't die of hypothermia. So perhaps a mountain range with snow? Just like nuclear power stations you would need a specific gear (just less rear than HAZMAT suit) so warm jacket, snow shoes, winter gloves, winter hats (most of which already IN DayZ SA) - Also I have to agree with you, more "Public" buildings... like Schools, Kindergartens, Courts of Law, Village\Town\City Halls... etc etc. I feel like in EVERY game none of the developers actually though of how this world would have worked if the War/apocalypse/etc would have happened. DayZ is the only game I know that actually came close(er) to functional society. BUT people need to work... where do they work? Offices, factories, communal farms... People have to eat and drink... shops, markets, cafe, bars... people need to sleep... is there enough housing for proposed population? you can't have 1000 office blocks and 2 residential houses... (like in old WARZ they had a town of 2 small houses, post office, supermarket and HUGE office blocks...it just wouldh't have happened) Also people in the world would have had kids... so educational establishments would be needed.... - I am Against Plane idea, for one simple reason... every other Zombie game has a crash-landed/crashed plane... its not original.. its not new. http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/d9GUcmqdsmg/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.xboxachievements.com/images/screenshots/2390/med_dead-island-rip-jVg3w.jpg http://orcz.com/images/thumb/2/27/Dr3crashedplane.PNG/400px-Dr3crashedplane.PNG *** how ever a crashed Fighter Jet... could be an option... no/very little loot. but just a way point.
  11. I had this idea about forming clans\Factions. its kinda long so I will briefly describe it and then if you want, read in full at the bottom. Brief Description: Right now we have clans such as medics of the wasteland and such. we also have hero player and bandit players. why not have an official community recognition, support and roles for those clans/Factions/player in the game? I know there was bandit skin in MOD. but i am talking much bigger! each Factions will have different perks and ways of playing game. for example: for "medics" Faction. - You can be recruited via meeting a medic and having an application code from him. you enter that code in the menu in the game... this will give you a link to recruiting site, you go thru probation period and you joined. (nothing really new here, apart from few integrated hyperlinks in game) - As part of this community you will be able to make choices that would directly affect the community. The choices you will be asked to make would be firstly the location of the main HQ for medic fraction, and later on the development of this HQ. eg. additional bed spaces, surgical tables... heli pads.. etc. every month community will vote on the developments that they would like to see in the camp. as a member you would also have exclusive access to medic spawns - the currency for the "buildings" will be items. The items that are stored in the camp will be logged and exported from all servers, converted to a list and "valued" . based on the value of the items collected in set time 1 building would be allowed to be built per month. - how would this work? The buildings would be added to the map directly integrated into the map just like any other building on the map right now, so no "bodge-job" tents.So they going to be on hive so when server restarts, or you change server everything stays the same. - the Medics HQ will contain initially small boxes with supplies (the default supplies are set by the community via forums). but as camp grows more sophisticated storage and supply will be available. Long Explanation: You have 4 fractions (haven't thought of any more) - Medics - Engineers - Law - Outlaw Medics: 3 roles: - Medic = the job is to heal people, they will not have any specific bonus (to keep the realism of the game, as a survivor wouldn't have any special abilities to heal). They will be taken to emergency sites where healing would be required, in return healed person would hand over some of the looted things... - Body Guard = their job to escort the medics throughout. - General staff = these guys are Pilots, drivers, scavengers, radio dispatch... etc. Medic fraction development. They would start in a small tent with 2 first aid kits and a box of supply that re-spawn at every server restart. but potential progression to abandoned hospital complex with heli pad, radio room.. etc. benefits to game - Stronger community - Introduction of Serious illnesses that can only be treated in hospital (blindness... etc) - additional roles to play as - never ending opportunity to do something after you "geared up" - would create market and barter system. Engineers 3 jobs - Engineer = fixing things. they would carry parts and tools to repair damaged vehicles or structures (other bases) - Body guard = same as medic - General staff = same as medic Engineers would be the first point of contact when it comes to repairing anything. only they with their tools would be able to get the items to "pristine" from "ruined" status again. They would start scrap yard, and progress to full on garage with tow truck and factory floor. benefits to game - Stronger community - Introduction of different mechanical problems - additional roles to play as - never ending opportunity to do something after you "geared up" - would create market and barter system. Law 2 roles - officer of the law = general staff + body guard. - detective = guy who investigates "murders", "thefts" etc... Rocket had mentioned that he was planning to take "finger prints" from people.. so this could be beneficial to investigations... eg, you come across a body, you inspect it and find that it was shot with a rifle round. you "dust for prints" and find 2 sets of prints in the inventory. you later find a guy in the area who carries Mosin and has matching finger prints... you arrest him and jail him. Law effectively be the police of the DayZ. and just like every other fraction they would start small and grow Outlaw Generally anything related to bandit stuff :\
  12. FBI

