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Everything posted by jdotjdot7

  1. jdotjdot7

    Large Increase in Noobs?

    I've been shot in the back after saving someone, shot in the back while trying to remove wire just to help the server and noobs... Ive been shot by a guy who claimed he was friendly... MULTIPLE times... this is sort of my vengeance.
  2. 90% of people in this game are evil. Example 1: I see a guy shoot a person down, i shoot the guy and then shoot the zombies attacking the body and then shoot the ones behind me, the formerly unconscious person gets up, and shoots me in the back.... Example 2: I see a lot of barb wire, and even though there are ways around it, I decide to get rid of it to help the server, someone comes up behind me and shoots me.... Example 3: Someone calls friendly in Cherno, I call friendly back, they see me and shoot me, and say that deception is part of the game.
  3. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    You have to have a toolbox and you have to like wildly wave your mouse around the barb wire until it says "Remove Wire" really hard and annoying to do... which is why I was trying to do it... i even scouted out the entire area first and I was in the middle of removing 2 of the 3 wires when suddenly a person shoots me from behind...
  4. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    And yet you continue to spew shit. We all know what you meant, you are just making yourself look more like an ass. Now kindly get the hell off this forum. Lets see if I can block you.
  5. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Come on now, we all know people get sad when they die. (Even if its just for a minute or so because its easy to get stuff in DayZ) especially when they are trying to be helpful and get shot because of it. If you see someone and you already have gear, there is no reason to kill them other than you enjoy the act of killing them. If they are threatening you, like heading towards your position or if they are a bandit, then shooting them would be survival.
  6. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    "Lol, presenting a statement as proof with zero actual evidence... seems legit." Uhm yeah, that basically shows that you believe it is false; although it is implied that you believe my statement is fake as you directly stated an internet meme that correlates to a situation or image that is most definitely fake. You implied this statement though to either bring this up later or maybe even because you were unaware of what you implied. You will now begin to think about the words I just used and again try to insult me by bringing up the point that I use "big words." Also, I will no longer reply, I have better things to do then argue with someone over the internet about whether or not they are an asshole.
  7. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Some people have what is known as a heart. It is a very rare trait today and very few people still carry it. Some of the effects of this trait include actually caring about others instead of only about yourself. Yes this trait is rare, and it is dying.
  8. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Big words on the internet? Those are big words? And you call me illogical haha. Also, Arrogant? I'm the one who is arrogant when you instantly believe someone elses story is fake? Then announcing to everyone that the story is false because you don't trust people? That sounds more like arrogance to me! Hostile? No, I am defensive, I am only hostile if someone is hostile to me.
  9. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    By the way, there is also a reason that I play on 6 hour restart servers :)
  10. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Oh, but of course. Apparently using your knowledge and resources to find out good places to check for gear is something that is totally unheard of and not authentic. Also, this apparently causes people on the forums to instantly reject that fact as false because they dont use their intellect or resources to do well.
  11. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Yeah, and after I died, I headed north again, found 2 more heli crashes, and that is where my current char is, a DMR i found in barracks, a Fn Fal i found in a heli crash, and NVGs and GPS with an Alice pack and 242 Zombie kills.
  12. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Yep, NW Airfield you can sneak around, starry, its all out in the open surrounded by multiple sniper vantage points, although shooting in NWAF would probably be more profitable. But I am going to be a bandit myself soon as I've had enough with everyone banditing me, especially when they call friendly, or when i save them.
  13. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    True, but if you head north, it doesnt take long to get geared, get in a low pop server and run a circle route around Kabanino, Starry, and Novy and you will find at least 1 decent weapon. And the friend I gave my AS50 to in exchange for an M14 still has it and is now a Bandit with 20 kills D:
  14. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    Lol, challenging a quote because you are ignorant and are probably jealous, seems legit. And yes, I found a total of 4 heli crashes in a few hours and later on in that life found a total of 11. You sound mad because you cant get those items.
  15. jdotjdot7

    This is why I kill on sight

    I had an AS50 before, with a FN Fal, while i also got my friends a FN FAL ANSV, M24, CZ550, DMR, M14 AIM and Bizon PP19 SD. I also had a GPS, Coyote Backpack, and NVGs. I got this ALL by being friendly. 250 Zombie kills, 0 murders, 0 bandit kills. I also got all the items within a few hours. You have just been proven wrong.
  16. Or at least Six Launcher needs to have an option "Do Not Update"
  17. jdotjdot7

    ARMA 2 Needs to Quit Updating X(

    Ah, thank you, I'll remember that the next time every server on the list has 1-3 players on it.
  18. jdotjdot7

    ARMA 2 Needs to Quit Updating X(

    Well then they should save it all for one day of the week instead of a patch a day breaking every server 4-5 times a week. They should get all their stuff together and then patch on tuesday like most game companies. So your assumed intellectual arrogance is really a ploy!
  19. I was killed by friendly fire, while logging in, when i loaded fully I was now in Debug forrest, the Player's name was Dagger, and he even openly laughed about it after I warned him that that kind of behavior was not allowed. The server is US 713. Is there any way to get players like this banned =/
  20. So far, 1 AS50 4 M14AIM 2 Mediboxes 3 Ammo Boxes 3 FN FAL 1 FN FAL with Night Vision 4 PP19 Bizon SDs 1 NVG Whats your best
  21. I traded it to my friend for his M14 AIM :) ... I suck at snipers
  22. jdotjdot7

    So I found my first AS50

    Well, im more of a Sneak up behind them and take them out kinda guy, not the hide way up in the tree line and snipe them kinda guy. ALthough i did kill 3 snipers by running up behind them with a crossbow and a revolver... Somehow they all had NVGs Range FInders and GPS... with patrol packs (obviously hacked in....) But it was funny to take on people with CZs M24s and M14s by dancing around them witha revolver :). Dont worry though guys The M14 I traded for had ~200 shots :D
  23. I was killed by friendly fire, while logging in, when i loaded fully I was now in Debug forrest, the Player's name was Dagger, and he even openly laughed about it after I warned him that that kind of behavior was not allowed. The server is US 713. Is there any way to get players like this banned =/
  24. Isn't the UAZ a Jeep, what the hell is this o.o. It looks like a GAZ but its red....