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Everything posted by n0tyx3s

  1. n0tyx3s

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    Dude......chill the hell out. It's a FREE mod for an already existing game. You would have a legitimate reason to bitch so blatently if you had to pay for the mod DayZ. Trust me, I would too if I had to pay. But in the end, it's FREE. It's ALPHA. It's still just a "baby". It has alot of room to grow.
  2. n0tyx3s

    Two characters with two different games

    I beleive it has something to do with your registry. A guy on youtube named Sacriel, has adressed this issue. But be forwarned, messing with your computers registry can seriously damage your computer, so do not mess with it unless you are a 110% sure you know what you are doing. Hope I helped.
  3. n0tyx3s

    Patch Question

    look it up on youtube. You should be able to find step by step applications as to downloading the patch and getting the game to work properly and such.
  4. n0tyx3s

    Beta Patch Download Servers Down

    Yes i'm having this issue as well. Beta patch won't download to the computer. I'm not going to download sixlauncher because i used a different route (it appears) to run the dayz mod. I don't want to muck anything up just incase six launcher conflicts with the way i've done it thus far.
  5. n0tyx3s

    Server Hoppers

    Now I understand the need to switch servers and such to find gear and all that but server hopping in the same spot is pretty lame IMO. If thats your poragative (probably mispelled) then so be it, but don't come back in here and and post some lame ass story about you logging into NWA right outside the barracks and putting a round in some poor souls face. It's not skillful and doesn't make you a badass. Chances are, that guy probably scoped out the area before heading inside to loot. He did the right thing and made sure the coast was clear. It's just bad luck that someone happened to spawn outside at the same time he/she was looting. Any one else think differently or have a different side of the story, feel free to reply.
  6. n0tyx3s

    Server Hoppers

    You took what I said out of context. I wasn't saying that hopping around from server to server to loot the NWA, Stary Sober ect. ect. was ok in my book either. What I was saying is that going to a different server to find loot if there was none to be had at all the good spots mentioned above isn't technically server hopping. There are times when a server needs to be reset because loot and stuff is far and few between, due to horders or massive traffic on that server. I should have clarified a bit more.
  7. n0tyx3s

    Don't you just love "clever" bandits?

    Lol I see these and think they are funny. To each his own on how he/she should choose to play the game but if you wish to gloat, pick a better story. It's not like its a stretch to think that a sniper from a distance could take out one lonely survivor by himself. I would be impressed if there were more than 2 or 3 of them and you were able to take all of them down before they found you. This was not an accomplishment.
  8. i am by far no computer guru by any means but i did find this on the interwebs. http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/DayZ#Game_Lags_every_two_or_three_seconds try the trouble shooting section where it says game lags every two or three seconds. To open up the msconfig, use the run program to open it up. If this works help spread the news.
  9. n0tyx3s

    I Really Can't Do Anything

    I believe it's patch related. I had the same isssue when I first installed the game, i didn't have the correct patch. If not, then i'm not sure what would be happening. Are you running it through steam or a patch loader/updater.