    Clan/Fraction idea

    and some of us writing from a Tablet with a ***** auto-correct! :)
  13. Just wanted to know what people though, I understand that this is Alpha and all that... but I think a lot of problems are carried forth from MOD... like KoS for example
  14. yeah, but there is nothing in terms of meds, its just houses with no value buildings, you get sick on the east coast, your screwed!
  15. @wingtip, thats all true, but these are all bugs... and will be fixed. What this poll is about is the game features @SalamanderAnder, this poll IS about the problems and at the moment there is some things that each one of us hate about this game... and yes in some it may be only 1% of their experience but it still there... and If I was a developer I would like to know which part of the my game people liked the most and what they like the least. @Zogvarn. yes, it has been or will be addressed by the developers... BUT things like KoS some people (me included) don't like it. I personally feel like this CoD mentality has no place in this game and if i had a magic wand things be different... but unfortunately without magic this problem is VERY difficult to solve. Yet, if enough people say that its an issue, may be something will be done about it. Because at the moment its "part of gameplay" and I feel that it sucks. I can avoid players if I choose to, but when I gear up, i feel bored but unlike others I choose often to go down to coast and help others. but sadly more often than not I get shot for helping :\
  16. FBI

    Tactical vest or assault vest?

    Tactical vest doesn't work right now, it sits under things like combat jacket and you only see pouches that sick out... so it looks stupid unless you are wearing something that works with it... where is assault vest seems to be good with everything I have seen so far.
  17. FBI


    you havent seen ACOG then, M4 is useless at 100m... end of! grouping is so vast that you cant hit a barn door at that distance :\
  18. FBI

    Any fellow heroes?

