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About n0tyx3s

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. n0tyx3s

    Hackers are pussies too.

    You all are argueing points of a moral issue which generally doesn't come to a mutual ground when it all said and done. Some people believe using hacked in items is bad and the others see it as a legit thing, provided it was taken from someone who posessed it before them. I for one don't beleive in using hacked in items, not part of the game but thats just my own opinion. I don't go as far as putting them in the same category as scriptors or dupers or any of the sort, I just say it is morally wrong. Again my own opinion and isn't up for debate. As far as admins, there control over their own server is very limited and shouldn't be that way. They pay for the server, it should be their way or the highway. Yeah there are abusive admins on servers and such, but they are more easily dealt with than a scriptor. An abusive admin is more likely 1 in 1000 as opposed to scriptors which feels more like 1 in 40. As far as duping goes, there isn't a way to track it. It's not easy to tell if something is duped or if it is legit. It's up to that person to decide. Still, duping is wrong, breaks up the status quo of the game but it doesn't necesarily give someone an upper hand. Meaning person A having duped items vs player B non duped items comes down to who has the better gear at the time of the encounter. Each person has the opportunity to find high end gear, so it's up to the player to stay alive long enough to get it.
  2. I was just teleported to Electro which was on fire, and I was turned into a cow. A guy named FUCKYOUNERDS asked if he could milk me. As of right now he is still on the server.
  3. n0tyx3s

    Just Curious

    Yeah I took that into concideration but I don't think two sniper rounds point blank to the stomach, would allow someone to keeps standing let alone finish me off like he did. I mean I've hit someone with the new ballistics damage from 300 meters and farther with the CZ and got one hit kills with it. I was leaning more toward hacker. Which would be the third one i've ran into, and been killed by today. I just wanted to vent and share the misery. :P
  4. n0tyx3s

    Just Curious

    Maybe i'm a noob or something still when it comes to how much a round will inflict damage wise but what should follow two gut shots point blank from a cz 550? A) Death B ) Unconsiousness and/or broken leg C) Guy you shoot keeps shooting at you until you die D) none of the above My guess would be A. Seems logical.......I bet you can't guess which one actually happened.
  5. n0tyx3s

    Us 776 - seattle 158

    yeah one hundred percent, the guy was in a ghillie suit, if that helps any....yeah it was just odd how he did the whole thing. I couldn't see him but he said he could see me and he walked right in front of my cross hairs when he revealed himself, with no caution what so ever. Couldn't have been more than 5 feet between us. I mean he just purposely walked into the line of fire like he knew i could't kill him or something.
  6. About 5 mins ago i was killed by a hacker. I ran into the store in cherno. I was contacted by him via direct chat, he told me to put down my weapon, I ran for cover. He walked up in front of me and insisted i put down my AKM. I put like 7 or 8 shots point blank into his chest, he shoots me a few times with a silenced weapon, and then I die, -22,000 blood. He didn't even start to bleed out. Not sure how you can find out who the perpetrator was but if something is done about it, i would like to be informed.
  7. n0tyx3s

    Polygon Errors?

    I've been having problems in berezino. I've been to atleast 10 dif servers and all the same. Not sure why Berezino is broken.
  8. hmm well that sucks a bit, I don't want to be banned for something I didn't do. Would dropping all of this gear remove me as a suspect perhaps?
  9. So I join a server just earlier using the remote option. When I spawned, I should have had an M4A3 CCO but instead it looks like an AS50. I press the right click button to bring up the cco but it brings up the AS50 like i'm trying to use iron sites. Well I decide to go into my gear menu so I can drop the AS50 looking M4 and find all kinds of goodies on my person that I didn't have before, i.e. Range Finder, NVGs, GPS, Ghillie Suit, loads of AS50 rounds ect.. In the gear menu it still says I have the M4 so I go ahead and drop it and then the AS50 appeared in my hand. I click out of the menu and use the scope and it works fine. The M4 is also lieing there on the floor as well. So I pick it up and put it in my backpack and log back off. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm sure it will be gone by the time I log back on to another server but I was just curious if the strange bug/glitch has happened to anyone else.
  10. n0tyx3s

    Guy who sniped me in Electro

    I'd beleive you but you would have to tell me exactly where it was at that I should have died in a p.m., as stated previously.
  11. Karma is a killer. It'll always come back to bite you.....always
  12. n0tyx3s

    Guy who sniped me in Electro

    Lol I assure you its not a trap, he picks the location, I put down all gear, including my back pack and hold nothing but a flashlight. No way for me to pull out a hidden weapon that way. Not even the hatchet cause it would take to long for me to get out anyway and to "load it"
  13. Yeah, I was trying out the cz 550 and having a terrible time with it. I should probably just stick to close quarters. I was set up in top of a hill where I could see pretty decent all of the major hotspots that are in cherno, i.e both firestations, office building, super market, and church. Tried to snipe a guy at the office building and failed majorly at it and caused quite a bit of noise. I apparently attracted another sniper west of the northern firestation and take a hit. I'm knocked out unconsious still taking fire when I get a message across my screen. No Message Recieved Recieved for 10 seconds.......... This was apparently my fault. I'm using my phone to tether internet to my computer and go figure, I recieve a phone and shuts my internet off. So now I suppose i'm labeled as an alt-F4 shitbag. If you are reading this, (guy who shot me) I apologize, you deserved the kill. It was terrible timing but it happened. Again sorry about that. For a compromise, if you can p.m. and tell me the exact spot, down to the letter, that you killed me, I will log on to a server of your choice and let you shoot me point blank in the face.
  14. n0tyx3s

    screen problems when ingame

    Same here, hope to see some suggestions here soon.
  15. Added, it seems like you have a few canidates already. I've a little bit of military experience if that helps bump up my application :P