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49 Good


About brynje

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. We have around 250 vehicles on the server. Most civilian ofc. Not all the military like in Wasteland mod. We do have vodniks with guns and HMWEEs though
  2. Any problems? You still act like we owe you something or we force you to play here. We have more than enough players who enjoy our server setup so we really don't need more pricks. Go to your precious UK#10
  3. We ambushed them two vodniks when they came across the bridge.. MK48 tracers all over the place! We didn't get them but it was fun as fuck : D they had to retreat across the bridge
  4. Problem with Chernarus is that you have 45 noobs running around Elektro and Cherno using 1% of the map and 5 players up north. On Taviana it's at least morespread out.. apart from the western island sometimes :P And I really still don't see the spawnkiller problem. I killed myself twice yesterday (lol) and I had no problem kitting up.
  5. I'm sure a head admin will post when we have a result.
  6. Thanks guys. Again.. we are talking about whitelisting too.. but this server is pretty new and we still have stuff to tweak etc. People need to calm down a bit.
  7. Well.. you seem like a kid the way you act Daniel. Go play somewhere else. Our community has been going since 2001. We are playing a lot of games not just Dayz...and well Dayz is not that popular within BSM yet so yeah UK10 might have a bigger community within Dayz. Good for you. Again... no one is forcing you to play here, Panda/hexstatic is still a member of BSM .... now go and pay for your own server you pestilence of a 13 year old.
  8. Panda is not kicked from our community? Don't know where you got that from. And by the way... you all talk like you are forced to play on our server. We don't care if you play here. Seems like everyone coming from UK#10 is a bunch of cunts anyway. Find another one if you don't like it ... or pay for one yourself ungrateful kids.
  9. The slots has been reduced this morning due to performance issues.
  10. Chernarus got slightly boring to be honest after playing it since dayz release.
  11. We are just trying Taviana out. We still have the mission file from Chernarus stored.