    What? NO, if you found a helmet and gasmask you gonna wear it, cos it will save your ass when you get head-shot!
  19. Hi, First of all I would love to say how AMAZING this game is!!! I started playing mod around May 2012, watched it develop seen up and downs of the game and to be perfectly honest i was loosing commitment to the game and was wholeheartedly waiting for SA. So naturally I wanted it sooner rather than later... and yes in the poll "have it now, but unfinished" or "wait till its playable" i chose "GIMMI IT NOW!!" What I have got had blown my mind... i mean even the simple things like number of different hats and shoes and other stuff... the in-depth of hunger, thirst and meds... its turned the Zombie survival game to survival simulator with a zombie twist... and I LOVE IT! to be more specific i would say we need to make it harder to survive and keep zombie just another danger out there. Cos lets face it... if you are playing DayZ to mindlessly slaughter zombies and PVP... you need to play CoD or something, but only after you finished doing your homework, if you have time before your 21:00 bed time. Obviously right now game is Pre-Alpha... and yes we all aware of the bugs... vanishing bodies.. etc etc, but to me personally that tolerable, what I want is more things to find and more different challenges... for example different areas that you need specific gear for: like high altitude mountain range where you possibly would need to have warm clothing, shelter, and oxygen tanks. Or perhaps Nuke-reactor with a leaked core, area full of loot, but where you would slowly be dying from radiation unless you take anti-rads which prolong your ability to be exposed and you will need NBC suit. Basically so you don;t just collect 1 set of gear... it be cool to have a need in 2 or 3 different sets. My wish-list - Nerf running... at the moment my guy can run 20 miles with no stop and sprint some of it. i think he should be able to run 2 - 3 miles after which he will feel tired... then exhausted, then he will feel like vomiting... then he will vomit... then start passing out. its realistic, i mean in IRL I can run 5 miles easy. but throw some weight on me (and my character carries a LOT) and i will struggle... to think that my character also doing it in Combat boots and Gas-Mask... christ, i feel sorry for this guy, how does he breath!!! - More weapons for the East of Cherno... or less for the West... I usually been spawning from Kamenka and following same path up north to NWAF. and if you have done this path, you would know that its just full of Army barracks, Stations, and mil. bases. ONCE i happened to spawn on the East coast.. and so I wanted to find the mil. base in the Brezino.. but it wasn't there... nothing was... there is not even fire station there anymore... no tents, nothing... i had to get to the Rify and get on the boat just find Mosin - CHANGE OF NAME. how many of us Googled DayZ and got info from MOD rather than SA. I wish it was more clear... - Change of loosing a shoe when walking though ponds or waterlogged areas. - Hopefully wood collecting will be back... but also sticks and stuff like that... cos its a bitch to break your legs in the wood... knowing that you need some sticks and rags to make a splint... and not be able to collect wood... in the woods :\ - Sleep, i think it be a cool way of going AFK or a risky way of restoring health... so you would heal up slowly over the time you sleep... but also wake up hungry and thirsty.
  20. even if we are, marathon runners are running in a T-shirt with plaster on the nipples... not with 40kg on them + rifle, axe, gasmask, helmet... list goes on! I am not worried about the actual "items" the game already has a lot more then I could even wish for. and I am 1000% sure that there are going to be WAY more to come... once public modding sets in, i wouldnt be surprised if we all gonna be running around in Santa outfits for the next Christmas!
  21. @Color, I have to agree... but at the moment is very unbalanced :\ West got lots East got none. I would like to see Mil. backpacks... and civil chest rigs... like workman clothing... fishing vest or something like that.
  22. FBI

    Frustrating for new players like me

    if this game frustrates you and you cant figure this out, there is a sale on Steam... get yourself CoD, play that.
  23. Ok, this may be unpopular idea. BUT, what if a tent was the place where you save the game before exiting, else you loose all progress. This could solve the problem with things like: - Tent only being saved on 1 server. - D/C from battle. - Having your tent raided while your not on the server. - Server hopping - Loot farming The player would start with a poncho that can be used as improvised shelter. or a roll mat. something like that. this wouldn't be able to store any items, just save you before you exit. you would be able to "mount" the tent and then choose from the list of options such as save and exit, just save, rest (this would heal X amount of blood per minute) as you would progress thou game, you would be able to find other tents, such as small tent, medium tent, large tent and army tent. each one of those would have more storage space. and possibility to be upgraded with things like "fire pit", "water collector" or "early warning system" (if another player or infected would walk in certain area around the tent, a flair shoots up into the sky. in large or army tents may be it would be possible to store a small vehicle like bike. as the player would be "mounted" onto the tent when he exits the server the player effectively becomes "static object" and instead of just player being saved onto the hive, the player and the tent are saved as one. hence no matter what sever you go on, you will always be with your tent. Also if you got to save at your tent then in times of battle you would think twice about D/C as you would loose all the progress you have made since last log in. This AND the system they have in place now would make it very unattractive option to D/C in battle. Also no more unattended tents. if you see a tent, then the chances are that the owner not that far away. like it would happen in Real world. cos lets face it... if you were in a Zombie Apocalypse you wouldn't leave all your livelihood and vanish you would be around to look after it. and when you need to loot something, the risk of leaving your stuff is something you got to think about. Server hopping would also be abolished. as you wouldn't be able to come under fire fro camper, log out, log onto different sever, then walk to the place where camper is... log onto the original server and kill the camper from behind. Also loot farming wouldn't be wise. because if your tent is close enough to do that, then its not safe at all.. and you risking to get your tent looted.
  24. Fin. but wouldnt this happen in real world?