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About Bremerton

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  1. Yeah! How dare those people use their own money to pay for their own servers! #OccupyDayZ
  2. Bremerton

    Melee Weapon Petition

    I think melee swings should be a quick, non-interruptible animation that must play out, leaving you open to attack for a split second. Kind of like the fence-stepping animation. This will force you to carefully consider your swings and not just waltz down Main Street with your favorite meat cleaver.
  3. Bremerton

    Food and water being used offline

    Hmmm... I need to experiment...
  4. I found two within sight of each other. Twas major sad-face to find there was no loot spawning.
  5. And make sure it's a barn or a large industrial building. Apparently zombies can collapse some of the brick and mortar buildings on top of you. =/ Found that out the hard way the other day.
  6. Bremerton

    Food and water being used offline

    I guess I'm the sole voice of insanity, but... I'm constantly rolling in beans and soda. I don't know what to do with it all. I'm always eating even if I'm at full blood, just because I need to make room in my pack for ammo and food is less of an issue than bullets for me. I know the next barn or stable will have something for me if I get hungry again. Consuming items while offline was stupid, but hunger and thirst dropping is pretty much a non-issue unless you were stupid enough to log off without anything in your pack. Don't nerf the game just because you can't plan ahead by an hour.
  7. The nerd rage is strong in this thread.
  8. Bremerton

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    I usually to to find a server that's still early morning. Plenty of light peaking over the horizon, and fewer griefers to interfere with my Airfield runs.
  9. I seem to recall a movie where a group of missionaries are taking a trip down river and the guy steering the boat asks why they don't have guns, and laughs at them when they claim being peaceful will save them.
  10. Bremerton

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Posted this in the bandit forum, thought it would do more good here: -Make it a little harder to earn the bandit skin. One kill should not do it. -Make humanity reset upon death. -Enable different skins based on your humanity level. -Make earning humanity points a curve, in both directions. The "Red Berret" requires you to be a saint (by transfusing blood or something, not just sitting around) and an uber bandit skin requires you to be the next Pol Pot. 80% of the players would then fall into the middle somewhere. That way, if you want to be a backstabbing plant, you have to earn your position by not murdering everyone in sight.
  11. Bremerton

    Bandits and Self Defense

    Just my thoughts: -Make it a little harder to earn the bandit skin. One kill should not do it. -Make humanity reset upon death. -Enable different skins based on your humanity level. -Make earning humanity points a curve, in both directions. The "Red Berret" requires you to be a saint (by transfusing blood or something, not just sitting around) and an uber bandit skin requires you to be the next Pol Pot. 80% of the players would then fall into the middle somewhere. That way, if you want to be a backstabbing plant, you have to earn your position by not murdering everyone in sight.
  12. Bremerton

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. There isn't enough here to warrant another $10-15 a month cost. Also: -Studio developed with community input. -Community run servers so we can have our own preferences with a few studio servers for those that want to keep it vanilla. -And I'd chip in for Kickstarter.
  13. Bremerton

    Do you get scared?

    Not scared per se, but my pulse was pounding when me and my brother were hunting a bandit. He got my brother but I managed to sneak up behind him when a zombie distracted him. Battlefield 3 does not compare.